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Hey, I like your ideas regarding cruise ships for the elderly! I’m sure some people would object. Most likely, people who haven’t done an ounce of caregiving themselves!

Kind of like people who tell others how it is to raise a child and they have never cared for a child.

Wouldn’t you just love to throw the nay sayers out on a cruise ship with the seniors and let them deal with it?

Oh, they would change their minds very quickly! Doesn’t it seem like common sense and logic are becoming rare? Why do people make everything so freaking complicated?

So I’m upset about a lot of these recent posts. So many stuck in situations that are unbearable. How come you can drop off an infant that you can’t care for, at a hospital , fire station , police station , no questions asked ?
But people are killing themselves taking care of an impossible mentally deranged adult.
They should find a way to recycle and refurbish old cruise ships into care homes . I don’t care if they cut off the bottoms of them and place them on land , or it circles the world or never leaves port .

I can’t take the credit. My hilarious husband says that to me .
I want a mirror that just makes me look skinnier in the middle. The weight is shifting .

That's really nice of you :).

@ venting .

That’s a lie. The mirror got skinny .

So I looked in the mirror today. Maybe it was the angle, I don't know. But it's official. I've gotten fat.

Thx Send. Pacing is so important, and not pushing yourself. I get that the planting was good for you. Even having someone in the house doing work - which is good for me - takes it out of me, so I have to plan extra rest for that time.

Going into major planning mode for the move now and building in rest/recovery periods. Never realized how easy life was before when I could count on my energy or at least count on not getting totally wiped and needing to recover from doing normal activity.

Thanks Golden.
The planting was good for me, and I am finding that limiting the gardening time to 1/2 hr. to 1 hour helps to shorten the recovery time.

You are exactly right, it does make things difficult for getting things done.
So, after hiring a gardener one day only to pull all the weeds, found it was so worth it to let loose of that money in favor of both of us, our health.

You are an inspiration, thanks.

send - thank you for prayers for rain A possibility of thundershowers was forecast but it didn't look promising, I am so thankful for every drop of rain we get these days.

I saw your comment under the gardening thread of two weeks to recover from planting seedings. I don't know how accurate that is for you, but I know it takes days and even more than a week for me to recover from one normally active day. I am not talking about stress here - just normal activity. It's the way it is for those with moderate CFS/FM. Sure makes getting things done difficult.

Good to hear there was some rain, when no rain was expected. ☔️
I know you will guard your health.

Thx Way. I know you would. I did a lot of moving earlier in my life so I know what to do, and R is good at it too, just that for both of us infirmity prevents. I am fine with hiring others to do it and it seems he is now too.

Well, antiwhine - we had showers here last night. R said where he is there was 2 hours of rain. The showers won't make much of a difference to the fire risk but the 2 hrs of rain will down there. Here it cleared the air a bit so the air quality is much, much better and the moist air sure smells nice.

However, looking down the week we are expecting a "heat dome" over this area which is not a good thing at all, Temps are much higher than normal for this time of year and the heat dome traps the hot air. This, of course, creates prime conditions for more wildfires.

Prayers for rain and safety still appreciated. I have some supplies in the car and will gas up today.

My absolute favorite is my Winnie the Pooh bear~

My absolute favorite was my Heart-to-Heart Bear.

This is the original Brat Doll, not Bratz. My sister & I had one of them.

Golden , good luck with the move. If I lived closer I would help . I’m a master at packing and moving . My kids were always impressed how much I could fit in the car for their many College moves each year . Neither one of them stayed in any of their dorms or apartments more than one school year. So I got to be a pro .

venting - it's a good thing sometimes, but not always. We should take our feelings and our physical wellbeing into account. On the other hand it has kept him very fit for his age and he can be very productive. I think for most farmers it is a necessity to be able to succeed. And there are times in life, I think, when we all have to power through. Glad he inspired you,

cw - that is why I have been treading carefully. Cancer and surgery and the aftermath is hard enough on a person. He seems to be doing well adjusting to his forced inactivity and not pushing himself - with lots of encouragement from me to take care of himself. He reads and he also paints (artistically) and hasn't had much time for that in a long time. I have been "grooming" him for several years that as a person ages they can't do what they used to do and there is no shame in getting help, and he has been slowly. He still builds fences with a torn rotator cuff but now at least gets help getting the posts in. He getting help for the stuff that still has to be done at the condo. I think he is making the transition OK but I am aware it is not an easy one for many. I give him lots of praise for what he is doing and tell him how valuable he is.

Golden - I hope R doesn't get discouraged by his inability to power through and get it done, it can come as a shock to some people that it's not just mind over matter.

"this 'farm boy' who was brought up to get things done regardless of how he felt."

Love that attitude! I'll try to be more like him! Let him know he just inspired someone!

Thx Way. Will do.

Was just thinking that this puts more urgency on getting the move done. We have one highway to civilization and lots of dry forest on either side of it. That road has been blocked before by forest fires. and the conditions are ripe for it this year. Best just hire whoever I need to do whatever and get it done.

R is still tired and sore from his surgery so I think he is ready to let go of doing things himself. That's not easy for this "farm boy" who was brought up to get things done regardless of how he felt. It's not an easy transition for many of us. We see that here regularly and some of us are experiencing it now personally or in our loved ones.


Golden , hoping for rain for you .
Stay safe. Keep us posted.

Thx venting. Hearing the water bombers going back and forth to douse the local fires is very comforting these days. After the hesitations at the beginning of the 2016 fire (let's wait and see if it gets worse before we bring in the big equipment - Hah - it jumped the river and was out of control very fast) they are not sitting around this time. Meanwhile I am packing some food and water supplies into the car. Better safe than sorry.

Stay safe!

Thx all.

The provincial govt declared a province wide state of emergency yesterday. They are recommending no nonessential travel on some highways/roads due to no services b/c of the evacuations. Close to 25,000 people evacuated in the province at present and many on evacuation alert. The air quality is still high risk but a little better than yesterday.

Thx re the masks. I was thinking of them yesterday. I still have some N95s as R uses them for some jobs. My sinuses are raw so I think I will dig them out and wear one. I am just recovering from a nasty sins infection. A mask can only help.

Possible thunderstorm Tuesday. I sure hope so!

Golden, so sad and distressing about the fires. Rain!!!!!


Nope. Not this weekend. Still have a lot of unpacking to do.

Golden - I've read that a well fitted N95 mask can help with wildfire smoke.

Golden, I hope things improve with your breathing. Dang those fires!


Geeeeeez! I’m sorry 😞 Fires are awful.


My mom would pretty much write the same items on her shopping list every week for me to buy. I would tell her to call me if she thought of something else that she needed.

It never failed that she would forget to put something on the list and I had to go back to the store.

golden: Thank you. Prayers for your breathing issues due to the bad fires. That's horrible.

@burnt ,
I trust you are diligently working on those brat doll prototypes this weekend👵👴

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