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Pam ,
Oh boy !! How do these things happen?? When I moved from one state to another , the movers got the date wrong too. They didn’t show up , DH called they said they couldn’t come until the next day. Meanwhile the young couple that bought our house showed up before 10am with a truck full already and friends followed to help them move in our house . Why they thought we would be out by 10am was ridiculous. DH called the movers again and they had to hire a different moving company to come.

Well todays moving began with a bang! the movers showed at 9am,, they were supposed to show up tomorrow!! What the hey,, load that truck up and get the show on the road. The truck was 1/2 loaded before thier boss called with the correct information, so they kept on going and we had all her stuff moved into the TH by about 1.30. Plus my SUV, hubs truck and her car all stuffed to the gills. They did all the heavy lifting and even helped with my SUV. I do NOT envy them, there are 3 double sets of stairs in the TH, luckily they are wide. And some of her furniture is massive. We got alot put away, and the rest of what is in the condo she and her friends will get over the next few days. Then just her decorating. She was not expecting to spend the night there tonight but shes all set up for tonight. I am going to be very tired tomorrow for my first day back to work!

I'm still hoping I can make a fortune out of buying shares out of my whining.

Way - sounds like you have it in hand then. Oh the games we have to play! 🙄

I thought about another purifier but I'm not going out to buy more stuff when on the verge of moving. Got rid of one of those cool mist humidifiers a few months back as I wasn't using it. The air is more bearable right now.

Pam - hope you slept well. Moving is exhausting,

Llama - hope your headache/sinus infection is getting better

Need - I'm like you with the Kleenexes - should have bought shares between allergies and the smoke.

Golden ,
what about a cool mist humidifier as well ? . Especially when you are sleeping .

We don’t let him know it bothers us. I don’t even think FIL does it on purpose . He’s just very private about his room . DH has to distract him while I go quick to at least check how many disposable briefs he has left.

Way - he knows what he is doing bothers you so try to accept that is how he is and don't let it bother you. Don't reinforce by jumping - or by being bothered by it. Detach!!!

He wants to be secretive - fine, not your problem. But don't go out if your way to accommodate him.

"OK, Dad. next time I go shopping...Have a good day!"

I have eye wash etc. It's just a pain. It feels like the purifier is helping. I feel sorry for those who have breathing problems.

Golden .
Thanks , I know . We don’t always run right away . Just venting . It’s frustrating that he won’t let us check his bathroom to see what he needs , or his kitchenette .

Sorry about the fires . Stay safe . Do you have artificial tears /lubricant for your eyes ? You can also gargle with salt water for your throat .

Way - he can wait. You don't have to jump - unless it is life threatening.

Whine here -forest fires and then the smoke!!!! Now we have air quality warnings and for good reason. Even with all the windows closed it seeps in and is making my eyes smart and affecting my sinuses and throat. I opened the door briefly to let Rocky out and it is much worse outside.

I have moved my little air purifier into the bedroom and shut the door and may hole up here for the rest of the day.

Needless to say, I am not going outside.

The good thing is that it is much cooler - high 22C (69F).which is better for fire control and there may be showers next week.

Uggh. DH away working this weekend. I’m on duty alone for the weekend with FIL . FIL already called this morning .
He refuses to let us look around his room to see what he needs so I can just do once a week shopping . He calls up when he runs out of something .🙄

PamZ: Hope that you sleep better tonight. Waking up at the wrong time is 'unpleasant,' to put it mildly.

J. C. Penney

They are doing a Mother’s Day sale. So. I decided to get a few things while they were on sale.

I think I would have gotten the free shipping if I wouldn’t have used Apple. J. C. Penney needs to catch up with the times!

Need. What store was it ?

So, my order finally went through but I didn’t get free shipping even though I ordered enough to get it! Honestly, at this point, I don’t care. I will pay the $8 for shipping. Not worth calling back to spend 20 additional minutes on the phone. Maybe next time I will place my order to ship to the store and go pick it up.

Ordering online is great, when it works.

This is why I only shop once in awhile. It’s a pain! Tired of wearing the same clothes over and over though.


It becomes so tedious explaining things to customer service two or three times and they still don’t get it!

Ive been saying for years , since computers, the internet and all tech stuff , I think it just made life more complicated. It didn’t save us time, we just spend time different now .

Why, oh why do we have to do most things two or three times before getting it done?

I saw a few tops on sale. Tried to pay with Apple Pay. Order wouldn’t go through! Grrrrrrrr…

Called customer service and they were of no help and said to wait a few minutes and try again.

Sick of tech issues. I have never had a problem with Apple Pay before! Customer service representative said, “Oh, someone else just called before you with the same problem.”

I wanted to say, ‘Then fix it!’ But I remained cordial with her.


Same here. Limited contact, then no contact, as well. I didn’t see my brother again until shortly before he died in hospice.

Need. That’s so true. I saw what the bad apple sister was doing, she was older than me. I stayed on the straight and narrow.

I never got in trouble ,
which is what prompted the bad apple to say I was trying to be the favorite .

It was all downhill from there with that sister . I was limited contact for years . No contact since my parents passed .


Moving is exhausting!


You know what is sad? I know that because of the way my brother behaved, it definitely affected how my parents, especially my mom treated the rest of us. Know what I mean? It made them tougher on us.

My friend said that she was talking to her therapist about one of her children and she said to her, “Parents can raise all of their children the same way, yet one may take a different path.” Very true!

Pam. That sounds like move in day at a college dorm or apartment . The last one of those I did was exhausting , I was 10 years older for the last move in then I was for the first college move in for my oldest . Neither of my kids Stayed more than one year in a dorm or apartment. We moved them in and out every year . And one kid changed majors 1/2 way so did an extra year of 🙄🙄

Last year both kids moved also . One bought a house , the other moved in with fiancé .

OMG I am getting old!! We began the move into DDs new townhouse. Of course it didn;t help that I woke up at 130 am and never got back to sleep.. LOL We did get the bathrooms all cleaned and sanitized LOL and the kitchen set up. The movers are bringing the furniture Sunday, so tomorrow we will finish the blinds and new keypads for the doors, and the rest of the cleaning that we can do until the movers are done.Let me tell you after about a hundred trips up and down the stairs I never want a townhouse! I am beyond exhausted, and thank goodness she is not selling her condo so we don;t have to be in a rush! We are going to get her dog on sun ( or hubs will as I work) so she dosen't have a nervous breakdown with the move!

Need , I’m one of 5 , I have one sister that gave my parents a run for their money too .

She’s a narcissist like my mother was. But even worse . I think she has some other personality disorder , maybe borderline idk


I swear she sounds exactly like my husband’s grandmother. She was an absolutely miserable woman! Her husband was a saint to put up with her.

My sweet MIL used to pray as a child that her dad would divorce her mom so that he could be happy.

Devout Catholics didn’t get divorced back then. So, the man never retired. He went to the office until he was in his late 70’s. He said that it would kill him if he had to be with her full time!

I had a neighbor who had a really horrible wife. Every morning when I left for work I saw the man putting his golf clubs in his car. He said that he was glad to be retired but he was going to spend all day on the golf course and in the clubhouse rather than being home with his wife!

Ever wonder if your parents did anything crazy when they were kids? LOL 😆

Okay, my dad told me a few things, nothing serious but really funny stuff! His dad was pretty strict from what he told me. So, he couldn’t get away with too much. His parents died before I was born.

Mom never told us about anything that she did.

No one has a perfect family. Kids are going to try things! It’s part of being a kid. I did stupid, silly stuff. My brother was the black sheep. He gave my parents enough trouble to last a lifetime.

The memories come back. Once when they were taking us to dinner (thank the Lord) I complimented her on her hat to which she immediately barked at me "You can't have it".


That dish sounds totally disgusting 🤮! Yuck!!!

Venting, it was more of a sorry for being difficult and how different she felt now as she was close to dying. I was just so stunned because we all felt we had to tiptoe around her. As a young girl I took a guest towel from the guest room at their beach house and was berated for taking the guest towel. I didn't see any other towels to use at the beach.

She was a terrible cook but you had to eat her food. She had this dish she made often which was corned beef jello or aspic. My husband and I could not get that down so we did our best and mashed it around the plate and found a lettuce leaf anything to hide it under.


Oh, yeah! That happens too. Daddy’s little girls. Dads sometime allow them to do things that we didn’t!!

I was upset when my daughter told me, but I got over it.

My oldest daughter was already living on her own. My youngest one was at home, still and in high school. She was a very good student, dance team, volunteer with helping special ed kids, the whole bit.

Anyway, apparently she went to a party where some kids were drinking. The cops were called because they were too loud.

My daughter panicked when the police said they were going to call their parents. My daughter gave the police her sister’s phone number!

When the policeman announced that he was calling about my younger daughter, my oldest daughter pretended to be me.

She told the police that she had never been in trouble before and she was a very good student and that this was totally out of character for her.

Then she asked the police to please send her home right away and she would be grounded!

The cop sent her home. My younger daughter got in her car and drove home. I didn’t know anything at all about the entire incident until recently!

I’m still puzzled why she told me all of this years later!

Need. , My kids ratted out my husband to me years later about what Dad would let them do in the house that Mom didn’t .
When my kids were young I worked weekends in the hospital or nursing home . Apparently Dad was a bit lax with the rules .

Among other things , They played hockey in the kitchen and the dishwasher was the goal . That explains all the dents in it.

It’s funny I was more strict than DH when the kids were young. Then we flipped when they were teenagers .

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