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Have any of you with children found out about something that they did that you knew absolutely nothing about when it happened?

This happened to me awhile ago when my oldest daughter told me what the youngest daughter did. My oldest daughter was in on the whole thing so she wasn’t exactly innocent either.

She was laughing when she told me the story. I spoke to my younger daughter about it and she didn’t know how to respond! I think she may have been upset that her sister ratted her out all these years later. Then she laughed about it too.


Hmmmm, I may try that too.


Thanks for the tip!

I have always thought that Amelia was a really beautiful, elegant name!

Ana., I do have some dish cloths too . I use them for some things. DH likes a sponge for everything

Way and Need, try Swedish dish cloths. Absorbent, washable and made of compostable wood cellulose.

Need, nice to hear you think my elder daughter’s name is pretty.

Need. I stopped doing that when a sponge got stuck in the bottom under the thing that spins around . I don’t know how it got there but it did . Now I use baking soda and water in a bowl and microwave them .

Yep! It’s a trade off. Do you run sponges through your dishwasher? I do.

I’m amazed at the amount of trash that we accumulate for just two people! Everything comes in too much packaging.

Need . Actually I have cut back a lot on my paper towel usage, since the shortages during Covid . Now I wash a lot more dish towels though.
I don’t let the same one hang around too long . I use prob two dish towels per meal .


I am guilty of that too! I use too many paper towels.

My neighbor hosted a student from France in her home. He freaked out when he saw the amount of paper towels that her family used. He asked her for old towels. She gave him some and he cut them up for them to use in place of the paper towels. They did it. They made the switch.

He was a sweet kid. My friend only had a couple of issues with her foreign exchange student living in her home. Her daughter fell in love with the guy! She adored his French accent. Plus, she had to tell him that he couldn’t walk out of his room in his underwear! They are more relaxed about that stuff in France but she didn’t want her daughter staring at him.

Vent , here is my whine moment. I’m exhausted , I started a new job today and was anxious all week ahead of time . And I only worked half day today 🙄.

venting, if it was only that easy …, we would all be rich .

Way, I have too many whine moments. I should stock in whining. :)
Am I going to get rich now?

Need . My husband says I use too many paper towels and should have stock in those .

I just realized the title of this thread is, what's your "whine moment today"...
Problem: I have about 3 whine moments, every minute. That makes for a lot of moments in one full day. Maybe I belong in another thread :(.

Hopefully I can still hang around in this thread ;).

Okay, I have a confession. I have horrible allergies! I’m one of those people that has tissues on my nightstand, in my pockets, on all end tables, in my car as well! LOL 😆

My husband says that we should own stock in Kleenex!


Yes, and guess how long it took to do the surgery? About 15 minutes for both eyes.

It is the quickest and easiest surgery that I have ever had!

My anesthesiologist said, “Hey, do you like music?” I said, “Yes, I do!” He said that he was going to play music for me and by time that the third song was over they would be just about done! He was right!

I told my ophthalmologist that she worked magic on me!


I knew how you meant it. I just wanted to share about my dad. It still touches my heart. He died many years ago, in 2002.

Need . Did you have lens implants too ? My mom did


Here’s the thing. The one in my right eye was a normal cataract from aging. It could have waited.

The one is my left eye was a different type that was rapidly robbing me of my vision.

So, my doctor said to have it done. I couldn’t even see the big E with my left eye. I was able to see some light but nothing else.

After I had it done, I was blown away. The doctor said that I am an exception to the general population who has cataracts removed. I have 20/20 vision and don’t need reading glasses. Most people still need glasses for reading.

Hold on, I don't mean apologies from sweet people. I meant, apologies from people who really should apologize for major things, and it's long overdue. I'll edit my message below.


My sweet dad apologized for everything that he ever felt that he did wrong a short time before he died.

Of course, I told him that no apologies were in order. He really did want to make sure that he squared everything away before he died.

He was the opposite of my husband’s grandmother who wrote hate letters to everyone that she knew before she died!

Hi River, I've never, ever heard of a deathbed apology. I don't know anyone ever who has done it, so I was surprised to hear your step grandmother apologized on her deathbed. I started looking up how common it is for people to apologize on their deathbed and really mean it. Apparently, it's very rare.

Here's what I read:
"People justify to themselves the things they do in all sorts of ways…and the sh***ttier the person is, they less they feel the need to do so."

**Edit: I mean deathbed apologies from narcs; nasty, abusive people.

Need . That’s so cool , I know so many people that gave up glasses after that except for maybe cheaters for reading.

I’m not there yet , my cataracts are newish , not bad enough the doc said to do them yet.

It was just wrong that I wore glasses and my mother didn’t (after her cataract surgery ) .

I can admit to a number of the things that have been mentioned. You all will get there, should you live so long. Trust me! 🤣

Way, I'm pretty good about checking pockets and sleeves before the laundry. It doesn't take too many loads spattered with bits of Kleenex to make a lasting impression,

I looked at my sofa the other day and saw a couple of Kleenexes on the cushions and said to myself, "An old person lives here!" Sometimes they drop out of the sleeves.


I got cataract surgery and can see again! LOL 😆

I wore glasses for years! The other day a friend of mine said, “Why haven’t I noticed how blue your eyes are?” I hadn’t seen her in awhile. I said, “Take a good look at my face. What’s different?”

She stared and stared. I finally had to tell her, “No more glasses!” Then she said, “That’s it! Did you get contacts?” I said, “No, I got cataract surgery.”


I love Edwina for a brat name!!! Very fitting!


That’s true! Some are sweet. I love certain old names, Amelia is so pretty! Lots of other ones are too.

It’s so strange how some names get such a reputation. Some of those older names are getting popular again for babies .

DH and I both had grandmothers named Mildred . They were both nice.


YOU are most definitely NOT a senior brat!

Hahaha 😝 We may be a little bratty at times but it’s all good natured.

You are our inspiration! And absolutely delightful. 😊

Late to the conversation but my mother was Sylvia and a beloved grandmother was Helen. They really didn't have an ounce of evil in them. I would nominate Edwina as a name, my step grandmother who was always very difficult. She did apologize on her deathbed.

Golden . Lol. The thing about the tissues in the lower parts of the sleeves….I would always forget and get mad at myself that I didn’t check inside first and take them out before they flew all over the place taking off the sweater .

Im getting there. I have fully embraced comfy jeans with elastic waist this past year , and I wear glasses.

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