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Ouch, Llama. Prayers for healing and for sleep. Take care!

Llama, best healing wishes to you.

Barb, that is great news!


🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻 I hope you got some sleep and your wound heals quickly .

DH is taking me to the hospital tomorrow for a pressure sore on my buttocks. Please pray that I can sleep as I have little sleep in the last 48 hours. Thank you.


So happy to hear this news about your husband. I certainly hope that the worst is behind him and that you and your husband will not have any more trips to the hospital any time soon.

Barb - so glad his healing is progressing well. You both have been through a rough time. Hopefully it is over now for at least this year. (((((hugs))))

My DH's stent came out today!

Followup CT scan to check up on his kidneys in a month. Ordered in Chinese food tonight to celebrate.

Thanks to all of you for your hugs, support and prayers during the last couple of weeks.


My husband says that the weathermen have the only job where they can be wrong 50 percent of the time and not lose their jobs! 😝

Y’all are getting slammed with snow! It’s almost spring!

way: You're welcome.

The weather forecasters got it wrong again . Got twice as much snow as they predicted . 🙄🙄. I want their job , they can be wrong everyday and it’s ok . 😂


Also , dirty slush is gross .

Way hope you feel better soon. I fighting a sore throat/sinus issues now too. I'm with you on snow mold. Gets me every year and if I rake the lawn I can't breathe.

Beatty thx i wasn't bad. Hope kitty gets lost

Need - snow isn't pretty when it melts and turns to slush.

way: Feel better soon.


We get our fair share of rainfall too. I don’t like cold weather or rain! Especially, when it rains during jazz fest.

I like plants in pots. I have potted plants on the porch and the patio.

At least, snow is pretty! I’m sure that you’re sick of it though.

I am with you about the beach. I love everything about the beach except for hurricanes! My dad grew up in Florida.

We went to the beach every summer when we were kids. We took our kids throughout their childhood. We still go every so often.

Thanks, Beatty!

That’s strange that you get the kitty when you try to change it. Have you thought about contacting AgingCare to see if they can fix the problem?

Well wishes Way!
May the cleaning be easy Golden!

My whine is I am still stuck with my New Year's Eve firework avatar. Get the whoops cat trying to change it.. nevermind. I am happy to admire your sweet bird Need!

Thanks ,
We’ve had a decent amount of snowstorms this year . There is still a few inches in the back yard . It melts more in front where it gets more sun especially next to the driveway . That’s where the wet grass , dirt, mold will get me when I go to shovel and I disturb that area again . Plus there are big piles the plows make along the curbs. Shopping centers have big piles still but they are melting . I’m so over winter , even though I know a wet spring won’t be much better allergy wise . I’ve stopped digging in the dirt to plant flowers a few years now . I just have a few planters and flower pots .
I do much better in a sandy beach area ( where I grew up ) than inland like I am now . 🥺


So much snow! I can’t imagine what that is like year after year.

We got caught in a snow blizzard driving to Vail in the spring. Ski season had ended and a freak snowstorm blew into town.

My husband had never driven in a snowstorm before. He was so happy when we arrived at our hotel.

I hope you feel better soon, Way.

I have sinusitis from a cold I caught last week and it has my asthma giving me trouble especially at night . Plus the ground is so wet from the 8 inches of snow that just melted . Wet grass , wet dirt , mold , just does me in .

More SNOW tonight . More shoveling . More melting . Just what I need. That groundhog was
wrong . Spring is not coming early . 😭😭😭

On my!!! Spilt some liquid on the top shelf of the fridge which is a large piece of glass fitted (not very securely) into a plastic frame. Started moving things to mop up and the glass came partly out of the frame and the front of it fell forward. So the contents slide forward fortunately mostly held in place by the frame. The liquid, of course, dripped everywhere and small containers fell out onto the floor.

So I have a nice clean up job to do.

The bright side is that nothing was broken, I am discarding a few things that have been around too long for my liking, and I will never buy extra yogurt again!!! It takes up too much space.

Now to wrestle with that shelf and get the glass back in again, more securely I hope. Wish R was here!!! He will be soon but not soon enough for this. ☹

Ana - we badly need it here too for the livestock and the land. We may have another year of bad forest fires if we don't get more precipitation.

We need snow! During dry winters I worry that our wells will run dry. And a fast melt, before the ground has thawed, means the water runs off, instead of soaking into the aquifer. 1” fell yesterday and we’re to get 2-4” tomorrow.

golden: Thank you.

I kinda miss winter, we were supposed to get snow last night, upstate NY . woke up to nothing 😔.
But it has been a much easier winter, to get things done and stuff. And so much easier on the pocket book.
I will definitely have my whin moment when the heat and humidity sets in. This summer

Yes it's hard to get worked up about global warming when it gives us relief from winter. On the other hand we always seem to have a late cold spring now and then suddenly jump right into summer heat.

TG - so glad to hear that life is easier for you and your wife. Be sure to keep it that way! You both were under such stress!!!

river - glad you are making good progress

Llama - hope you got it sorted out

send - good advice. I was wondering if part of the problem was medications.

ITRR - I'm so very sorry about your dd. There is no pain like losing a child. (((((hugs)))

Anti whine here - this has been the mildest winter I have experienced in well over 40 years, and very welcome at that. Minus 5 C (23F) today and a few snow flurries expected, which we need. A little cooler next week then warmer again. Sure beats 35 below! Woo hoo!!!

Real, I am so sorry to hear about your daughter.

Stitches out of my foot and all the blood soaked bandaging came off. Only I pin stays in for 4 more weeks. We had to get pencil erasers to put it on the edge to protect it. They had put a foam piece on it after the operation but it disappeared somewhere. So just 4 weeks more with this shoe but it all feels better already. The other 2 pins stay in the toes. I think this is a more recent technology. Thanks for the messages.

Send, our 42 year old daughter died from serotonin syndrome.

Thank you for posting this. It isn't something people tend to think about, drug interactions and all.


Thanks, since Trazadone is no longer working my sleep doctor plans to take me off of it. He sent me a helpful response to my MyChart message to him today.

This weekend and the early part of today were the absolute pits. However, some additional conversations have given me some hope.

I have been extremely frustrated and exhausted to the point of hardly wanting to live. The weekend was rough and so was this morning.

My sleep doctor wants me to inform him if I start sleepwalking, get depressed or start thinking about suicide.

Update on my sleep problems.

I've joined another narcolepsy page on FB that is focused on medicine.

I learned that contrary to the internet sites about drug interactions, I can take both  Xyrem with Welbutrin.

Here are some nice comments from the medicine page.

"Glad you’re here and hope you get answers and help. Diagnosis of N usually is 3-15 years after the onset of symptoms, so you’re not alone! Glad your psych knows her stuff.

(Good) sleep deprivation is torture! Xywav has Been such a help for me.

I have taken Xyrem with Welbutrin as have many others.

Don’t rely on drug interaction checkers online for such a complicated unique medication. There is a speciality pharmacy that dispenses both Xyrem and Xywav, and only certain doctors who are certified can prescribe them. So I would start by making a call to the specialty pharmacy to see if your doctor is certified and to ask any questions you have about interactions with your meds.

They are called ESSDS pharmacy and their number is 866-997-3688. These medications can be life-changing for many of us with narcolepsy or IH because they get to the root of our problems, which is non-restorative sleep.

Hang in there, absolutely nothing worked for me until I tried Xyrem.

I can tell you that for most of us, they are life-changing. But not instantly. It takes weeks to months, but once it works, you’ll never want to hear without it."  

So once, my diagnosis is clear, they will start me up on various meds slowly which will take weeks to months to work.

I'm not surprised, but overall this is encouraging news.

I began today extremely frustrated and exhausted, barely made it to therapy, came home, went to bed, cancelled my PT, and sent my sleep doctor an update that his experiment with increasing modafinil did not work. He sent me a helpful reply.

However, tonight, I end this day on a better note.

I was also glad to hear from my sister-in-law that her doctor finally gave her a prescription for her UTI. My wife and I are going up there in a few days. She says that she will be glad to have us up there on this the first anniversary of her husband's death.

I'm blessed to have a sister-in-law like her. We have supported and helped each other through so much over the years, we are more like siblings than an in-laws. She's glad to have me since I'm a stable person in her life and thus she trusts me and my advice. This trust was the bridge by which I reached out to her years ago before she retired and kept her from making a drastic financial error. She thanked me in tears saying that no one had ever cared that much for her. I understand given her family dynamics. I was glad to help and appreciate her being open to me.

I agree with her more recent idea for the three of us to find a triple-level care senior place to move into. However, it is her idea and she will bring that up when she is ready like all introverts do. I think I will go to bed now. I have an appointment at 10:30 am.

Thanks for ya'lls concern.

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