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Hey gals. Be kind. You're talking about me! Your time will come too. 👵😁


Support hose! Glasses, dentures and hearing aids. Oh, canes, wheelchairs and walkers. Poise pads and Depends.

My husband had an evil grandmother who was addicted to laxatives! So, a pocketbook with laxatives would be a good accessory too! A robe, slippers and curlers!

Oh gosh, I got a workout every time I put support stockings on mom!

I worked with a guy who always stole my lunch from the fridge in our lounge area. I got sick of it and put chocolate exlax in my lunch bag. He never stole it again!


I love Blood, Sweat and Tears! They covered an obscure Billie Holiday song, God Bless the Child and turned it into a mega hit. I still like Billie’s version too.

Blood, Sweat and Tears had a great horn section!

Lucretia Macevil is a cool song! So is Maggie May, Rod Stewart. Maggie could be a brat! LOL 😆

My favorite golden girl, Sophia! Also, Aunt Bea or Aunt Clara!


There’s at least one crazy person in our families. Sometimes more than one!

Burnt ,
make sure the female dolls come with tissues tucked in the sleeves . I remember working in the nursing home , taking off the women’s cardigan sweaters and it would snow tissues.


Hahahahaha! 🤣

Hey. I know a few seniors who fit that description perfectly!


Too funny!

Cat and Way,

I picked Gertrude. Maybe, Agatha or my godmother’s name, Mabel. Mabel was mean! Plus she gave awful birthday and Christmas gifts!

LOL 😆, Mabel gave me underwear every single year. What kid wants underwear as a present? Of course, I smiled and politely said, “Thank you.”

My mom and dad raised me to be polite but I really wasn’t interested in getting underwear!

What names do you like? Oooooh, Hilda!

Cute names for the Senior Brat dolls Burnt.
The original dolls stick their tongue out when you squeeze them in the stomach. I think the Senior version should yell obscenities or pass gas.. haha

Oh boy, David. I get that!

Thanks Polarbear. Actually just writing that felt better already.

David, we hear ya. Care to share more? Feel good to vent...

@ Burnt .
can I request my MIL name for a doll ?
Maybe you can include a personalized doll with each new client for your business .

Haven’t been here for a while. I just dealt with some despicable human beings. Family members. Just needed to say that.

Hothouse, I hope solutions present themselves so your stomach unknots. As a stress eater, I’d love to donate 75lb to help when you lose your appetite.

Re: the naming of the dolls. Burnt, are you familiar with Blood, Sweat and Tears’ hit from 1970 called “Lucretia MacEvil”? Great song! Give it a listen, but be prepared to dance.

I’m so sorry. hothouse

It’s never easy. I know what you mean about a knot in your stomach. During the most stressful times of my caregiving, I could barely eat.

My doctor got upset with me for not eating enough and losing weight but I lost my appetite. Not only that, half of the time, I was just too tired to eat. So, I would just take a bite here and there.

I hope that you are able to find a caregiver to work on Sundays

Wishing you peace as you continue on in your caregiver journey.


Perfect names! LOL 😆

My sister just called to give me an update of the fun things happening with my parents.

My 94 yo dad does not want to be out of bed in NH and nurses are insisting that he should be. We finally informed staff that if he doesn’t want to be out of bed he shouldn’t have to be. He’s declining. He just wants to sleep.

My mothers aide informed us she doesn’t want to work Sundays anymore. Now there’s uncertainty about her caregivers. One change can change everything. I know our schedule was built on a house of cards. Back to figuring that out.

My mom is also complaining that she feels as though she’s in a fog. She has a pacemaker and it probably has to do with her blood pressure. I’m not sure what to do about this.

I am so tired of thinking about them. Due to go back in a couple of weeks for my stint and have a knot in my stomach already.


The first edition of Senior Bratz dolls will be named:





and of course last but certainly not least one named for the most terrifying senior I ever met in my life.

Zia Lucrezia or as us kids had to call her in English Auntie Creesha.

I need my coffee! Keep on whining! Talk later…


You’re probably right.

There is no drug that un-brats anyone.

Bratty behavior is here to stay. I'm already looking forward to Day 3 of my BRAT diet.


Drugs help! Not enough, though…

Oh my gosh, drugs certainty don’t work in every case. When I had my bicycle accident. I was in the hospital having my surgery (rods placed on both bones.)

There was an old woman across the hall from me. She had mental problems, couldn’t speak English and wondered into my room screaming at me in Spanish. I freaked out, called for the nurse and begged them to drug her.

The nurse said. “Honey, we gave her drugs in an amount that would be a lethal dose for you. It didn’t phase her.” So, I sarcastically said to the nurse, “Well, then drug me. Knock me out so I can sleep!”

I was in so much pain even with the morphine and this horrible old woman made my stay in the hospital almost unbearable. I felt sorry for the nurses on that shift and had to take care of her.

If there would be a way to un-brat someone, I think that would make millions...$$$$.


Oh my gosh! You had the red head and others too! I only had one Barbie and Skipper.

I did not have the car or the dream house. My parents couldn’t afford those. I played with my friend’s car and dream house.

My Barbie did have incredible clothes because my mom was a fabulous seamstress and made her tons of clothes! I can’t imagine making those tiny clothes but she did.

Yeah, there would be backlash but it is hysterical! I bet you would have tons of fans!!!

Can you just tell me what you would name a few? Please! Ooooh, can I name one? Gertrude! LOL 😆

I played with my dolls too.

One of my favorite toys was my cash register. I was strolling through an antique shop one day and saw the exact one that I had. I wanted it until I saw that it was being sold for $75! Remember the toys were metal then? It was red metal with the play money. I played store for hours! Now toys are all plastic.


We can laugh about it, but can you imagine what the societal backlash would be on a product like Senior Bratz with the ridiculous political correctness and over-sensitivity we live in today?
For sure there would be a huge market for them (i.e. every person who is caregiving for an elder) and they'd make money.
I stil want to do it.




You can make big bucks, then you can do a wonderful presentation on Shark Tank and get the big investors!

Way and I will be happy to help you get started! Make millions and as investors Way and I will make a few bucks as investors.

Maybe Lori would invest and put your line of Senior Bratz dolls on QVC! Oh, and Mr. Wonderful is in the toy business!

I’m amazed at how quickly items sell out on QVC. Mom used to order a couple of tops from there once or twice a year. I would watch it occasionally with her.

I wonder how many kids have senior brat grannies. My grandma was a sweetheart but I bet it is really difficult for kids with mean grandmothers.

Hey I just want to say that Day 2 of my BRAT diet is going swell.


I think every person who is a caregiver to an elder would buy a Senior Bratz doll for themselves.
I also had two black Barbies. They were beautiful. I had the original one with the red hair that was passed down and the second edition one that looked like Donna Summer back in the day. I don't have those anymore. Wish I did because they's be worth a fortune now.
I played with my dolls and loved them That's what toys are for. What kid gets a new toy and leaves it sealed in the original box and never touches it so it will be worth money?
None of the kids I know even play with toys anymore. Everything is just a screen.


Can Way and I invest in your ‘Senior Bratz’ line of dolls?

Please 🙏 !!!


The Dammit doll was sort of a novelty item for awhile. I got one at a craft fair to use at my desk at work! They were cute.

I didn’t have a special edition Barbie. Sounds awesome. I did have an original Barbie. I wish that I still had it. I think the red head one was rare and worth a lot of money now. I had the typical blonde Barbie.

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