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You never know with all those Beabie Babies of yours what they're worth. Everything from the past is back in with the kids and they pay big money for it.
Like vinyl record albums. Kids are paying big money for records. So it stands to reason that Gen Z is going to rediscover Beanie Babies and you will hit the jackpot.

@Need and Way

I never heard of a Dammit Doll. You have to remember I grew up poor. So any dolls I got I took care of and would not be slamming it on the table. I remember I got the best Barbie ever when I was a little kid. It was probably around 1977. They released a special edition Barbie that was 18" tall. That doll was beautiful. I still have it and she's still beautiful.

I think I will create the line of Senior Bratz dolls. They will be the parents of the original Bratz dolls of the early 90's who are now their middle-aged adult children.
They will have to be talking though because there's never been a senior brat who was silent. Any living senior brat worth their Milk of Magnesia can get a room full of happy people having a good time at each other's throats within a minute. A proper senior brat can bring that party down fast. Like my mother. She's the O.G. senior brat.

My first edition of Senior Bratz dolls will when you press the button say:

-If only you could lose some weight, dear. You have such a pretty face.

-I'm voting for (insert ANY name here)

-I don't want to be a burden. Peel me a grape, slave'.

-I don't ask that much of you.

LOL! Walkers, canes, and lottery scratch tickets sold seperately.

Golden that's not good. February was very dry, no rain and fire season in Florida.


I’m so sorry to hear about the fires. That’s awful 😞.

Several evacuations popping up in Northern Alberta but not close to here thankfully. Yes, rain go west for sure.

However I opened my windows to get some nice cool night air and has to close them again. The smoke from the fires is coming in this direction.

Send I know you are one of the relative insomniacs - part of the CFS/FM I have read

Ana I would welcome some mud right about now. We could send you some sunshine in exchange for the rain.

Thx Llama - it's not like I have a choice.

Good night Send and fellow night owls. Hoping the rain has let up as we’re about to walk the dogs. Augh, my muddy floors. We have pools of standing water scattered about the yard. Our seedlings are still indoors. Risk of frost here generally until 3rd week of May. C’mon sunshine! Rain, go west!

Prayed for rain to put out the fires, but we had rain here instead. Soaking the new vegetables just planted last month.

I was getting up at 3:00 a.m. to cover them, and my hero went out and rolled them out of the rain. I forgot that I put the planter on the old rolling Bbq.

The weather changes from 88 degree heat and sun, changing to gray and rain is going to ruin my plants. But it's okay, the bunnies need to eat, so when the time comes, I can just put the planter on the ground. We can try again with other seeds best planted later.

We try but often cannot get more than 4-5 hours of sleep a night.
Everybody should try to at least rest, with the full moon now @ 100%
10:00 p.m. PST, Thursday night.

Goodnight Golden, and everybody still awake.

golden: Thank you. Sorry that you have to 'go with the flow.'

Golden , good news !!
I wish they could collect the rain where it’s falling too much and bring it to the dry areas.

LLama, - Hope you sleep better tonight. I just have to go with the flow. and get the sleep when I can. It's better than not getting it at all as when I was working, Now I can adapt my routine around it.

Good news - the alert for the fire south of us has been cancelled and the fire north of us is "being held" meaning it is not likely to spread, so considering the dry conditions, heat and lack of rain that is good work by the fire crews.. Our fire hazard is still considered to be extreme so we still need rain.

golden: I wouldn't be able to fall asleep during the day, nor could I get by on 5 hours. Had a rough night last night and I will just have to wait till the next sleep cycle.

Thank you for the great suggestion Pam.
It's time to sell or find homes for all my collections and I'm really overwhelmed plus going through all my Mother's belongings,a whole house full.
SO,I need all the suggestions I can get.
I really appreciate it~


Isn’t it sweet how sentimental your daughter is?

My mom was so self conscious about her hand writing after she got Parkinson’s disease. She had beautiful handwriting before that.

She wanted me to sign my daughters birthday cards. I told her that she should sign them and they would not care about her shaky writing. They loved the sweet words that she wrote to them. They kept all of my mom’s cards too.


I remember those precious moments figurines.

Tomorrow we help DD move into her new townhouse,, and I have sat off as well. The movers are bringing her large furniture Sun and thank God I am working that day!! tomorrow and sat we will clean, do the kitchen and get the bathrooms set up. I am getting too old for this! She and her dad are going to Lowes for some stuff and hopefully she can sleep there Sun night! She is planning to rent out her condo, and I am so proud of her. But it tore me up when she set me a picture of a card my parents sent her when she bought the condo. They were so proud of her! She is saving that card! Luckily she has friends and her dad to help her Sunday

So, grandma had the best stuff for us to play with. We had pick up sticks, wooden puzzles that grandpa made, a view master with tons of reels, ball and jacks, play telephones, card games, tops with the string to spin, yo-yo, slinky, hula hoop, etch a sketch, etc. I love those old toys!

Oh, grandpa was an amazing carpenter! He made us stilts. I got so good walking on them that I would walk around the block! My friends wanted some too and grandpa made them for all of the kids.

Grandma had one of those hand crank ice cream makers. Oh, my gosh! It was the best ice cream ever and fun to make.

I really did have incredible grandparents. I think they saved me from some of the chaos that went on at home with my oldest brother.

My friend has a ton and I mean a ton of Precious Moments figurines . Her own plus her mother’s.


Oh, my gosh! I have watched that movie a bazillion times! I love it! I watched all of the Doris Day films with my mom.

Did you listen in on the party line at your grandmother’s house? My cousin talked me into it!

Pam , Good point about selling a whole box . Someone would probably buy a box for their kids .
My son did that with some old video games and the game system all together .

Lucky.. you may be surprised at what you can get. Just list them per container and see what happens. People are always looking for the special ones ! My DD sold alot of american girl stuff online, some branded and some not,, and made a killing! You may only get $20 per bin, but thats better than nothing! Don;t list what is in each container,, just list it,, its a treasure hunt!

Luckylu ,

Are you sure ? Someone I know has been selling some of her Beanies . Some of them are rare and collectible . You could look into that.

Need, I too, remember the fun party lines were at grandma's house.

Which leads me to the recommendation for anyone looking for a funny movie, Pillow Talk with Doris Day and Rock Hudson is a hilarious example of why we shouldn't listen on party lines. 🤣

I worked at Hallmark during the Beanie craze and
Now I have 8 , 33 gallon containers of them up in the attic that are worthless ,pretty much.
And no kids to pass them on to.
:( and that's just one collection I have to find a home for.
I'm so overwhelmed.
Thanks for hearing my whine~


Your daughter sounds adorable! My husband has a very chill personality with a very dry wit!

My kids have picked up his sense of humor too. I had a very quirky sense of humor as a kid. I guess I still do.

My cousin and I got into trouble all the time as children. She was usually the instigator! LOL 😆

I am dating myself by saying this, hahaha…We loved listening in on grandma’s party telephone line! LOL 😆

Do you remember party lines? We thought it was hysterical to listen to other people’s conversations! We tried to be very quiet but my cousin would always burst into laughter and then I would laugh. We would get yelled at for listening in, so we hung up the phone. Then the other party would call my grandmother and tell her that we were listening in on the party line again!

My grandmother was so sweet. She corrected us but she was so clever. She bought us a play phone that looked real. It was fun. It was a pair of phones with a long wire in between them. You could hear each other and we had a blast talking on our play telephones. Grandma was pretty smart!


Aww that’s cute . That’s also why we switched to the boring plain bandaids . We had that going on too .
I worked in the school my daughter went to . If her friends would come to the nurse for a bandaid or whatever mild thing that they didn’t get sent home for , later they would say to my daughter , “ I saw your mom today “. My daughter’s deadpan response was “ I see her everyday “. I thought that was pretty clever for a little kid . But then again both my kids learned from my husbands humor .
Some of the sick teachers that came down were bigger babies than the kids .


Bratz dolls have a Wikipedia page! 😆


When my oldest daughter was in kindergarten I got a call from the school nurse!

My daughter tried to fake injuries so she could get a Band-Aid with the cute characters on it.

The nurse thought she was cute and went along with it the first few times and bandaged her imaginary injuries, but then she thought it was time for her to put an end to it so my daughter wouldn’t empty her Band-Aid stash! LOL 😆

I had a talk with my daughter about not going to visit the school nurse during recess time.

Need ,

I forgot about those dolls you slam on your desk . Lol. When I worked as a school nurse . The other nurse that worked with me had a BS button in her desk drawer . Lol. For when we had those days where it seemed like only the fakers trying to get out of a big test came down to us . We used to watch the kids and see how they were acting when they thought we weren’t watching them . They were too young to realize you should act sick the whole time you are at the school nurse not just act like you are dying when you walk through the door . Lol The kids would start kidding around with each other , laughing , then could not understand why they got sent back to class . The other nurse would push the button in her drawer if we had a rare moment that we cleaned out and had an empty room, before the next wave .

Way, venting and Burnt,

Thanks for the laughs! Y’all are awesome!


So far, GI Joe has a lot of compliments from you, Way and I! LOL 😆 I said, Cool!, Way said, “Hunk!” You said, “Fine!” Love it! Too funny!!!

Seriously, Burnt…

I am cracking up right now. I honestly can’t think of anyone else on this site that could design a line of senior brat dolls better than you could! They would be perfectly designed if you did it!!!

May I make one suggestion please? Remember the ‘Dammit’ dolls that people slammed on their desk to release stress? Could you come up with a catchy phrase like the Dammit Dolls had? Oh, Gosh…that might have to be censored! LOL 😆


That is hysterical! I love it! 😂

Sure, I remember dime stores. Let’s see, we had Morgan and Lindsey, Woolworths, TG&Y, Kress, etc. My mom bought all kinds of stuff in them! Some had lunch counters too!

I guess KMart and Walmart sort of took their place. Same thing happened with the neighborhood mom and pop hardware stores. They bit the dust too.

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