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Send: Thank you.
golden: Thank you, too.
Need: Thank you, but the headache is from the sinus infection.

Oh, Arkie

I can’t imagine what that is like for you. If my husband ever gets ALZ I don’t know if I could bear it.

Do you ever want to go somewhere and just scream? Why, oh why did this happen?? I think I would want to scream, ‘Why?’

My heart goes out to you.

In the immortal words of another "Old Arkie"... "I feel your pain"!
During my wife's declining health, mental with AD and physical with a plethora of maladies, I have learned to be a superior sole caregiver... to her! But day to day chores of housekeeping, maintenance, laundry, shopping...I could go on and on, are wearing on me. Meals are one of the most challenging. She doesn't EVER know what she wants to eat or even what she WILL eat! But after I prepare it and she sees it and tastes it, she immediately tells me if she doesn't want or like it! She literally can't remember ever having eaten it before, and often she forgets how, to eat it. But I have finally become accustomed to it and I stay composed because I realize, more and more, she isn't doing it to be disagreeable, she just doesn't remember. New day every day. But what I am beginning to feel more and more every day, is a big emptiness where our marriage used to be. She has no emotions at all, except an occasional chuckle at something hilarious on TV. Every day she insists on going for a drive and I take her. She complains if the road is rough or if the car is too cool or sun is too bright in her eyes and I have learned to take the same route every day and her few comments are always the same. "I used to live there...I used to work there... I went to school there... in max 30 minutes she is tired and wants to go home. It is like living with a zombie. She knows me but has absolutely no feelings for or about me. Just resentment when I am out of her sight for a while. She is sullen for awhile then she can't remember why she was mad after a short bit and all is back to abnormal normal!

Feel better soon Llama!

Llama - take care. Hope the antibiotics work fast.

Need - summers are our best season I think. Lots of sunshine year around here too.

Time for bed now and get my 5 straight hours sleep if I am lucky. I have decided I must a biphasic sleeper lol 😴


So sorry about your headache! Hope that you feel better soon.


Summers are like living in hell for us! Hot, humid, muggy and miserable!

Got to Patient First to get antibiotic today. Headache for days.

Need - to be clear - it doesn't snow every month but every month of the year there has been snow some year. Right now it is baking hot but it does cool down nicely at night. Yes I have summer clothes and air conditioning.. If it snows in the summer it is very short lived. Summers are usually very nice here.


Snow every month? Oh my gosh! Too cold for me. So, do you only have winter clothes in your closet? Do you ever have any warm days?

Way, it's dry here, I don't have arthritis to speak of, but the CFS/FM reacts to weather changes and to cold weather, though not this spring thankfully. I don't think there is much my sinuses do like except humidity,

Golden ,
That would drive my sinuses crazy , and my arthritis . But maybe not if it’s dry . Idk
I’m used to the humid North East in the US

way lol 🤣🤣🤣. Yeah that's pretty normal here. It has snowed in every month of the year - not every year, of course, but it has. I remember a huge snow storm in central AB some years ago well into May. The buses stopped running for a while.

Golden ,
Are those temperature extremes normal where you live . Cold then 88F the next week ? Weather fascinates me. Sometimes I think I should have been a meteorologist. You also get to make mistakes , be wrong and keep your job .

Ana - I miss the humidity in Ontario but it made keeping a hairstyle pretty impossible at times. I had family in Southern Ontario -still have a cousin or two there I think and one in Toronto. We had family in Timiskaming too and holidayed there a lot. My grandfather built a cabin on a lake in the bush for family to use. We loved spending summers there.

The one fire to the south is now held which is good but there is another one to the north of us and a little closer and out of control but so far it is pretty small. Temps going up to 31C (88F) tomorrow which won't help. Two weeks ago I was griping about snow on the lawn!!!

Golden, I’m in Ontario, north of the west GTA. We’ve had 5 days of rain, but nothing like Quebec. Enough rain that I’m doing lots of spring cleaning laundry without worrying about running the well dry.

Ana - not really smoky at present. We could certainly use your rain. BTW I grew up in a town between Ottawa and Montreal.

Thx, Gershun. Agreed. I don't want to go though that again.

I'll be praying for you Golden. We sure don't want you to go through all that again.

Geez golden, while they’re under water west of Montreal. If only we could redirect the weather. I hope your air isn’t smoky and your area stays safe.

Glad you had a nice vacation. Pam.

Your pet sitter sounds wonderful.

Sending prayers your way, Golden. Fires are frightening.

Thank you, send. Much appreciated!

FIL has a landline in AL with 3 handsets . He insisted on a new iPhone . He hasn’t used a smart phone in nearly a year . And his old one wasn’t an iPhone . He never learned to use that one well either which is why he gave up .
Try teaching a broken brain to use an iPhone . DH tried over the weekend . DH texted him tonight . FIL called back on his landline . 🤦‍♀️

Will pray for rain, and that the fires subside in a hurry.
People just don't need to go through that kind of a disaster again, understandably!

May the Lord keep you safe, and calm, and without worries.

Thx Way. Not yet but it's time to make a plan. The whole city was evacuated in 2016 and I really don't want to go through that again. There are supposed to be fire breaks to protect the city, but...

This one is about 50 K (30 miles) away. I will be watching the fire's progress. Time to gas up and pack a bag. At least so far it isn't too close to the highway south.

Golden , Prayers . Stay safe. Do you have the car packed in case ?

Pam Glad you had a good time and pets were well looked after

We have an evacuation alert for an area near by due to forest fires out of control. The risk of fires is very high as there has been no rain but there has been winds so everything very dry. I would appreciate prayers for the situation.

Coming home from vacay makes you want another one!! Not really, glad to be home and see my fur babies again, but,,, 4 loads of laundry, run the dishwasher, vacuum the main level, get groceries, and this is a first,,, clean cat poop out of the fireplace lava rocks!! No one is confessing, they are all looking innocent and at each other. Can;t blame that on the pet sitter,, why would she look in the fireplace? I only noticed it because I was vacuuming and noticed some rock on the hearth. They did use the litter box, which she cleaned, guess that was their protest at our being gone? It was her first time petsitting and she did a fine job, left the place clean and stayed until we got home. We did get a call she locked herself out, but we got her back in,, I joke she can now add house breaking to her resume! And when I asked her if the payment I left her was enough,, she actually said she thought she was doing it free!! Heck no,, she is a sweetheart And she stayed here overnight 5 nights and took 2 days off work so the pets could get used to her. I was not expecting that at all. Her grandmother is my BFF who came with us. So she is happy to do it again when we need her.

Need: You're welcome.

golden: Thank you, but PA-C said I need an in office appt and no time for that bc I'm hoping to make my retinologist appt tomorrow. Sorry that you were dealing with sinus issues.

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