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Thanks, Way.

LLama - hope you get meds soon. I am just recovering from a sinus infection - eyes got it too and I an tiired!!!! The sooner you get the meds the better!

need - so sorry your dh is going through this one thing triggering another. Hope this is the end of it.

One month since R had his surgery and I think he is not as good as he had hoped. It's taking a while. I am urging him to be careful, and not overdo anything. One room in the condo still needs the flooring finished then a cleaning will have to be done - neither of these by him. He has been staying in the city since he had surgery. We have agreed I will get the movers to move some of the heavier stuff. Thank goodness. I know he thought he could do it but it might be next year before he is ready.

Geez this is the craziest colonoscopy . Hope this is the last of it . Hope DH feels better soon .

Thanks, Llama

We are hoping that the steroids will do the trick!

Need: Prayers for your DH.

Gershun: Thanks. No such luck. My PA-C said I must make an in office appt. Sorry that you, too, suffer with sinus issues.


Making appointments are becoming a big pain in the you know where! 😝

Has medicine changed that much?
A referral to a gastroenterologist by my PCP will expire in August.
The gi doc referred to cannot see me by then, so I called for a renewal of the order.

I received a referral to a different doctor, with a 2 star rating.

Does a patient have to see the doctor listed on the referral?
I have an HMO.

Maybe I can see the first doctor I was referred to, after August.

Was she able to make the transfer aj?

The aqua therapy place not telling us until first appt that you have to stand and pivot transfer to the pool lift. They don't actually have a hoyer type life with slings for the pool. On what planet would aqua therapy not have the lift with the bells and whistles


One was Cipro and the other was Flagyl.

I wonder how common it is to get a reaction to antibiotics.

Sorry that happened to your mom.

Your profile picture is so sweet! Is that your mom or aunt? Wait, you had two aunts, one died, right? They were quite old, right?

My cousin turned 100! She is still driving. She should not be driving. She lives in a senior apartment building. Not even assisted living. Very independent woman! No walker or cane. Tiny little woman.

She helps the other “old people” in her building! LOL 😆 I laugh every time she calls me to tell me that she has been helping out the “old” people in her apartment building with cleaning and cooking!

She tells me, “Honey, don’t worry about me. I am only driving to church, the dollar store, Walmart and to have lunch with my friends.”

I do worry when she tells off a cop saying that he should not give her a speeding ticket! Her poor children have tried everything to keep her off the road with no success. I pray that she doesn’t kill herself and others while driving.


I know, right? LOL 😆 Geeeez, one thing after another!

We used to do the home test. So much easier! But, he has colon cancer in his family. So do I, in my family.

My home test showed blood. I only had one polyp and it was a simple procedure to remove. No complications whatsoever.

My poor husband has had a tough time. We couldn’t believe that his colonoscopy turned into requiring surgery. Okay, appendectomy is a minor surgery. We thought, alright this is no big deal, right? Than all of this. It’s has been non stop! I feel bad for him.

The doctor said that he couldn’t leave the polyp inside of the appendix in case it was cancerous. So, he couldn’t ignore it and the appendix had to come out.

Hey, that is the silver lining, all polyps were benign. I know that was a relief for him after dealing with prostate cancer. Thank God, his lab results are within normal range regarding his prostate cancer.

NHWM, what antibiotic did they give him? My Mom was given Clindamycin for an infection and it made her foot swell up (per diagnosis from her internist). It took a long time for the swelling to go away completely. Just a thought.

Think of all the trouble you'd have missed if he had only skipped the colonoscopy 🤪

So, I have posted about the complications with my husband’s colonoscopy.

All polyps removed except for the one that retracted into his appendix. He had his appendix removed to remove the polyp.

Then, the infection started after the appendix removal. ER trip to the hospital. Antibiotics given in hospital and at home.

Then, husband starts with pain in his left foot with swelling. Walking on crutches.

Today he went to the foot doctor. Now he’s going to be put on steroids. Hope that this will help him. He is still in pain. They think the foot issue is some sort of reaction to the antibiotics that he was on.

Who would have thought that he would have gone through all of this from going in for a simple colonoscopy?

The whole thing has been weird from the beginning. The doctor said that he had never seen a polyp go inside of his appendix when he went to remove it.

Llama, I feel you. I have had bad sinus problems so I can totally relate.

I hope you get your prescription and start to feel better soon.

Need: Not yet as I posted it very early this morning. Thank you.

PB: Thank you.

Llama - I am sorry you're feeling ill. Hope you get your med and will feel better soon.


Did the doctor call in a script for you?

I hope you feel better soon.

I messaged my physician's patient portal for an antibiotic to be called in to my pharmacy for a sinus infection. Seems ridiculous to be seen if you know what your ailment is. Feeling too poorly anyway.

Yes, catskie, stay safe.

Here in Alberta we could use the rain. It is "tinder" dry and we are at risk for fires again. After the 2016 event I get a bit nervous. There are evacuations west of Edmonton due to fires.

"More than half of Alberta’s 211 wildfires so far this year were reported in just the past seven days." according to the weather network.

May is usually the worst month and we are not even there yet. I don't want to go through another evacuation!

Txs boj
Its stopped raining.

stay safe, catskie 🥰

Wonderful..most of Florida is under a tornado watch. Lord knows we desperately needed rain but maybe not so much at once. Lol


Start off fresh! A new beginning.


I am glad that they caught it! I didn’t find out about someone taking a loan out in my name until it showed up as unpaid! Identity theft is a pain to get cleared up.

Scammers do the quick online overnight loans! I filled a police report immediately. It took awhile but they tracked them down. They won’t be able to do it again because I have all three credit bureaus frozen.

People are always trying to get away with something. Years ago I remember my grandmother telling me that a man showed up at her door saying that he worked for the electric company and needed to check something.

Grandma let him inside thinking that he was honest. He went to her bedroom and took $50 out of her purse. She was upset. I was too but I was so grateful that he didn’t hurt my grandma. People will kill someone for a few dollars. It’s awful!

Arkh64 - I'm sorry that your mother is abusive. Been there and I had to keep contact to a minimum for my own survival. Is she in your home or in her own home?

burnt - I could use those fairies too. lol I hear what your husband is saying and agree you will never hear the end of it. Stuff is not worth the aggravation. Even just storing furniture for mother I got accused of using her things (not) and depriving her. Can you hear the violins playing...

My whine today is that someone in Pennsylvania logged into my Instacart account. Instacart notified me right away and I changed my password. It never ends does it?

Think I could borrow a couple of those re-location fairies? I have been packing for almost two months now. Just my things. When I came back to live with my mother I pretty much live in one room and I have so much stuff.
My mother is now on the kick that I won't be taking anything from "her house" to my new one. I showed her the paperwork just last night and told her she is mistaken. My husband doesn't want anything from here anyway. He's right and I know it. Even if I take things that I've purchased (which is pretty much everything that isn't old broken crap) we'll never hear the end of her complaining about it.


Would you tolerate verbal abuse from a child? Or a teenager? My guess is no.
Don't tolerate it from the elderly either. Even when they have dementia. Give it right back to her and follow it with a period of total ignoring for as long as is safe to do so.
True, a person's dementia can reach a point where they are completely out of it and have no realization or self-awareness. When it gets to that point, they do not belong at home anymore. They need to be in managed care. Many times they belong in managed care long before that time comes. If your mother's dementia is in the early stages, she will improve for a time if you're a bit hard on her. She'll get more respectful when she experiences consequences of her disrespectful and abusive behavior.
I operate a homecare business and have gone to open new cases and will tell a family that their LO is past the point of homecare and needs placement.
I was a homecare worker for 25 years before going into business. I've seen many a once happy marriage end in bitter divorce because an elderly parent was moved into the house.
Don't let this happen to you. Start looking at AL facilities and memory care now. Often there are very long waiting lists.

I’m tired of the verbal abuse from my mom. I know it’s early dementia. It’s wearing on me and my husband. He’s amazing.

just wishing us all a gooood day

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