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Need: You're very welcome.

Thanks, Llama.

He had blood drawn today so we will find out Monday how he’s doing.

Golden: Thank you.

Need: Prayers for your DH.

Goldfinches can stick around all winter but they'll be brownish, they won't get their yellow feathers until spring molt.


Do you live in a rural area with lots of wildlife?

Mallards returned to our pond a few days ago. Chipmunks came out of hibernation and my feeder is filling with early spring birds such as grackles, red winged blackbirds and cowbirds. I’ve heard killdeer. Juncos, who come for the winter, have not flown north yet. Too chilly for goldfinches. It’s snowing, to total 6”. I plan to stay in and read all evening.


I would enjoy seeing fall foliage. I have to travel north to see the leaves changing colors.

I don’t like cold weather at all. I think snow is beautiful but I would have to get used to living in a place where snowfall was commonplace.

It amazes me that my youngest daughter fell in love with the cold weather and the snow when she lived in Denver. She hates the humidity and heat that we have here in the summer.

Hi newbie, upstate NY, very close to Vermont. it was a strange winter here too. I have no clue what to expect this summer.

Oh I love Maine, your so lucky I've been up in down the whole South coast several times. From Portland down. It the most beautiful place. Id say York is probably my favorite
Needs help,
I can't imagine life without the changing seasons, we always love what we are use too.


Tulips are so beautiful! Hope yours survive the snow!


Mallards are so pretty. The colors are gorgeous. Y’all have the most delicious lobster! I enjoy going to New England in the fall. We had delicious lobsters in Kennebunkport, Maine. Maine is lovely.

Here in the south, we don’t have four distinct seasons. We never have a long brutal winter. Spring is brief and our summers are hot and humid! Not much of an autumn here. No beautiful fall foliage.

Anxietynacy, where are you? I'm in Maine (coastal, southern) and all of a sudden what was originally forecast to be snow followed by rain seems to have changed to a forecast of mainly snow plus some sleet, 6-10 inches interior, maybe 4-8 where I am. My daffodils are up, but fortunately not too high yet. The mallard ducks are back on the nearby pond, other birds seem to be back as well. I think we had spring in the late winter and now we're getting winter in the early spring. :-)

I forgot it was spring today. Rumors has it we are getting ten inches of snow tomorrow. It's been a really easy winter, in my neck of the woods. We have been so lucky. Seems winter is going to leave with a bang for me, or more like spring is starting in a bang. Hopping it doesn't freeze my tulips! They are just starting to sprout. I'm going to put some seeds under some lights, get them started, can't put them in till May

Happy Spring, everyone! 🌱🍃🌿🌸🌱🌼🌱🌷🌱🌺🍃🌿🌱

What are y’all planting this spring season?

That's for sure! Cwillie

Science tell us that genetics and lifestyle do make a difference but ultimately life is a crap shoot, you can do everything right and die young or you can party hard and live to be 100.

Golden, I'm only 60, not a big into going to doctors either, working my but off to keep myself in shape, I'm more into holistic care, if that doesn't work then of course go to doctors.

I just had blood work done and I swear the doctors stair at my blood work, and get annoyed because they can't find a pill to put me on.

That's amazing your health at 84, I think you said. Encourages me to keep up the hard work I've been doing!!

llama - I am glad your visit went well. I am not nervous at a dentist any more as I have been so often. I can assess a dentist and hygienist very quickly, I like these new ones.

need - prayers for a good report for your hub. R had routine follow up scans the other day and we are waiting for the results. It's not nice. Wow 46 years. Awesome!!!

nacy - I just couldn't take the risk!

I wish the dentist would acknowledge that I must be doing something right even if it is not altogether what they suggest. Dr's too, A few years ago as my dr was away, I went to my dd's dr for my driver's medical and she looked at me and at my info and said "There must be something wrong here." I said , "No. I am (at that time) 84 and I can do squats." and proceeded to show her. I told her I don't go to my dr very often. With a frown on her face, her answer was "You'd better get to your doctor".

Why? I wasn't sick! I just needed a driver's medical.

Good luck to you and your husband today, I'm sure it's a very stressful time!

Congratulations, so lucky to of hand 46 years, I wish many more years to come for you both.

Golden and lama, I think those of us that were concerned with getting covid, the dentist was the hardest thing to do . The thought of someone that close to are mouth. I think the dentist are very busy right now.

My husband has his follow up visit tomorrow to see how he is doing since his prostate cancer treatments.

These things always make me a bit anxious. My husband has never been one to complain very much. He’s an optimist and doesn’t worry excessively. I tend to hold my emotions inside so that I won’t upset him.

I am one of those annoying people who wants to look at all possible outcomes. He takes things one step at the time and is more analytical than I am. I suppose that is why he is the engineer in the family and I am a creative person in other areas of our lives.

We do balance each other and I would be lost without him. I have always wanted to die before him. Hopefully, we have many years together yet. Our 46th anniversary is coming up soon. Our daughters say they are going to throw us a huge party on our 50th wedding anniversary!

I still remember going to my parents church for a 50th wedding anniversary Mass and the celebration afterwards. Mom and dad were married 56 years.

My brothers and I were laughing because the priest was talking about what cigarettes and beer costs back when they married. My OB chuckled and whispered in my ear, “Only in a Catholic Mass would we be hearing this in an anniversary sermon!” LOL 😆

Please send good thoughts and prayers our way.


Golden: I, too, had a dental appointment today. I have been a nervous wreck due to having to wait 4 months to see a new dentist. I have an expensive mouth. Due to insomnia issues, I found a new dentist a mile from my house. Bottom line - it wasn't as bad as I thought. I am so glad to hear that you also experienced a good dental report. I purposely did not look at a friend's social media post as she wanted 11 teeth out. Your own teeth are always best.

My relatives on mother's side were Norwegian and Swedish - probably Vikings way back! On my father's side seafaring English and Welsh. Mother was the one interested in genealogy but she didn't get further back than about 1700's I think. No scallywags that I know of.

On my mind today - teeth!!!

I hadn't been to the dentist for a number of years for a variety of reasons - covid being one. I decided I would rather have teeth issues than risk covid and long covid. Before that I went regularly and have had a lot of work done.

They did x-rays, and the hygienist started cleaning. Then the dentist walked in and said "Your teeth are good!!!"

Wow, what a blessing!!!

She also said "Whatever we can do you've got it" She was referring to implants, a bridge, crowns, root canal...She's right! And I want to keep them.

I will go back for them to finish the cleaning and for some work to build up some teeth (front bottom) to improve my bite. I prefer to keep my teeth if I can. I am still amazed and blessed at having no cavities. That's got to be a first for me!😊

That's really interesting brandee

One of my relatives was a Hessian soldier who fought for the British at the Battle of Trenton against the Continental Army. He was captured. George Washington left him behind at a farm to be used as a farm worker/prisoner as a thank you to the landowner for letting the Continental Army camp on the farm land.

Family trees are so interesting, you never know what you will find. I did a family tree for a friend and was able to go back to the 1400's as England kept excellent census. Found Sir Francis Drake was "related" to my friend, but he was a twig off a branch of another branch of yet another branch, etc. off of a major branch, so not a direct relation.

When doing genealogy, you get half of your DNA from your mom, and half from your dad. That means you have about 25% your 4 grandparents' DNA... about 12.5% of your 8 great-grandparents' DNA.... about 6.25% of your 16 great-great-grandparents.... 3.12% of your 32 great-great-great-grandparents. .... 1.56% of your 64 great-great-great-great-grandparents. The percentages are not exact as we can inherit a bit larger chuck of DNA scattered within the groups.

My ancestors were stomping grapes in Italy back then. 😂

Way, So I think way that makes you a daughter of the revolution? Which use to be a big deal, from what I've heard my mom say. There is old English blood on my dad's side

Oops , I meant Chester A. Arthur’s mother being a second or third cousin to my great great grandfather . So I guess there is some blood relation there .

I have a copy of family genealogy. I looked . Chester A. Arthur’s mother’s grandfather ( on her mother’s side ) was my ancestor that stowed away on the ship . He and his brother that came with him to America fought in the Continental Army during the American Revolution .
My grandfather had the same last name as the men who stowed away on the ship . So he was a direct descendant .

I should clarify that my ancestors were related to Chester A. Arthur by marriage not blood . I’m not 100 % sure how . Something about his wife being second or third cousins to my ancestors .


I find it fascinating to read about our ancestors. That’s a fun story about your ancestors. I hope you have passed it along to your children! I bet they would get a kick out of hearing it.

I have an interesting story of how my grandfather’s ancestors came to America from England . I was told that the ancestor was “ dating “ out of his class. He had been sneaking around with the daughter of a Lord , ( or some title like that ). He was a carpenter and met her while doing work at her family’s home . My ancestor was a lower class and not permitted to date this young woman. Well, the father of the young woman went to King George III about it to have my ancestor caught and serve time in prison , possibly executed .

My ancestor found out that he was “ wanted”. So he and his brother stowed away on a ship to America sometime in the late 1700’s.

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