
I realize some believe in people from our past relaying messages to us, and some don't.

Couple years ago I wrote on the forum about a strange odor that would come from a bookcase that my late Dad had made for me when I was a child, and that my parents had used until they passed. Couple weeks ago I finally narrowed down the odor to my late parents large mantel clock.

That strange odor would coincide whenever someone in the family had passed the day before. The odor would stay for less than a half hour.

It's been awhile since the clock had expressed itself, until the other day when my cousin, who was my parents God-Daughter had passed [she was 74]. The next day, there was that odor.

I still remember when the clock, which hadn't chimed in years, let out one chime the day after my cat had passed. It was like Dad was saying "Don't worry, Sara is here with me now".

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freqflyer, I get all that. I believe many of us instinctively 'know' meanings in different things we see, smell, hear, feel, dream, etc. It comes from a deeper place in our souls.. indescribable to many and shooed away by most. It is a great gift to 'know' and 'believe.' These gifts come from a higher place, and not all receive or hear/see them. We do not know all.. or hear all .. important to remember, imho, and not all may experience sensitivities others do. For those like you, us, it's a blessing, a great gift, and irrefutable.

“For those who believe, no proof is necessary. For those who don't believe, no proof is possible.” Stuart Chase

Okay I haven't had a LO passed since 2014, but I had something happen to me this morning that is just crazy!! I am really trying to figure it out.

I woke up this morning from a bad dream. In my dream there was a bedroom that no one in the house goes into. It wasn't my house and I didn't know the people. In the dream, I was told to not go into the room, but there was something I wanted and it was on a chair in that room. I thought in my dream that I could run to the chair and grab the thing (don't remember what it was) and run out before anything would happen. But as soon as I was in the room the door slammed shut. All I remember is the curtains were moving and pictures were flying at me and there were some weird noises. I ran to the door and it wouldn't open. I woke up! I went down stairs to get something to drink and went back to bed. My sig-other got up and he went down stairs. I then got up to use the bathroom and as I walked pass my bookshelve four things fell off the top shelf. They just missed me!!! I didn't bump the shelf--I didn't even touch it. These things have been on the shelf for over a year and never once fell. I went back to bed but I could sleep. When I got up and told my sig-other about what happened he just said, "okay! I am not sure what to say...these things happen to you!" Which it does! He is very use to weird and strange things happening around me. He has seen a lot of it and our house is haunted, but this is not normal for this house or me! I decided to walk hard in front of the bookshelve to see if the stuff would fall off, but it didn't. I jump up and down in front of it and nothing!

I have to there someone trying to get my attention? I am not sure what to make of it!! Normally I would have a sense who it is or something, but I've got nothing! I am not scared! Just wondering it the dream and the four things flying off the shelf are connected!!

Thanks for reading!!

Well I did share with you all that I took a picture and a male figure in a suit appeared in the picture. I've taken more pictures of that same spot with the same lighting, even the exact same time of day and have never seen it again.

Plus, my one kitty is always playing as if he is playing with another cat or a person in the same area that I took the picture. So who knows.

I would love to get a communication from my mom. But I doubt I ever will. She was not a believer in the supernatural and was a devout Christian. I ask God sometimes to relay a message to her from me and maybe give one back from her. Maybe one day.

Plus, and this is probably going to sound weird but we purchased a picture frame from a little gift shop once. My cats would get freaked out by it so we have it turned face down in the same cabinet that I took a picture of with a strange figure of a man's reflection. So who knows. Gulp!

FF, I've have similar experiences, which I frequently couldn't explain, but I think they're linked to the strong feelings we had about and with those who are not longer here.

I kept one of my sister's very fragrant candles, and noticed that periodically, sometimes when I was upset, the fragrance of it became obvious.  Most often, though I walked past the candle and the fragrance wasn't obvious.

I don't believe in supernatural or post death communications (and am not criticizing anyone who does); I only believe in scientific explanations, some of which aren't yet available.   The candle I think might have become more aromatic because I was upset, nervous, or maybe just warm and passing by created enough warmth to make it more fragrant.

It might be that something stimulates our minds, or subconscious to think of those who are gone, changing chemical substances in our brains, or something in our bodies, and these scents activate the apparent contacts from those who have passed.     As to the clock, I really have no explanation.   

You might have been upset and release some chemical, or pheromone, or something, that interacted with the wood in the clock.    I think our interactions with supposedly inanimate objects isn't something that's really been explored in relation to death.  

Dreams are still prevalent though, and I still don't understand them, but it's significant that they're generally about my mother and sister, who were the first of my immediate family to die, and when I was still just figuring out caregiving and end of life for immediate family.    My father isn't included in dreams as often, but I had about 17 more years with him before he died than I did with my sister and mother.   And Dad's death wasn't unexpected.

I think that humans have capacities to retain relationships past death; after all, they're relatives and friends and presumably significantly influenced our lives, just as our pets have.    So it makes sense to me that they, as well as events, are part of our "memory banks".

Shell, I understand about that bookcase, and items falling off. I never had anything fall off, it was the old clock chiming that rattled me a bit. I had that bookcase for a couple of years and it was filled with my Dad's books from college, papers he had written, family stuff, etc. and I would be pulling this and that out of the bookcase and shoving things around.... one would think if there was one more chime left in that clock that it would have chimed during those times.

Gershun, ah cats and old furniture. Decades ago I bought a library table made in the 1800's and put it in my hallway. For some strange reason two of my female cats would cry out when walking down that hall, none of the male cats never noticed.

Well, I decided that library table must be haunted, so I took one of my Dad's home made benches and set the bench next to the library table.. The crying out stopped. Guess that bench had a calming affect on the table :P I know, strange. So if you have any furniture misbehaving, try putting something that has good memories next to it.

Love that freqflyer! Spirit often tries to get our attention with smells, things falling off of shelves, finding coins, or our attention being drawn to the same time on the clock/waking up at the same time every night etc. For the first year after dad died, I found SO MANY dimes and pennies it was crazy! I saved them all up in a little piggy bank and it's nearly full! The first year was hard so I was finding the reminders of I began to heal, the reminders didn't come as often.

The most profound thing I've ever witnessed was on my phone after a trip to Slovenia. We'd taken a trip to an ancient Roman site, underground, filled with water urns and various vessels, quite well preserved. Everything looked normal to the eye; when I put my photos on the computer, there were tons of ORBS all over the place in that scene!!! I wound up making a hardcover book of photos of that trip, and the Orb photo is my all time favorite. "Skeptics" can and will come up with a variety of 'scientific' explanations for these Orbs, but the believers among us know better.

I could cite 100 more experiences/examples of Spirit in my life, but there's not enough room.

Lilhelp, love your quote: “For those who believe, no proof is necessary. For those who don't believe, no proof is possible.” Stuart Chase

Oh wow what a great story! Thank you very much for everyone who is sharing their messages received from passed loved ones. It brings me hope as my loving mother passed away December 20th, 2020 and I am praying for signs from her letting me know that she is ok and still occasionally looks in on me and my brother. That was all I asked for Christmas a sign that she is ok. I am still waiting but you never know plus she must be having so much fun up there reuniting with her passed loved ones (pets, family, friends) and I am sure singing and doing some Irish Dancing.
thank you for your stories of signs. They are just what I need.
i miss my sweet mom so much.

Something strange occurred this morning, including what happened to the earlier post I wrote.    I awoke smelling the distinctive scent of turkey being cooked.   Since I hadn't gotten up yet, and never would cook overnight while I'm sleeping, I thought that I might have been imagining a turkey in the oven just b/c that's what's been a tradition for years.

I did check the oven:  no turkey hiding in there.    I don't know where the fragrance came from.   Perhaps a neighbor was cooking turkey?  I don't know, and it was just a fleeting fragrance, lasting less than a minute.   I don't think anyone would have been walking around the house with a just freshly cooked turkey, so it had to be my imagination.

But I was thinking that the human brain is still a subject to research; scientists and medical personnel don't have all the answers in how memories are formed and retained, and reactivated even after someone has passed.    Our human filing cabinets aren't indexed, and perhaps often are still locked up.

Elephants apparently can sense who one of their group was by sniffing the bones after a deceased elephant has begun to or has decomposed.    What is there about that scent that connects it to a certain member?   There's still a lot of research that can be done on the animal, mammal and human level as to how we form memories and how they're stored and prioritized in our minds.

Well on the subject of dads and crazy things! Six months ago I woke up at 4am as I offen do. I was playing on my phone and I heard a faint "I'm sorry." It was right next to me and it was my dad! I came to realize that he was sorry that I have the mother that I do!

I know you long to hear from your mom. Every time I read about you wanting to hear from your mom I always feel or it comes to my mind that "maybe you don't here from your mom because she has no unfinished business. She knows that she was loved and she knows that you were loved." Just my thought! Buy the way Gershum, my dad never believed that there were spirits, little long that they can be seen or communicated with. And yet, he has done all kinds of stuff to let me know he is around!

When my sig-other lived in another house (years ago) his cat Sam use to run through the house like something was chasing him. Then he would run through the house like he was being chased, here is the kicker, at the end of him being chase or doing the chasing, he would bat his paw at something and mewo and the running would begin again! He would even take his favorite mouse and walk into a room and drop it and mewo then push it with his nose and just sit there. It was like he was giving his mouse to something that we couldn't see. I always thought it was sweet. I felt like it was a small dog that he was playing with. Of course, I don't know for sure it was or not!

That is so cool about the pictures of the ORBS! Is it funny how we can go through a hard time and our LOs do something to let us know "I'm here watching over you!" I love hearing about you finding the dimes and pennies that first year. I believe that was your dad letting you know he is with you and always will be!

I have a chimed clock that came from my grandparents house on my dad side of the family and the first time you posted about your dad's clock chimney I thought I hope my dad's clock doesn't go off. LOL! Thank God it never has! But I love your story!

I am glad that you understand about the things flying off the shelf because I don't at this time. I will in time!

Don't be surprise if she come to you in a dream or as you are just falling a sleep! This is usually (not always) how they come. I am sorry for your loss and I pray that she gives you a sign that she is fine!

I have pretty much had this "gift" all my life and I still haven't figured out if it is really a gift or a curse! I know many believers who don't have this gift and whose who do would tell me that "it's a gift." Yeah, until one of them walks into a funeral home and becomes so sick after 15 mins might think otherwise or walk into a house or a building and hear in an angry voice "Get Out!" And my personal favorite, having someone touch your leg while sleeping and you wake up knowing no one is in the room with you, but someone's hand is on your leg!! Those are the times I wish I didn't have it! You can think I am nuts...because that too makes me wish I didn't have it! People all my life has told me that I am crazy or that I am making up stories for attention. I have even been told by people who I thought were friends tell me that I am going to hell because the devil is using me!! Gift or curse? For me, the jury is still out on that one!

Shell: Very young children & animals are very attuned to Spirit. I love that your dad apologized to you for having a mother such as you do.

One night a few months after dad died, he came to me in a dream. He was fine, happy laughing, whole. No longer sick with a brain tumor & slumped over in a wheelchair. He was holding out a bright shiny PENNY for me and telling me to come and take it! And laughing quite heartily, too, knowing that we two had a little secret about the coins I kept finding!! These 'dreams' can be visitations from our loved ones when they are particularly real and not 'dream-like.'

11:11 on the clock: I was going through some very hard times after dad fell & broke his hip. Rehab would not release him back to IL to live with my mother; he needed AL but he was not in good enough shape FOR AL, he was more SNF material. What would I do with my mother if he had to go into a SNF??? I was beside myself. I was praying to the dead relatives asking for help about what to do; all the ALs I called said NO; dad was catheterized and they would not take him in that condition. I kept seeing 11:11 or 1:11 on the clock, ALL the time I was going through this. (11:11 turns out to be the sign of the angels! I did not know that at the time) One day I came home and sat down at my desk here, just broke out crying. I didn't know what else to do. It was 1:11 pm. Suddenly, an email popped up; it was the ALF 2 miles down the road. They had an opening; were my parents still interested (I had inquired a year earlier about the possibility of placement there, should the need arise). I was like WHAT? So I called over there, thinking they'd give me the same song & dance about Your Father Is Too Far Gone, blah blah. Instead, they said WE WILL TAKE HIM SIGHT UNSEEN. I thought I was dreaming! Turned out my aunt & uncle were residents there for a few years; the ALF was willing to take my folks b/c they were 'family' based on my aunt & uncle! True story.

I have other stories too. The wedding ring story is a doozie, if anyone would like to hear it.

Shell, it's funny that my mom didn't believe in these things cause she told me a story once about how after my Dad died. She was praying and asking God how she was going to bring up seven kids on her own, get a job, get her driver's license etc. She said while she was praying she felt someone's hand on hers and there was no one else in the room with her.

I would like to hear about the wedding ring story!

I know young kids & animals are more sensitive to the supernatural. I guess, I never out grew it!!!

Shell: The wedding ring story.

About 5 months after dad died, I was in Walgreen's waiting for an Rx one night after a bad day at work. I looked down at my engagement ring and gasped; a stone was missing! My ring is composed of 3 stones that make up a heart shape; 2 crescent shaped diamonds & another oddly shaped one that sits on the bottom. I was quite upset. Went home & told DH who said, Don't worry we'll get it replaced, no big deal.

Long story short, the jeweler could not replace the crescent shaped diamond; even from the diamond district in NYC; that shape wasn't being cut anymore. All he could do was get a 1/2 carat heart shaped diamond for $2500. I said forget it, and took the ring back home, feeling sad & upset.

The next day I told DH, look up some pawn shops online, a few in the same area, so we can go pick up SOMETHING for me to wear on my hand, I feel naked. He did; he found 3 shops on the same street. We went that Saturday. Found nothing at the first shop. Walked into the second shop which was quite small, with only one display case. I looked inside that case and screamed. There was MY EXACT WEDDING RING SET sitting there in the case! The very same, unique, 2 piece heart shaped wedding set for $500. I was flabbergasted. My DH ran over & could not believe his eyes either! The gal behind the counter was delighted that we were so happy, and offered me the set for $400. I could not pull my Mastercard out fast enough.

When we got into the parking lot & I opened the car door, I looked down at the pavement and saw 2 dimes and 1 penny shining back up at me! I shouted THANKS FOR THE TIP DAD!

What are the 'odds' that I'd find my EXACT wedding ring set in a PAWN shop I'd never been to? No way. That's called synchronicity.

I brought the new rings to the jeweler and had the TWO wedding bands soldered together with the heart shaped engagement ring in the middle, and the whole thing sized. It's on my hand right now and looks even better than the original 2 pc set!

Lea, Yeah, that has your dad all over that story! I believe your dad was helping you out with that one! What are the odds of you finding a ring like the one you had?

I have posted this story before on FF last thread, but I'll repost it.

My dad passed away June 28th 2014. I was heartbroken! On June 30th, I decided to take a nap, so I went to my bedroom and laid down and this is what I saw. I saw my dad and half of him was in the shadows and the other half of him was in light. I could see that my dad was scared. I could feel his fear. He didn't want to move! Then I saw this woman come out of this bright light. She was short. She wasn't fat, but thick! Her hair had real small curls and it was above her shoulders. She had on a bark blue dress with little white flowers and the ugliest shoes. She had very small fingers. Her face was blurred out. I could see every detail of her and my dad, but could not see her face. Well, she came out of the light and laughed and said (my dad's name). But my dad refuse to move! She laughed and her laught was very light hearted. She spoke softly. But she called to him again waving her hand like you do when you want someone to come to you. My dad still refusing to move. She said, "(name), come on honey there is nothing to be scared of. Come on." My dad still wouldn't move! She laughted again waving her hand walking toward him and she stuck out her hand and my dad grabbed her hand and he came out of the shadow. Because my dad was a Chef he stood on his feet working 60 to 100 hrs a week for 40+ yrs. He had what I call the toddler walk. His legs were so dad the last 10 yrs of his life. But when he grabbed that lady's hand he was walking normal and his hair was bark brown again. He had on his favorite shoes. His favorite jean jacket, which is the one I wear. He had on his favorite jeans. I could feel his sense of relief. They were walking and talking and still holding hand as they went into that big bright light.

I woke up, which I am not sure if I was sleeping or in a trace. I called my mother and told her everything because I didn't know this lady and I wanted to know who she was. My mother came back with that sounds like your dad's aunt A, which made sense because his mother and his aunt were twins and lived together with their husbands and my dad. My dad was very close to his aunt and uncle. I have never met any of them because they were gone way before I came along. Anyways, my mother said that she would try to find a picture of her to see if that is in fact who it was. A few days later, my mother called said she found a picture of A. I went to my mother's house and there she grandmother and her sister and she was wearing a bark color dress with little white flowers and those ugly shoes. The picture was in black and white, but I knew that was the dress and that was the lady who came and got my dad! I was relieved knowing that someone he loved very much came and showed him the way! I still get tears in my eyes when I think or talk about it!

Great story Shell!
Report amazing you had that "dream" in such detail, down to the dress and ugly shoes. And that your mom was able to pull out a photo of the aunt WEARING that exact outfit!! You must have freaked out, I know I would have! Great story!! 🤗

One night, my brother,his friend, and I went to the pier to fish. It was late. I was leaning with my back to the water. someone tapped me on my right shoulder. A few seconds later, my brother said someone just tapped him, but nobody was near him... I tapped him on the right, and asked: "like this? on this shoulder?" He replied yes... We didn't feel threatened. but I knew, I wasn't imagining the "tap".
I will never forget that.

Years ago when I was studying for my CPA exam, a big exam that cost a chunk of money, and only came around every 6 months. I studied many months to prepare for it. The night before, I studied late into the night and knew I would need to get up early to get ready and drive an hour to the test site. If I didn't make it ontime, I wouldn't be allowed in. No late comers. No exceptions. So, I set an alarm.

Somehow, I slept through the alarm. Too tired to hear it. Lo and behold, about 30 minutes later, my cell phone rang. That woke me up. I looked at the caller ID, it said caller unknown. I answered and the line got disconnected. I was so startled and worried that I wouldn't make it ontime, but I had just enough time to quickly get ready and jump in the car. I was so grateful for that phone call from an unknown source. Someone was looking out for me. Thank you. Thank you.

Something really weird happened to me once. I was sleeping and the song Dream Weaver by Gary Wright was in my head in the dream. My phone woke me up. I didn't recognize the number but we had this system setup here where you could phone a number, type in the phone number that you didn't recognize and sometimes if its listed a recorded voice will give you the name of who called.

So I did this and the recorded voice said "Wright Gary" I thought, no way! So I phoned this number and it said number not in service.

Now, as far as I know Gary Wright the singer is still alive but......weird or what?

I guess, I should have been freaked out, but I wasn't. I actually found it to be comforting because I knew my dad was ok and I had a similar thing happen to me in 2000. Plus, I was taught that when we pass on there is always someone we know on the other side that greets us and shows us the way. So, now I think there really may be some truth to that!

I do apologize to my great aunt for calling her shoes ugly. LOL!

Thank God for that phone call. I can just imagine how upset you would have been had you missed that test!

That is very strange! Maybe something was trying to tell you something, but heaven knows what,

Did you ever figured out who it might have been. When I first came back home, I would get poked in my side or my hair would get a tiny pull, not enough to hurt, but just enough to get my attention. I figure it was my dad because it always happened in the basement and that was my dad's domain. His workshop and he had another room down there that he called his paint room; plus, his office was down there!

I wouldn't call mine a "strange" sighting, but a comforting one. My husband of 26 years died in Sept. of this year. I've been a Christian since I was very young, and my husband being raised Jewish, accepted Christ as his Lord and Saviour in Dec. 2018, when he was told he only had days left to live. So after his death, I prayed to God to just let me know that he was ok, and I got no confirmation, until the early hours of Dec. 6th(the day after my husbands birthday)when I was dreaming(or so I thought I was)that I was sleeping on my right side, in my actual bed and bedroom, when all of a sudden I felt this tremendous pressure all down my left side of my body. I of course woke up to see what was pressing down on me, and when I turned my face to see what it was, there was my husband, his face right next to mine. He looked healthy, younger, tan(he loved the sun in his younger years)and was smiling at me. I reached up to stroke his face, and then he was gone, and I layed there for quite a while, wondering if what had just happened was real or not. I believe it was. It felt so real, and it brought me such comfort and peace. It was as if he was just stopping by to let me know that he was in fact alright, and that I was going to be alright too. I will never forget that experience, and am forever grateful as well.

I have cried the entire time I wrote this, but I am happy to share it, in hopes that perhaps it may help someone else who's missing a loved one.

funkygrandma- that was such a comforting experience for you. I believe your husband did come and visited you. I have read many stories from people who said their loved ones who passed came back and appeared younger, healthier, and in their best year.

Shell: Freaked out in a WOW I Can't Believe This kinda way. Not freaked out in a bad way. You are obviously tuned into your spiritual side, that's for sure!

PolarBear: Thank GOD for that phone call, is all I have to say!!! AH-MAZING how that worked out!!

Funkygrandma: What a wonderful experience your DH gave you! Stunningly beautiful. I feel sorry for those who believe that once we die it's all over, I really do.

Mayday: After her grandfather (my father) died, my DD had a few mischievious experiences with him (and so have I). Grandpa would hide her make up items and she'd be frantic to find them, then they'd suddenly appear right where they were BEFORE he hid them! Making her think she was crazy, of course, which she wasn't. Then she'd hear him laugh, as if he were right next to her!! She'd call me crying saying "Guess what Grandpa did?" These incidents brought her great comfort. In fact, she saved a voicemail message from him that he'd sent about 6 years ago and we still listen to it these days.

Gershun, that IS odd!!! Gary Wright, huh?

Ok, so here goes more stories...Dad was ALWAYS AFRAID of the BIG 'C'.

he played tennis, ran daily... healthy as a nut.
He would ask me when we would walk...Why do you believe in God? Dad.. just look. The ocean is beautiful and the sunset.. ... I really don't need to answer. I didn't know then he had cancer.. I just answered.. truthfully to what I felt.
we live with a church with a steeple .
wedding, we released fish balloons up into the sky. yup, we love the ocean.
soon after he passed, Hubby said look!! a plane was sky-writing a heart. in the heart was the steeple of the church when you looked up into the sky...
Then he said: LOOK... coming down was a bouquet of fish balloons... within a minute or two... really? Dad... You tried telling me all those years.. NOW YOU DO BELIEVE :)
And for awhile, he stayed around.. ... :>)

other stories... and true.... to me ...


My friend flew her mom to Florida where she would live with the oldest son.

Mom had physical issues that Sue could not handle by herself. Brother was retired, and had family...he agreed to take care of mom.
Brother set up doctor appt... Dr said mom had to have leg amputated due to diabetes... next day. NO food, or drink after 12;00 AM... \
Next morning, Mom is saying she is hungry. Sue gives her a piece of dried toast and water. In hospital, prepping for operation, doc asked to confirm no food or water. Sue, said mom was hungry and gave her dried toast and water....
OPERATION WAS CANCELLED... Need to re schedule.
Sue went home. The next night brother called.. Mom Died...
I told her for years now... THANK GOD FOR THAT PIECE OF TOAST!!! Your Dad Brought her HOME :) dad died years ago... so yes,.. he said come home.

I told her Thank God for that piece of toast! :-)

Someone always told me ;; DEATH IS OKAY.

It is a part of life... These bodies are not made to live forever. This was over 10 years ago....

And with COVID around... It doesn't really seem like an actual "thing"
Until it actually reaches its tentacles out.
and when it penetrates the walls of YOUR LIFE , you realize...

THIS IS REAL............ REAL FREAKING REAL.... 5,000 body bags destined for your STATE.... okay... that is real..
when your kid has a sleep-over, and it is cancelled because a sibling was SUBJECTED TO SOMEONE WHO WAS TESTED POSITIVE......... THANKFULLY SLEEPOVER WAS CANCELLED.... BEFORE MORE PEOPLE WERE EXPOSED.

I told my best friend..we walk often with our dogs... I can't come over anymore... SHE HAS BEEN TELLING ME THIS FOR A LONG TIME... I FINALLY GET IT.......... I CANNOT BE AROUND ANYONE FOR A LONG TIME...


Why?... what can we do? social distancing... Christmas presents that you don't like? You have 30 days for which you can return them... Just wait... material things you got for christmas can wait a bit.. until 30 days usually.....
New years? take a bottle of fuzzy stuff, zoom or face time, and salute... No need to be in a crowd.... or party...

My mum died in the Victoria Hospital hospice on Aug. 28th, 2001 (I recall that date vividly as it was just before 9/11). She was 77 and had died of multiple myeloma. It was abt 8 pm, I think. Anyway we all lingered there - my stepdad and -sister, her grown daughter, and me. We went to the rooftop garden and gathered a few flowers to put around her face. It was sad, but at least she wasn't in pain anymore.

Mum had always kept a Siamese cat or two. Always. Since I was a very small child. Unfortunately I was as allergic as hell to cats, so she had to have him put down - she tried the RSPCA, but he "pined" - not eating or drinking, and yowling his face off. (Well, Siamese cats are like that - if they aren't nattering at you or talking to you or yelling at you they must be have died or escaped, and that's the crux of my story.)

We were all driving back from the hospital and it was dark outside - pitch black. They lived a distance from there, I remember that bc we drove thru some countryside.

Now, who lets a Siamese cat out anyway, let alone at night?? I wouldn't. And anyway they always stay close to home bc you are their human and if you aren't there, all cat hell breaks loose bc WHERE ARE YOU! How dare you leave me!

So suddenly there appeared in a dark ditch at the side of the road this shrieking, maniacal Siamese cat - and I blurted out "There's mum! It's mum!" We all had a good laugh over that, but I've never forgotten it and I've wondered what it meant. Many years later I read a book by Patricia Pearson (the granddaughter of a former PM - he won the Nobel for that kaffuffle over Suez) called "Opening Heaven's Door", about strange things that had happened to her wrt her dad's and sister's deaths. I believe it.

So depressing this year - Toronto in lockdown for a month, me living two hours away from it so I can't see my kids and grandkids. I have a few neighbours but they are all in bubbles of their own. I am my very own bubble - think of that!

Happy New Year!

OntCrip, formerly Jingles

I remember freqflyer, GardenArtist, CountryMouse, Golden?

Thank you for sharing that wonderful story. I too believe that your husband came to visit was real!

Sorry! I missed understood you! LOL

According to the famous novelist Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, the creator of Sherlock Homes, who had studied the existence of spirits and the communication with the spirit world for more than 40 years, in his exact words:

"...nobody can say that I formed my opinions on psychic matters very hastily. Ergo, when people come along and contradict me who've had no experience at all, read little and perhaps never been to a seance, you can imagine that I don't take their opposition very seriously.

When I talk on this subject, I'm not talking about what I believe. I'm not talking about what I think. I'm talking about what I know. And there is an enormous difference, believe me, between believing a thing and knowing a thing. I'm talking about things that I've handled, that I've seen, that I've heard with my own ears, and always, mind you, in the presence of witnesses."

I whole heartedly agree with Sir A. C. Doyle. I've seen with my own eyes and heard with my ears, and I know that after our bodies die, we live on as spirits. That's because I have seen and heard from spirits.

On Amazon Prime, there are numerous documentaries about life after death. If anyone is open minded and interested in learning more, here are links to three of them.

The Scole Experiment: The After Life Investigation

The Life after Death Project 1

The Life after Death Project 2

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