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It’s a serious accusation and should have to be proven. Sometimes it is a false accusation. Other times, the father is a child molester and the mom isn’t able to provide proof and he gets away with it. Very complicated and sad. The poor kid is caught in the middle and suffers horribly.


I have a sense of humor but trust me, any female that has been molested or raped won’t find the story about your neighbor the least bit entertaining.

Kids experiment but a man who forces himself on a young girl or woman is a totally different story. A life changing situation that is never forgotten and is never a joke. Any young girl or woman should receive justice because it’s a crime.

Unfortunately, it’s the most unreported crime because women haven’t felt safe coming forward. That’s changing some and I hope that one day now women will ever fear reporting any crime.

By the way, the same goes for young boys who are molested. I hope they get justice for the crime committed against them.

I have two daughters. Both have been assaulted. It’s scary. My oldest was walking down a very nice section of St. Charles Ave. here in New Orleans and a guy knocked her down so hard that when she hit the pavement a bone was broken near her eye. He took her backpack and ran. When she filed the police report the cop told her that he most likely couldn’t get her stuff back but would do his best to catch him. There are cameras everywhere! Outside cameras on businesses, etc. He was caught!

My younger daughter had a crazy boyfriend. The day he put his hands around her neck, she left him! He was a spoiled ‘momma’s boy’ that expected her to do the same. When she didn’t he couldn’t handle it. His mom even called me to speak to my daughter to tell her to give him his way!

I told her that my daughter was over 18 and made her own choices and to never call me and ask me to interfere again. Thank God she broke up with him. I can’t imagine her having him as a mate or having to deal with her for a MIL!


Honestly, even if a woman had no clothes on at all, a man NEVER has the right to touch her, EVER! You can’t blame the victims.

You also can’t excuse men for behaving inappropriately, blackmailing or committing crimes.

Yes, everyone should be asked, regardless of gender. The molestation of young boys is sickening, whether it’s priests, Boy Scout leaders, etc. Young boys need to be guarded just as much as young girls. The people who commit these horrible crimes don’t quit. They are sick. They can’t be rehabilitated. They need to be locked up in jails or mental institutions.


Then you should understand. Those things should never have happened to your son, EVER!

How did a nice thread asking about Christmas and the holiday season escalate into this conversation. Ye Gads!

i reckon i was just trying to say that both guys and girls really have their work cut out for them if theyre trying to find a mate with good values .
its a sht show out there .

i dont think girls or women should play the crowd to a frenzy and then break everything off after their ego's have been maxed out and theyve played everyone for money , food , entertainment , and exitement either . its trashy as sht .


Don’t know! Sorry.

ive been played for masonry work and home repairs and then brutally shoved aside . pretty devious business there but a great learning experience .

Well, Captain. I happen to be sorry for everyone that gets hurt. Tacy is right. You don’t get to pick and choose. Just look at it fairly. It’s easy to become jaded if we get hurt but at some point we have to step back and simply be fair and objective.

Having said that, for those of us who volunteer in helping in women’s shelters like Tacy and I have and know the personal details where it has been proven where the man is unequivocally wrong, there is no debating the issue, nor is it a joke in any sense. It’s a tragic situation.

Holidays have grown extremely difficult for me .. and something I actually have a strategy to get through.

I am one of those "lonely ones". who no longer have family. My Dad passed last April, my mom is still around but in memory care and doesn't really realize holidays.. I lost relationships with all my siblings when my Dad died last April.. They were MIA but when they did show up.. they managed to harass me and hated/blamed me for everything concerning my parents.

Needless to say... I am spending all holidays alone this year (other then visiting my mom in memory care). My strategy is to simply ignore the holidays.. I dont watch TV.. and I am treating the holidays as just another day.. and trying to enjoy my day off as much as possible.

Maybe at some point I can find a new routine where I can start enjoying holidays.. away from any family connections of course.. but for this year.. that is my strategy.. I fear that if I did any thing else.. and tried to "be happy".. it would put too much stress on me and catapult me deeper into depression.

I do feel there is a lot of pressure to have happy family connections.. and to be happy.. and if you aren't in that is a tough time of year to get through.

I have to say that I am startled, to say the least, about the way this thread has developed since I started it. I was sympathetic to the many posters who seem to have a difficult time with Halloween, Thanksgiving and then Christmas /Hanukkah all coming a few weeks apart. I’m used to dealing with Christmas, but I’m glad to miss Halloween and Thanksgiving. We all know that the original reason for many holidays has faded or has been hijacked commercially, here in Oz as well as in the USA. It is a real struggle to stick to the things that matter – friendship, generosity to those in need, keeping workable links with family and old friends. CM, the Lord of Misrule still lives on to supervise Office parties! Captain, even thinking about the season clearly triggers anger and resentment for you, which is such a pity.

I had friends who went camping over Christmas, with a rule that all presents had to be made on the spot from natural materials – OK a bit of sticky tape etc was supplied. They said that the thought that went into it made it the best Christmas ever. I’m still looking for ways to celebrate Christmas that will bring a smile, peace and joy, which I wish to all of us.


Logging out until this thread is deleted.

Hi Gershun, sometimes it’s hard to tell. The big difference in Oz is no Halloween (only the last couple of years we’ve had children’s costumes in the shops) and no Thanksgiving. Christmas is fairly commercial, although there is a push for Christmas dinner to be seafood and salad. However I sometimes discover amazing things that come as a surprise; eg the last time I went to see rellies in the UK, I was appalled to find that the sound system in supermarkets was all advertisements. Barry Manilow is quite bad enough! Or reading about people in the USA turning on the shower so that the water runs warm, then going back to bed and going to sleep! South Australia is the driest state in the driest continent – you can pick us in a caravan park bathroom because we turn the tap off while cleaning our teeth – so it was hard to believe. Differences can be unexpected sometimes.

I thought that this lovely poem might get things back on track:

The Maid-Servant at the Inn, by Dorothy Parker

"It's queer," she said; "I see the light
As plain as I beheld it then,
All silver-like and calm and bright ---
We've not had stars like that again!

"And she was such a gentle thing
To birth a baby in the cold.
The barn was dark and frightening ---
This new one's better than the old.

"I mind my eyes were full of tears,
For I was young, and quick distressed
But she was less than me in years
That held a son against her breast.

"I never saw a sweeter child ---
The little one, the darling one! ---
I mind I told her, when he smiled
You'd know he was his mother's son.

"It's queer that I should see them so ---
The time they came to Bethlehem
Was more than thirty years ago;
I've prayed that all is well with them."

"...Or reading about people in the USA turning on the shower so that the water runs warm, then going back to bed and going to sleep!"

Really? I have never heard of such a thing. Where I live (in USA) people in general try to conserve water and energy as evidenced by our toilets using less than a gallon per flush. People are encouraged to take 5 minute showers to save water. If such a thing as you said really happened, it was done by some idiot or it was made up. There is such thing as fake news.

In my family and extended family, we haven't traded gifts for many years now. Only the kids get gifts. No commercialization of the holidays, at least not in my family circle.

Polar, I read it on a site about energy saving where the poster said it was a habit he knew he had to stop. Perhaps it was fake – who knows? PS I'm still surprised about where this thread keeps going?

there have been weeks of family holiday stress stories on this site . im older and alone now and i dont bother with any holiday expectations .
that doesnt make me a jaded old grinch and an ' under the table , uninsured cowboy builder ' is really pulling things out of your azz .

now if you called me a mischievious old man up on the hill who likes to wind people up just for free entertainment and a few laughs , i would probably agree with that .

happy holidays to everyone . dont let anybody tell you how to celebrate them ( or not ) .

"It seems horrible",

I love our American holidays. My husband just told me that I am a traditionalist Wednesday as I make my own turkey on Thanksgiving. Ditto the traditions we had growing up. I remember soft lights on the Christmas tree coming home from Midnight Mass & the cookies we left for Santa, with lovely wrapped presents (not too many and good things like jigsaw puzzles and little things that brought great happiness even if the gift was less than $10. It’s not like that now.

Gone are the days of traveling anywhere for the holidays. In our newly married years I remember driving from White Plains NY to Long Island when the trip was 4 1/2 hrs for a normal 1.5 hr drive. They can come to our house and they did (family) for many years.

Those visits stopped 15 yrs ago or so as the children grew to adults who got married and went their own way.

I still cook my turkey, buy a real Christmas tree, have my traditional special dinners but just for hubby and me.

Matter of fact I told my husband today that this past Thanksgiving I felt guilt free for the first time ever. All of my nuclear family are gone. I used to worry every holiday season about my mom & brother being alone (never bothered them but always bothered me). Because of my job (RN) I always have had to work holidays. This Thanksgiving I had no such worries. It felt good.

But it back to American holidays yes Christmas has become very materialistic unfortunately. But there are still plenty of us that still celebrate with simplicity. A Child is born & he is our Savior so it’s a happy time of hope.

Charlie Brown's Christmas came out in 1965 and was a commentary on consumerism and the loss of the true meaning of the day. Dickens published A Christmas Carol way back in 1843. It's obvious there isn't anything new going on.

"I thought that this lovely poem might get things back on track:"

Really? I thought the point of your original post was to offend people by bashing their country and customs.

everybody is offended over something . its the newest american custom .

Meh, I like the holidays fine. I do think some are over commercialized but it doesn't bother me much. My family has been through a lot in the past 5 years, my husband has had 2 open heart surgeries back to back, my daughter had an AVM rupture in her brain while pregnant resulting in 2 brain surgeries, coding 5 times. She is fine other than some balance and vision problems and the child was perfect. All of this while having mom with me for these 5 years; I am the only child of 4 who cares for her. Yesterday she pooped in my hands.

Am I tired? Yeah. Am I bitter? No. My contentment and faith is somehow stronger than before. I do not begrudge anybody for wanting to celebrate the holidays however they want. Do it while you can and with who you love. It doesn't last that long.

"everybody is offended over something . its the newest american custom"

There's something to that, and I can deal with people being offensive jerks. It's doing that and then coming back all sanctimonious over the babe in the manger that gags me.

ive worked for a lot of jerks and a lot of faux christians too .

the latter will resort to dam near homicide to possess another dollar .

it really doesnt make sense to me -- you cant take a dime of it with you .

im not bashing christians ( or any faith ) . most believers have great basic values ( imo ) .

heres the link to a local ( indiana ) news story that takes a global look at holiday consumerism and ' black friday ' in particular . if many people criticize the absurdity of it perhaps they make legitimate observations .

The criticism of consumerism is legitimate, but the original comment was directed specifically at the US by someone who seems to think she knows all about us "from a distance" based on the internet. Our holidays suck and we should stop celebrating anything they don't do in Australia. I was ready to just ignore that. Then she comes back drizzling peace, love, and Christianity and claiming that was her original point. She's got a right to do that too. I have a right to point out the hypocrisy of it.

everybody is within their rights today . thats great . it means im ( probably ) within my rights to provoke these gals on here in hopes one of em will get so frustrated they come to indiana to ' mix it up ' with me and end up staying for a few days -- for the great homemade beer of course .

love and hate are two sides of the same coin .

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