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I'm reading a book titled Little Cruelties by Liz Nugent.

It's a so so read........but I never not finish a book even if it's a real yawner. I sometimes change my mind about a book if I do that so even if it's sometimes a chore I'll never give up on a book.

I downloaded the PBS app to my smart tv. Just starting to watch Elizabeth is Missing that is also a book.

Why a kindle oasis? It is good under water and does not have speakers, course you could get buds, i suppose.

I guess to each this/her own. My eyes aren't great but I have no trouble reading on my Kindle app. I use a black background from a choice of white black or sepia. with white print. You can adjust the font size easily and, of course, the brightness, and, with flux, the warmth of the light.

Still reading Blake Pierce mysteries - a bit predictable but good escapism.

Send - I usually choose to read with no additional lighting supplied by the device, just as with paper books when it gets dark I turn on a reading lamp.

Husband reads l lot, and is shopping for a new Kindle Oasis. He has keratoconus and is careful about lighting. The background lighting is warmer, easier on the eyes. A computer runs the battery all the time when on, vs. the Oasis and e-ink devices use less battery. The current (9th generation) kindle Oasis has 25 backlights so the user can adjust the color temperature to their preference and avoid blue light. Amazon has it about $250 USD.

I asked him so many questions about this:
 "wouldn't choose a phone, tablet or computer over an e-reader with an e-ink display" so he tried to educate me. It went in one ear, and even though I was interested, the information got trapped in my brain.

He finally threw his hands in the air, and as he left the room, proclaimed
"Anything is better than being illiterate", Lol.

NFD. (no further details) as he is now back, standing over me, editing what I am saying. He was generous to offer the information, don't you think?

I asked him what he is reading right now:
I Was Just a Radioman
HTML Fixes for Kindle
The Daily Bible

Golden, I wouldn't choose a phone, tablet or computer over an e-reader with an e-ink display, never never never!

Your new Kindle need not be hooked to Alexa. I absolutely love my new paperwhite. It is my first kindle.
Now reading three books at once.
Roman Dial's The Adventurer's Son (Father follows the footsteps of his disappeared son, a memoir)
T.C. Boyle's Stories II, a massive book of short stories: Not to be missed in them his stories, Balto and Chicxulub but the best of the bunch so far is La Conchita.
Lastly, the memoir Widowish by Melissa Gould about the death of her husband and her own adjustment; just started and it is SO GOOD.

I've just downloaded the Kindle app onto my laptop and my iPhone. It works very well on both. and its free.

Just don't do what I did, my original kobo glo died this spring when I foolishly tried to do a reset after it became glitchy. I replaced it with the most basic kobo (clara?) because I don't want or need any bells and whistles I just want to read library books, but that's probably
no good if you want to buy books from amazon.

The tab area on my kindle screen seems to be dying.😧 Just as I get to enjoying reading books on it. Kindle is about 5-6 years old. Time for a new one? All the new ones seem to have Alexa. I don't want it!

Looks like we have a lot of mystery readers. I recommend ANYTHING by Peter Swanson, but especially The Kind Worth Killing. This one will twist you into so many knots of unknowing you won't know what to do.

I just finished The War Lord, I have read all the series and love historical novels. One of my degrees is in history and I can;t get enough of it! Now I am reading the latest ruth Ware mystery,, they are pretty easy reads and entertaining

Bill Clegg's Did you Ever Have A Family. HIGHLY recommend it. I read his most recent before it ( The End of the Day), which isn't as good as his first book, but is good nevertheless.

Another kindle freebie Bloodline. I am about 1/3 way through. It is a very strange book. Waiting for all to be revealed as to why things are the way they are in this small Minnesota town. Remnants of stepford wives at this point. Storyline from a 1940's disappearance of a kindergarten age boy on his first day of school.

CWillie, as to believability, I think it could also be considered salability, or poetic license?   Or maybe escapist reading?    If you've ever read any of Clive Cussler's adventure novels, you'd remember that the heroes are mortal but superhuman.     They can tolerate physical abuse that I doubt any other human could.    But I suspect that beyond the macho aspect, some folks really relate to being not only a superhero, but physically invulnerable.   

I think it might be too easy to fall into a trap of slipping away from realism.  Some TV programs and movies seem to personify that lack of reality.

Last night I started Shell Game by Sara Paretsky - is anyone else a former fan of V.I. Warshawski?
I'm finding the believability factor pretty thinly stretched and I haven't even gotten into the meat of the story yet. This series started back in the 80's and VI wasn't a kid back then, if time flows as it should the character has to be pushing into her 60's or beyond - it's been a while since I read anything in this series yet she's still full of physical prowess, Mr Contreras is still her downstairs neighbour and Lottie is still a medical powerhouse (weren't they both supposed to be at least a generation older than VI?) and her 2 dogs haven't aged at all. To top it off the book features Lottie's 24 year old nephew - uhm...grand nephew maybe? I was checking reviews and everyone seems to love this book and series, some are even mentioning how nice it is to see VI age appropriately - how can I be the only one who notices?

The Journey to Being Whole is Learning to Be Holey
By: Georgia Murch

A bit geared towards the Twiter gen (IMO) with lots of short punchy concepts. But an easy read & interesting concept: giving yourself permission not to be perfect.

Current an amazing book written by Mom and Son about the son's depression: memoir, called The Boy Between (free on Amazon Kindle if you have Amazon Kindle unlimited.)
Secondly one of the best books I have read in a long time. My last one is Mantel Pieces by Hilary Mantell who wrote my beloved Wolf Hall. These essays are laugh out loud funny and so brilliantly written that I have the hard cover coming so I can re read it and mark it all up and keep it with my keepers in the keeper case.
Reading. It's what I DO!!!!
And GladI'mHere, I so agree. I fought getting a Kindle for so long and now I am in love with it. I can SEE. No more burning eyes from strain. I should have done this long ago. I am adding your book to my list as I love mysteries. I sure recommend Kindle Unlimited. So many are free, and periodically get 5.00 off a title on my wish list, plus one free book a month. I am hooked on it.

I just finished reading second book on my kindle. I really enjoy reading this way which I am surprised with. No shadows or tilting a book to try to get better light. Why have I been moving so many books around with me?!

A Killers Wife, I thought was quite good a completely unexpected twist at the end.

Yes, and AlvaDeer if I remember correctly, he was rather calm (other than a rocking back and forth due to being anxious of being found out) and had a smile on his face.

Shanann and close friend, Nickole Atkinson were arriving back from our state late the night before the murders. I saw Nickole do a raw self interview in her car telling everyone how badly this has impacted her own life. I feel for everyone who has been directly impacted by this whole thing.

The scariest part to me is looking at the family pictures and videos and how they really "looked" like a wonderful, loving couple and family often wearing matching clothing.

Seriously after that, if I were to lose my husband, I would never ever date much less marry again - NO WAY!

Tana French's The Witch Elm. Because, you know. Witches!
I still remember, NobodyGetsIt, the interviews with Chris Watts, his standing there in front of the garage with his arms crossed, remember thinking "This isn't good at all". Looked like a liar from the getgo. What an unimaginable thing.

I'm on my second reading of "My Daddy is a Hero - How Chris Watts went from Family Man to Family Killer" by Lena Derhally. I did not want to read the book written by Cheryln Cadle after watching an interview with her regarding her book. Having family who have lived in the Northglenn/Thornton area of Colorado, they were about 20 minutes from Frederick. I wasn't as obsessed over it as many others but, I did find myself watching some of the documentaries and YouTube videos regarding the case. What a horrifying way to die for those two precious little girls along with their pregnant mother - it still haunts me.

I became interested when we had a horrific homicide near my old high school - very similar to this case but the husband escaped and is on the FBI's Most Wanted List.

It's sad how one person's actions affect so many especially the ones who worked directly on the case. Detective Dave Baumhover having to take a leave of absence (if he hasn't already retired) due to PTSD. Also, have seen the interview with Tammy Lee who did the polygraph test/interrogation interview.

Willie, I barely sleep anymore anyways so I figure I might as well be reading. But yeah, really quite enjoying this book.

I love all of Karen Slaughter's Will Trent/Sara Linton books Gershun, I can't do all nighters any more though!

Someone here has been to a place in Quebec like or was the basis for the bistro in the Louise Penny Gamache series. Was that you Pam? I can't remember who it was.

I'm reading The Last Widow by Karin Slaughter right now. Hubs is away working so I have lots of time to indulge in my favorite past time.

I love to read before I go to sleep but sometimes especially if I'm reading a really good book saying to myself "just one more chapter" usually turns into an all nighter. Hubs always says "try to make this one last longer" Obvious he's not a reader with that remark. :)


Is Kindle your favorite way to read?

Don’t laugh but I listen to my local radio station for the blind. They read phenomenal books. It’s a non profit station. Books are read by marvelous volunteers. Just as many sighted people listen as blind listeners.

Oh great. I dive into a series I like too. I spent too much on them but they were worth it and I have them on Kindle so I can reread them. The Great British Detectives have made up for that. $1.99 for months of reading. 😊

Golden, I have read all of them! Once I find a series I like I just dive in! Thank goodness for the library or I would be broke!

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