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pamz - I love her writing. it's worth reading them all. The new one is the 16th of the series. The characters are great, Most if not all of the other books are centered in a small town in Quebec. The atmosphere there is enchanting. I want to live in a place like that. Glad you're enjoying it.

Golden I am reading the new Louise Penny now!! Almost done, loving it so far.

NeedHelp, I read usually after 3 pm. I have an "Old Nurse's Back" which means it is cranky. I stay on my feet from time I get up about 6-7 in morning, so you know, house, garden, walks, shopping, cook, laundry, whatever keeps me moving. About 3 usually a nap which starts as reading and ends quickly enough now as reading. Then up to eat, watch an hour of news, back to reading until the beau gives up HIS TV time (seldom a match with mine until Better Call Saul), moves to his computer, and I watch TV a few hours. Then back to reading. Don't know how many hours a day I do. I got my first Kindle recently what with the eyesight going South a bit. And I surprised myself by loving it (the way with me and "new" things). So am moving finally into the 21st century. But yeah, reading. Other worlds to sink into when you are tired of this one. I love it.
And that Witch book? Only kidding. 30.00 at Amazon. Rich for my blood. Have to wait for libraries to reopen. I was reading the New York Times Book Section on Sunday and say it mentioned and just doubled up with laughter. Said to the Beau, I can't WAIT until the "What are you Reading Thread comes round again".


Impressive list! What is your favorite time to read? My husband often falls asleep with a book on his chest.

I believe it's considered the standard manual, Alva, yes.

[Where's the icon for tongue-in-cheek - ???]

Just finished Mary Gordon's book "Payback".
Now reading " What Are you Going Through" by Sigrid Nunez.
Coming soon from Amazon is "Magic: A history From Alchemy to Witchcraft from The Ice Age to the Present." by Chris Gosden. He's an Oxford Archaeologist. It's gotta be good, right? I am going to consider it educational; hoping it doesn't lead to a whole new career path moving forward.

Finished the Armand Gamache by Louise Penny. I got such a nice warm family feeling at the end. Now I'm back to the Great British Detective series and enjoying the adventures of Eugene Valmont!

Glad, I got the freeby you mentioned - "If She Knew" and will read that when I have finished the GBD series. Happy you are liking your Kindle.

I hurt my shoulder doing exercises so I have a great excuse (reason?) to spend lots of time resting it and reading for the next few days. 😊

Once these days I’ve got to visit Trinity County. I’ve never been to that part of the state. I absolutely love the Sierras, so beautiful all year round! I looked up the Ripple Creek Cabins, what a charming place! Old fashion cabins & beautiful sights!

Worried, I so remember that book. I SO remember it.
I love Trinity County. We always went as a family, kids, grandkids to a place just outside Coffee Creek, cabins, no TV or anything, fishing, hiking. What a joy that place is. Just bikes and badminton and the Trinity running virtually outside the door. They have a page on Facebook; Ripple Creek Cabins. Haven't been back in years now, Miss it. Such an empty and beautiful place, that area of California.

Currently re-reading Shallow Grave in Trinity County. A true story about the murder of teenager Stephanie Bryan, kidnapper in Berkeley CA and murdered in 1950. It’s a great read, although it’s very sad.

Blacktop Wasteland by S. A. Cosby. Just finished Susan Wigg's The Lost and Found Bookshop.

I finally caved and started the new Armand Gamache and am 2/3 of the way through it. It's as good as the others though set in Paris not Quebec. I sort of miss the Quebec setting.. The last authors in the Great British Detective collection just weren't doing it for me especially when I knew i had Armand Gamache waiting for me. I'll probably finish it tonight and then what???? :(

ITRR - and anyone interested - The Great Influenza by Barry is available in pdf free.

"The Great Influenza" by John M. Barry

Truly something everyone should read during the pandemic. Helps to understand the how and why behind everything that happens.

I love to read a good novel. Lately once I put the book down before finishing it and start up again I don't remember what I read so I have to reread a few chapters. Very frustrating sometimes. I like nonfiction.

The two new Debbie MacComber novels,, one regular and the next is her new Christmas novel. They are quick reads, and always a feel good story!

Reading a book on my Kindle for the first time. Never thought I would like it as much as I do. Maybe it is the eyes getting older and just so much easier to see, actually seems to hold my attention more, too.

Let's see what is the book? A freebie that I downloaded. "If She Knew" Book 1 of a series. Pretty good so far.

I have finished the psychology book... It was simple, full of examples and with some tips but I think it is sometimes not realistic. But maybe it just because we have been taught for centuries in a way that make us put the others first and feel guilty.

Nearing the end of the Great British Detectives collection which I have thoroughly enjoyed except Bulldog. Drummond. I skipped most of that section due to mediocre writing and violence which did not add to the stories. The rest of the collection is good. I love the scenes in London which bring back memories of my time there.

The Spirit Filled Life by Charles Stanley & Outlander by Diana Gabaldon.

Zealot, The Life and Times of Jesus of Nazareth by Reza Aslan. An amazing read. Just finished The Overstory. Loved the beginning part. 30% of the way in began to lose interest, too concentrated on people, not enough on trees. Before that Wonder Valley by Ivy Pochada.

Of Love and Shadows by Isabel Allende is available instantly on a Kindle through Amazon. $11.99 U.S.

Also, free on Audible.

CWillie love the JJ Jance Joanna Brady books.

The Boys of Auschwitz by Malka Adler. Very good. I’m rereading all of the Tony Hillerman mysteries. Just finished Catherine Coulter book Deadlock. One of the FBI mysteries. Love Baldacci books.

Cwillie. I wonder if you could "borrow" the e-book. We can do that for some books here. We can download them and they will remain on the e-reader for 15 days.

I have started the psychology book but I think I will read just a few pages every day and read something easier when I go to work by train.
When I arrived at my office I found a nice packet: a colleague offered me "the roaches have no king". I just don't know anything about this book... I am curious.

I also bought a book in French... And Murphy's law.

Plenty of books waiting for me. I have always read a lot but these last 2 years I had a kind of reader's block and read very few books.

It's not in my library at all NHWM, and I'm not sure if it is worth the hassle of an interlibrary loan (or if that is even available).


Can’t you ask the librarian to order it for you? I do that. They will get it from another branch.

Of Love and Shadows sounds really intriguing but unfortunately it isn't available at my library 🙁 but I've bookmarked the first of the Miss Fischer series to check out, I'm always on the lookout for a new series. I don't think I can do Dear Edward though, the deep personal tragedy sounds like it would be too much for me right now.

Dear Edward by Ann Napolitano, highly recommended. I’ve read several of the more recently published books lately and been disappointed by them. This one didn’t disappoint

Hi everyone, I thought that I would finally join the reading thread. I'll read just about any genre if I find the content interesting, even those for younger readers. Recently I finished "Circe" by Madeline Miller.
I also wanted to mention the Miss Fisher series by Kerry Greenwood. My husband and I really enjoyed the show and I just got the first book it was based on.

I have just finished (like 5 minutes ago :-)) Of love and shadows by Isabel Allende. I received 2 books for my birthday and I bought my therapist spoke me about... I have now to choose which one to start!

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