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Cwillie, I just read the latest Ann Hillerman novel, the Tale teller. Also set in the reservations areas, with native American police,, I love them. I think she took over when tony hillerman passed ( at least I think he did) and she does a great job.

Tonight I'll be starting book #19 in the Joe Picket series - Wyoming game warden and reluctant crime fighter - by C.J. Box.

Jessie Mihalik. She has 2 ongoing series. I'm currently on The Consortium Rebellion series Book 2- Aurora Blazing. Sci-fi kick*ss female main characters. Book 2 is her sister's story (I'm on the 1st chapter and a bit disappointed it's a different female mc.) I ended up buying a used paperback book since it was less than half the cost of the ebook ($11.99).

I love that I'm able to use my handmade recycled material bookcover (with islander patches in front - coconut tree and a gecko, and hand sewn leftover material bookmarker)... I'm using detachable bookmarker in which I stapled on top 2 individual colorful paper bookmarkers (freebies) back to back (pictures facing outward). On my favorite side, I slightly trimmed the bottom marker to make it shorter than the back side. This makes it easier to slide the marker into the page. I prefer this bookmarker than the one I've attached to bookcover.

I think the pressures on dancers accelerated over the years, especially with Balanchine's choreography.   He was brilliant, but from what I've read, also had high expectations of his dancers, including Kirkland, and was demanding in his standards.

I solved the problem of 180 degree turnouts.  After a lot of trying, I decided to do a 1/2 turnout at a time.   One foot was at a 90 degree angle while the other remained comfortable!

DizzyBritches, yes, I sometimes read two different books at a time, especially if I'm reading a fast paced novel and need to relax.   I have a good collection of the Chicken Soup books which I meander through very slowly.    I'm probably on the 5th or 6th reading of the Ocean one.

Peter Mayle's series on Provence are also ones I read intermittently, and repeatedly.

I believe the instruction methods for ballet take into consideration movement of a more therapeutic nature to avoid examples of elderly professional widespread injuries.

Ballet dancers are trained to maintain unnatural postures when they learn turnout. Some young dancers overdo it - at least they used to. Hopefully they are smarter about training in a healthier manner.
In the 70s and 80s some professional dancers used coke to get them energy and dampen their appetite. Gelsey Kirkland tried to live on an apple a day and cocaine. Incredible dancer, but no one could sustain that.

Does anyone read more than one book at a time?

“No One Left to Lie To,” by Christopher Hitchens


”If You Tell,” by Gregg Olsen

Riverdale, correction on the tv stations.    It should be WTVS instead of ANT TV.

And I'm sorry to learn about the issues with Christian Science.   I'm not especially familiar with the tenets, but know enough to conclude that it's not something with which I would ever want to be involved.

I thought dancers had problems with their feet, especially their toes, but wasn't aware of hip and knee problems.    Ballet is so beautiful and graceful that it's hard to relate physical injuries with their graceful performances.

I wonder if the health issues are suppressed to maintain the illusion of dancers' litheness and beauty extending from dancing into their personal lives.

I've read also that many dancers are smokers, which surprised me given the demands for energy.

GA - I also enjoyed the Sherlock Holmes movies and dd and I agree that Jeremy Brett was the quintessential Holmes. Reading the books is a different treat.

Riverdale - your mum - Wow!!!

cw - I haven't read them and just googled Mary Russel and her works. Looks interesting but I don't like the prices. I will pass on the info to dd who is also a Holmes fan. I may get them anyway once I have finished my two megapacks. They together cost only a few bucks which may justify the expense.

GardenArtist, yes I took ballet and later jazz. I wish I kept up with it. It was my choice to stop but I wish I had more guidance. It breaks my heart that my mother let herself go physically. One would never know now she had been a dancer. She found religion in the form of Christian Science. She has had both hips and one knee replaced which is common with alot of dancers. She basically had to become immobile to have surgery thinking she could pray it away. Absolutely cannot stand that religion. It caused me years of pain and some needed surgery to correct problems that were ignored. You don't want to trade places with me. My mother drives me nuts with her choices. What I am grateful for is that she now is not overly difficult having had a stroke that took away many of her peculiarities. I don't wish she had it but we had to force her to get it diagnosed as she was relying on a person in the religion to pray for her who has now died of cancer. All her friends in that religion are gone partly because none of them sought medical treatment at the end.

Golden have you read any of the Mary Russel books by Laurie R King? The books are based an the unlikely partnership of the aging Holmes and the much younger Mary Russel - I think they do a very good job of adding a new dimension to the Sherlock Holmes legacy, and they are also wonderfully fun to read 😁.

Riverdale, it's either on World TV or ANT TV, both PBS channels.   My tv just went down so I'll double check when the channels reprogram themselves and let you know for sure. 

I am sooooo envious and in admiration of your mother's talent.   Your mother must have some very proud memories of her experiences. 

I don't recall - did you mention whether or not you took dance lessons as well?

Golden23, I loved watching the Holmes movies.   Even if a bit dramatic, Sherlock was played as such an insightful, brilliant, if not an eccentric character.   And I never even thought in terms of Watson as a foil, which he was, and highlighted both his and Sherlock's talents.   

Jeremy Brett was I think my favorite Sherlock; he just seemed to be a natural.

GardenArtist, no I have not seen that. Is there a channel to look for it on. My mother was a ballet dancer. She was in the corps de ballet in the 1950's of the Metropolitan Opera and other places. In the 1960's she transferred to Modern Dance in California where my parents moved to in the early 60's. She taught modern dance. She taught in the studio on Hollywood Blvd that Eugene Loring had started.

Reading Arthur Conan Doyle. I have finished A Study in Scarlet, The Sign of Four and the Hound of the Baskervilles and started The Valley of Fear. Watson is such a great foil to Sherlock.

TNtechie, your current read on racism raises a lot of thought provoking concepts, and some that dovetail with current local and national issues, unfortunately.

I wonder though if the kind of racial hostility we see isn't evidenced by much earlier friction if not outright hostility between races, and/or is it part of man's desire to conquer?  I.e., and e.g., did dictators and leaders conquer other countries for territorial expansion, gains, and/or because conquered races often weren't of the same racial background?    Were conquests greed or racially based, or neither, or both?

Humans have unfortunately demonstrated such negative abilities to interact with others, and that seems over the years to have dominated history while those reaching out to help don't garner as much attention.

And, trying to avoid political issues, an example:  from what I've read, the Saudi "soldiers" have some sense of contempt toward actual combat, not aerial, but on the ground combat, and feel that others should perform these tasks for them.   I have citations for this in my database, but didn't take the time to look them up for this post.

Whites also enslave other whites; that's a nonracial issue and still is a problem.  

I think that mankind has a genetic blend of helping, but sometimes errant characteristics, such as these maniacal power grabs for land, tip the balance not only toward racial discrimination but toward more violent and powerful countrywide actions.   

Complicated issues.  

I've just finished another fascinating Cussler novel, this one addressing AI and achievement of the vaunted singularity, characterized by centuries old intents of good will compromised by contemporary greed.    It's another one of the fiction books that address the dangers of AI when used inappropriately and for gain.

Riverdale, thinking about dancing and its positive effects...

BTW, have you seen Bare Feet, with Michaela Mallozzi?

Although her flexibility, adaptability and dance talents make me feel inadequate, I love to see the different dance traditions from countries throughout the world.   In fact, I've been thinking and decided to buy a new pair of ballet slippers since my feet have outgrown my existing ones.  Just putting them motivates me to work out.

What kind of dancing did your mother do?

How to be an Antiracist by Ibram Kendi; one view into racism and how to change it. Most of the ideas go completely against my libertarian views because it accepts no personality responsibility (even if only partial) for adverse outcomes. And yet there are very valid points here too.

Every policy or law is judged _completely_ and _only_ by it's outcome. So the war on drugs (with mandatory sentences) is racist because more blacks have been locked up than whites or other minorities. I disagree the laws and policies used in the war on drugs are of themselves racist; but I agree the implementation of those laws has had a disproportional racial impact. I support the First Step Act to release non-violent criminals sooner. Although a major part of the reason may very well be racist choices by the people deciding whether borderline cases are charged and prosecuted or dismissed, I firmly believe family structure and wealth are also factors. People of all races from two parent homes or with enough resources to hire a private attorney fair far better in our judicial system than people from single parent homes and working poor level of resources; having $500 to engage an attorney for a misdemeanor court appearance can make a profound difference.

So I disagree with this author's premise that the only way to end racism is to create discriminatory laws favoring minorities. Discrimination of any kind only creates more injustice. We can rework our bail laws to be more reasonable to poorer populations, but there is still a personal responsibility factor too. People who choose to drop out of high school and never develop a professional or trade skill will always make lower wages than people who spend the effort to have those skills. Women who choose to have children out of wedlock and men who choose to walk away from their children will always provide fewer opportunities for their children. Ignoring the personal choices involved in creating adverse outcomes or even worse teaching children personal choices do not matter and all their challenges are the results of being victimized is not going to solve problems. We have to work on both sides of issues to ever truly balance the scales.

I just googled it as it was made into a film. It is "I'm Dancing As Fast As I Can"

Garden artist, I loved Dancing on My Grave. There is another book about dancing with a striking title. Maybe it will come back to me. I have a book in my car that is a new release about a dancer. Maybe I will post about it. My mother who is 89 and in terrible shape was a very serious dancer in her and my youth. I wished I had stayed with it.

Gershun and GA - both your choices look interesting to me. I have just finished reading all Dorothy Sayer's Peter Wimsey books.. She was an Oxford graduate and also wrote a variety of other books. I have one of hers referring to classical education "The Lost Tools of Learning" on my list for reading when I feel like something more serious.

I discovered Amazon's megapacks -wonderful prices - and have started on "The Great British Detectives" which begins with Sherlock Holmes. "It is an old maxim of mine that when you have excluded the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth."

CWillie, thanks for that reference.   That sounds like the kind of book that would capture me and I'd end up reading it compulsively nonstop just to find out what happens.   It also captures the threats of a world which was so precipitously dangerous in so many ways, in which people's lifestyles for years were compromised and influenced by a demented tyrant. 

And it would take me out of my realm and allow me to completely forget what's going on in the world today.  

I've put it on my list; that gives me another excuse to go to Barnes & Noble! 

I tried to find the novel I read of a woman blazing new trails in medicine in a male dominated world, but can't find it.  I swore it was on one the shelves the last time I looked.

But I did find a few others that are well worth reading again:

Dancing on my Grave, by Gelsey Kirkland, who relates the sad tale of her mental and physical challenges while dancing with the incomparable Baryshnikov, in the equally incomparable Balanchine's company.   While she's seen in public as an exceptionally talented dancer, in private she faced a host of medical and self image challenges, but prevailed in the long run.

I won't deny that my view of Balanchine was somewhat shattered by her experiences, but I can also understand that a master such as he could have the personality she describes.

Mao's Last Dancer, by Li Cunxin, another intense true story of a Chinese man, forced into ballet by a totalitarian regime, the challenges, physical pain, and his ability to conquer them and survive while eventually escaping the tyranny inflicted just before and during Mao's reign.

Now, all I need is a week or so of intense snowstorms that keep me confined inside so I can just read.

Thanks for sharing the information on The Nightingale.

CWillie, just out of curiosity I read that review you mentioned. Read cute?

Man, what a pill she sounds like. If she's got that much time on her hands to spend dissecting a book like that maybe she should consider trying to write one herself. Maybe she has. Based on her trivial comments I doubt that her writing skills would come up to par either.

I read the reviews of the Nightingale as well. People either loved it or hated it. Mind you I read them after reading the book.

I like to make my own mind up about things. So don't follow reviewers choices about books, movies or anything media related.

I loved the book.

Here you are GA

I don't think that the book is my style but I did enjoy reading the incredibly detailed one star review posted by Read Cute.
(PS, most people loved it)


I tried to find your previous post on The Nightingale but was unsuccessful.  I read a book with I believe a similar title a few decades ago.  It was about a woman who was one of the first medical doctors in a field of almost all men.   What was your book about?


I don't think I've read any of the anti-utopian novels since college, and only then b/c of course requirements.  I found them unsettling.  Given some of the things that are happening today, I'm afraid I might find them even more unsettling.   

I've seen a few of the Divergent/Insurgent series, which I guess would be considered more dystopian than anti-utopian (lots of "ians" in this type of literature!).    They were difficult to watch, and frightening to consider.

TNTechie, I noted that you read The Roman Republic, and that it's not referred to as The Roman Empire.   It's been decades since I've read any history on that period, but as I recall the issue of whether or not it really qualified as an Empire was one that was debated among scholars.

Did the book you read address this?

That reminds me of all the books I bought during college, with the intent of spending retirement winters reading them while sipping hot chocolate and wrapped up in a quilt.   I'm still waiting for that time to arrive.   

But more relevant are the changes in international relations, reconfiguration of countries, the wars that have been fought, and the advance and change in literally all aspects of life by technology.     Those books truly will be "historical" now.

I just completed The Nightingale, the book I mentioned the other day. What an awesome book!

If you get the chance, you should definitely read it. Expect to bawl at the end.

I'm taking a break from adventure novels and reading Adm. McRaven's Sea Stories.   Although so far the experiences he relates are on land, his writing and adventures provide insight into how he eventually ended up in Special Ops.    It's an interesting glimpse into his life.

It can be interesting to reread books we first read years ago, sometimes age and life experiences completely change your perspective.

Now I am re-reading the book Fahrenheit 451 for the second time, the first time I read this book when I was young. Impressions are twofold. For reading in adolescence, during the formation of a person - this is it. However, as an anti-utopia, this book is more suitable for acquaintance with this genre. Bradbury does not delve into the very essence of the problems, he only calls them. But basically the book is interesting. Who did not read, I advise you to read. Have a good day!

Just finished The Roman Republic: A Very Short Introduction by David M Gwynn, part of a 600+ book "Very Short Introduction" series from Oxford University Press. Each book I have read in this series is 150-250 pages, well organized and easy to read with a lot of major points/characters you can follow up on in more detail if you wish.

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