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Kendare Blake's The Goddess War trilogy. Excellent horror/fantasy re Greek mythology.

The 36 hour day- a guide for caregivers. I would call it more like a bible for caregivers. I just discovered it. I also purchased being mortal.

I saw the word Fantasy and checked The Starless Sea. Way over my budget. My paperbacks are deteriorating fast in this hot humid house. My goal is to reread my favorite paperback books (which the pages are falling off as I read it). I also have 2 large plastic containers filled with unread books... I’m rereading a fantasy, investigative book The Child by Jes Battis.

I’m so used to reading ebooks, I find myself trying to swipe the paper page to make the font bigger. 🤦🏻‍♀️

Toxic Psychiatry by Peter Breggin

windy, I have read some reviews for that book,, I'll have to look it up. We also love books set in other countries.. love M C Beaton for example

Just finished a very interesting book, ELIZABETH IS MISSING, by Emma Healy, her first book.

A good, small village, British mystery. The narrator in the book is an 82 year old lady who is developing dementia and she’s typical of what we see so much in our elders, she has very muddled short term memory but good long term memory.

Reading the book was like being on the other side of dementia. She describes her confusion, her struggle to find a word, to recognize people. I saw my dad in this character. If he could describe what’s going on in his mind this would be accurate I think.

And besides the insight into dementia it’s a ripping good yarn.

Gershun, I think reading expands the mind so much, and that's much better than expansion elsewhere (as chocolate tends to do, although it is a good "medicine").

CharK60, I haven't read anyone mention "The Life of Pi" in soooo many years.   I think I may have it somewhere.    Time for a trip back in time by visiting all the old book stashes.

The last book I read to my daughter was “The Life of Pi”
She was also 12.
Around age 10 I remember that we listened to the Harry Potter series on the way back and forth to school. We had a long ride and wouid really get into it. I got busted on listening ahead one day. Couldn’t get that tape back to the right spot. Ouch.
I love those memories.

I remember reading novels to my first daughter who was an “only” until she was 12 so we had plenty of alone time together.

Many, many times I finished her books after she fell asleep beside me. Watership Down, Charlie and the Chocolate factory, The Wizard of Oz, she didn’t like it much but I couldn’t put some of them down!

I’m reading “Career of Evil” by Robert Galbraith who is in fact J.K.Rowling the author of the Harry Potter series.

It is a crime drama and the third in a series. Kind of slow starting but it’s gotten very good.

I just finished “The 19th Christmas” by James Patterson whose books I may as well drink from a cup because I absorb them so quickly they fill my pores.

I'm reading Suspicious Minds by Gwenda Bond. I love mystery books but don't think it is one. It's 1969 and about 4 college kids in a scientific study. I'm almost half way thru. Mentioned in the book, Woodstock, landing on the moon, and the Mason murders. Just mentioned.....

To paraphrase the Captain's credo - I ain't gonna pay for books when I can read for free - even best sellers are available at the library as long as you are prepared to patiently wait your turn. The only exception I make are books I want to read again and again, and perhaps not even then. But then I am a prolific reader, at $15 or more for even a paperback book I'd be spending hundreds a month.

You sounded very scholarly there Garden. LOL But then you always do.

I've gained so much from reading. My hubs quite often asks me how did you know that? From reading of course. Chocolate is nice a good book and chocolate.........well you can't get better than that.

Blech - add a "t" and "ley" and you've got Bletchley Park, the famous Enigma code breaking group.

Gershun, I too still buy books, and probably will for years.  They stimulate my mind, they open vistas to new concepts, new places, and some of them (like Cussler's) push the edges of technology and greed in their sometimes complex tales.

Books are even more tempting to buy than chocolates, and I am a true dyed in the wool chocoholic.  

I admit it. I still buy books. But I do have a great library happening so when people come over they can do the old scan the books thing. I put my intelligent reads near the front so I appear to be real scholarly. :)

And that's another reason I like to get books from the digital library....

Apparently it is a real word. I looked it up. I even used it in the right context. Yay!

Blech? Is that even a word? LOL

Yeah Pam..........kind of gross.

Actually, quite gross. Blech!

Gershun, I have to admit my DD will not get a library book because "people read them while they are on the toilet".. I have to say I never thought about that until she pointed it out...

I used to go to a library until my mom relayed a gross story to me. She was an avid book reader. Practically every week she'd come home with a stack of books until there was a bed bug infestation in the library. I mean when you think about it, it was bound to happen. People with bed bugs have a book beside their bed and voila! So not to alarm anyone, but be careful.

I use the local library, they know me by name and book style at this point! At the rate mom and I read I would go broke buying things! And I get a lot of free books on my kindle. Support your local library!!!

I'm reading a book called The Three Beths by Jeff Abbott. Kind of a strange meandering kind of read but I never not finish a book even if it sucks. Sometimes I've been pleasantly surprised and the book improves.This one not so much........

BBecky, Happy New Year!!

CW, do you have any used bookstores or Goodwills near you? They often have Black and Blue. It's a great read!.

Mothers Who Can’t Love. Donna Frazier Glynn. Reading for a panel I’m going to be on. TypicL dysfunctional mother info.

I was more than half way through Black and Blue by Anna Quindlen, but when I wanted to finish it last night my e-reader informed me that the DRM had expired. I frantically booted up and logged on to my Overdrive account to renew only to discover it wasn't available - do I want to place a hold? The problem with that is my library is discontinuing their affiliation with Overdrive and switching to Cloud library... and I already checked, it isn't available there or as a hard copy from my local library. Dang.

Just finished Evvie Drake Starts Over by Linda Holmes. Neither a favorite or a worst read. Kind of meandering and slow but okay. I took it from the Today Show book club list of Jenna Bush Hager, maybe we just don’t think alike!

I just finished The Starless Sea by Erin Morgenstern. I read a lot, several books a week. And this is by far the best fiction novel I have read in forever. Fantasy is not for everyone, but this was like crack for me. Like Harry Potter was for my daughter! I ready every genre but normally go to mysteries. so for me to say this fantasy was awesome is something. Just try it, and may you find it as fantastic as I did.

I'm currently reading Eve Langlais freebie sci-fi romance book.  I did a lot of skipping on the romance scenes.  That's a lot of pages I've skipped!..  So far, that female gets all heated up being spanked and a forceful male {whatever!} ... [I guess she was never spanked with hard leather belt from a parent who liked to emphasis Each Single Angry Word with Each Single Whopping of that belt.  Standing there with your 7 sibs - all waiting your turn to be spanked.  My parents were one of those with: "If one of you gets into trouble, you all get punished for it."] … I won't be buying the book series since it would be a waste of money if I keep skipping most of the pages.


So very sorry about his death. That is heartbreaking. God bless all military men and women. They do give their lives serving their country.

I dated a marine once too. Same thing, really wonderful guy.

They are so handsome in their uniforms!

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