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Just finished crawdads, highly recommended! Now I can see the movie.

Quite the turn of events! Who else has read it?

Where the Crawdads Sing. I am sure others of you are as well. About 100 kindle pages into. Very good, so far. I want to see the movie, it is in town, but will wait until I finish the book.

Not a book, but has anyone started watching the series "The Old Man" on FX? I have watched two episodes now. I.Will say it is very strange, odd and mysterious.

Reading the new John Sandford book. Not as good as his others, or maybe I'm not used to the new characters.

VegasLady, I ordered a sample of your Girl-lost-in-the-Amazon book. That one has me VERY intrigued. Thanks for the suggestion.

Currently binge-reading Donna Leon's mystery books, featuring Guido Brunetti, a Venetian detective. They are delicious!

Just finished Pathological: My Eight Misdiagnoses. So interresting. The author's basic premise that the new DSM-5 has a diagnosis for each and every one of us, and pills to match, that EVERYONE is now on some spectrum of some kind. As someone who has dealt with mental illness in extended family I am fascinated by Sarah Fay's book.
Now reading a Paula Hawkins. Somehow I mistook her for Ruth Ware who I don't care for, and now realize that Paula is the one who wrote Girl on the Train, so am enjoying her multi-character, twisty turny round with A Slow Fire Burning. Holds my attention just fine.
Also on bedside table is the Marjorie Kinnan Rawlings bio by Ann McCrutchan, The Life She Wished to Live.
Of all the gifts life has bestowed, the love of reading is one of the very best.

I've been reading some of Elizabeth Gunn's books. I particularly like the Jake Hines series. I'm doing OK so far finding something readable in Kindle Unlimited.

Someone gave me the "Outlander" boxed set for Christmas. I'd started the first book years ago, and never finished it. This time I got hooked--real escapism--and I'm now on book 4. Recently re-read "Station Eleven" by Emily St. John Mandel, after watching the series based on the book. Film version was rather different than the book, but the essence was the same and both are very good if you like post-apocalyptic fiction. I love Margaret Atwood's books in that genre, and pretty much anything else by her. I used to be in a book club where we read some great stuff, but we moved to another city over four years ago and I've never managed to make connections for another book club (Covid and caregiving haven't helped).

"The Kitchen Front" by Jennifer Ryan. Great descriptions of wartime British cooking and an easy read, just the kind to get my mind off my worries The ending was predictable but it was a fun book.

When I Fell From The Sky....true story of 17 year old girl who was the only survivor of a plane crash over the Amazon.

Anything by Janet Evanovitch. Her Stephanie Plum series is a fun, fast romp that are easy to read and takes you out of yourself.

What a great topic. My go-to author whenever I want to get away from it all is P.G. Wodehouse. I've read all the Bertie and Jeeves, Blandings Castle, all the short stories, the two Psmiths, and the Mulliner stories. More than once. He wrote other books but I haven't been able to get into them. But the way things are going, I'll probably have to!

Just finished a MARVELOUS and short read that neither my partner nor I could put down until finisihed.
A Molecule Away From Madness by neurologist and Alzheimer's MD Sara Manning Peskin.
It is amazing. One story is a girl who SUDDENLY watches The Walking Dead obsessively and then descends into a world in which she believes she is living the Zombie Apocalypse. Diagnosed by her Mom online with ovarian tumor that caused release of antibodies that caused this............she had been three months in a psych unit.
From our own perspective there is the stories of Frontal temporal dementia, Alzheimer's and other dementias. Amazing amazing book.
I cannot recommend this one hghly enough. Each story in it is mesmerizing.

Rereading Sandra Kring novels always great stories usually told through child’s wise eyes.Leaves reader with heartfelt lessons. Carry Me Home, How High the Moon, Book of Bright Ideas, and Life of Great Ideas. I did have to order from Amazon but used prices were good.

I finished Enemy at the Gates. It was good, but a long read.

Crossing the Line: A band of Fearless Brothers by Kareem Rossner. Talk about an inspirational book! I'm hoping to get my copy signed by the author when I visit the place that helped him to survive... Chauminox Stables in Fairmount Park, Philly PS It's an easy read..... less than 300 pages but WOW!!!!

Let's Talk About Hard Things by Anna Sale, the host of Death Sex and Money, the podcast (recommend).

Last night I finished Margaret Atwood's The Testaments..... I'd put off reading it because of the hype, both positive and negative. I think the haters must be overly invested in the TV show or the "sacredness" of The Handmaid's Tale status as a modern classic - I've never been interested in the series and although I know I've revisited the book sometime since I first read it (OMG was it really back in the 80's?) the characters and plot line were more of a distant memory for me so I had few preconceived expectations. Bravo.

"Living Through Personal Crisis" by Ann Kaiser Stearns, Ph.D.

Maybe not the best book for escaping our situations, but I am reading Being Mortal by Atul Gawande. Opening my eyes a lot to things I never considered.

Also at the same time I am going into Narnia again! :)
Best to you all!

I just finished reading Mark Twain’s “ The Adventures of Tom Sawyer”. I found a collection of Twain’s books in our ALF library. I first read about Tom Sawyer and Huckleberry Finn when I was 10 or 12 years old. Now on to the next story of Tom’s adventures.

The Enemy At The Gates by William Craig. Story of the seige of Stalingrad by the Germans during World War II. A little gruesome. A reread rom the early 80's.

Alva - There's a good movie about Clark Rockefeller. I can't remember the name of the movie. I've read several articles about the guy. He as crafty or sure.

Oh, THIS one is GOOOOOODDDDDD. Walter Kirn book, Blood Will Out, about Clark Rockerfeller, the con man who both conned a ton of savvy New Yorkers, ran art cons and etc. and spent decades being a con. Eventually murdered. As the book will end with the trial, which is where I left off on Clark many years ago, I can't ruin the outcome. Get it yourself. Either on Amazon cheap as not new book, or from your local library. Have FUN. I think you won't much like either Clark or Walter Kirn much at all, but only my guess.

1984 by George Orwell. Depressing but relevant.

The 5-Second Rule by Mel Robbins. Self-Development genre.

I'm taking an online Russian literature class. Got my box of books and reading lists today. I always planned on getting a Masters in Literature but got sidetracked into PhD in Psychology. Stuck in a NH gives me plenty of time to read.

A fun memoir about food, overeating, eating disorders by someone who has worked in restaurants all her life. It is Feast: True Love in and out of the Kitchen. I just finished Jamie Raskin's book, Unthinkable, about January 6th and about the suicide of his son. Highly recommend. A wonderful man who tries hard to see both sides. And what an education: For instance, at 80 I never knew that until 1913 it was our Congress who elected our Senators, not "we the people". Most profound from him is this quote which shows how differently we think in our country, how divided we are:
"As the senaors exit and the House members resume their usual places, I look to my left and see the Democrats and to my right I see the Republicans. I recall a conversations I have with a Republican colleague, Rep. Clay Higgins of LA., once when we were sitting on the floor.
'What do you see when you look out over our side, and then over your side'? I asked Clay, who is a good- natured man with an awesome Cajun accent.
"He looked at me and said 'you tell me first'.
'When I look at our side', I said 'I see America today in all its glory; black, white, hispanic, asian-American, LGBTQ, straight, gay, women, men, immigrants, native-born. And when I look at your side I see America in the 50s.'
(Clay replied) 'When I look at your side, he said, I see the Coasts, New York and California. When I look at my side I see the heartland'.
End of quote from this book.
Really, if we could just think and talk to the "other side", how much we could learn about the differences we all feel, see, believe. And how much more alike we might admit to be in our thinking than the rhetoric we are forced into when forced to "choose" those sides? How much better might we be?

Two books are on my table that I pick up, read a few pages, then put down until next time. One is a James Patterson mystery and the other is a biography on Jackie O.
Both interesting and so nice to focus on something other than health issues, work conflicts, and world events.

I've added that to my want to read list bluewillow!

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