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I want my daughter to be free of the anxiety and depression that she copes with on a daily basis.

I want my son to find his "dream job" doing medical research.

I want my husband's auto-immune illness to reverse itself, so he can stop having issues with his feet.

And if I'm going to wish for the moon, I want to lose 30 pounds without having to diet and/or exercise!

BUT - I will be grateful for being able to spend today and tomorrow with my husband and my kids, which is really the best gift I can imagine.

Peace to everyone who is feeling sad, hopeless, underappreciated, unvalued and all those other emotions that we deal with. My biggest wish is a better 2021 for us all.

I want a long hot bubble bath with no phones, no tv, nothing to have to worry about.
Just peace and quiet for my mind and body to rest just for a while.

Also, I want my 85 year old dad to get thru rehab and return home better than when he got in there.

To hug my Mama, just one more time. She died on December 11.

Merry Christmas! 🎅🤶🎄☃️🎁 🎁

@GardenArtist, no such luck. Austrian chocolates sound delicious!

I got my biggest wish of the year in May and also went no contact with the rest of my toxic relatives.
I just turned 65, My Birthday was a non-event.
I try not to want anything for Christmas and go into the holiday season with zero expectations, so that I'm not disappointed. Just like every other year, the only things under the tree are things I bought myself. (Yes, DH is a total Grinch.)
But, if I could wish for anything at all, this would be my Wish List:
1. I want Covid to be over. It's getting really old.
2. I want to have in person appointments at doctors and am really overdue for a dental.
3. I want to be able to leave my house without fear.
4. I want to not have NAFLD and have a champagne toast for New Years and have all my favorite foods that I had to give up.
5. I wish my PTSD could be back under control. Been off meds for 2 years now. (Not by choice.) Was doing so well for many years but the past 3 years were bad from all the stress.
6. I wish for the energy to get done so many things I've let go. I'm so tired of being chronically exhausted.
7. I wish I could let go of the anger of being robbed of my retirement and the loss of my health by my dysfunctional family. I'm working on it but I'm not there yet.
8. I wish for everyone who has struggled, been abused, lost a person or pet they loved a safe, healthy, peaceful Christmas. May 2021 be better for us all!

I know I posted something before, but I had to add to the poster who wanted a cruise. When my mom had Alzheimer's, she hallucinated that she was on a cruise, and my mother-in-law, also with Alzheimer's, hallucinated that she had won a car on a game show. These things sound good to me!

I pray to be worthy of one wish, maybe more. I'd love a wonderful already prepared favorite dinner which would magically clean itself up if it could not be out at a restaurant. I long for a vacation ..even 1 day .. to a fave beach area to eat their delicious seafood & drive to the beach at night to listen to quiet, soft waves under a starlit, clear night sky and get lucky to see a full moon in its splendor reflect across the ocean. I want to be able to go to bed and really sleep, and not lay awake til dawn with worry and stress. I'd want to stop crying at the drop of a hat, and people who contact me not be doing that just to tell me their problems. I'd like to be more well so I can at least take care of me better.

A nice dinner, a nice vacation, a perfect night's sleep, be truly cared for & not be used, better health, & peace in my soul.

Zero health issues. I am done - cannot handle more, but have to. Thank you, God. Amen.

Peace on earth, good will toward man. Just kidding..........I do want that but.........

Seriously, what I would really like would be to be content.. I don't even know what it would look like or feel like to be truly content, happy in my own skin. It's always been an elusive thing for me. Contentment that is. I know it's unrealistic to think that as a permanent state of being but it would be nice to generally feel that way, most of the time.

As for anything material. There's nothing that I want that way. I am lucky that way. I have never really craved things that much. I am blessed that way.

This has been a tough holiday season and will be a very hard Christmas due to a loss. Can't have what I wish for each day. Sooo, 10 minutes a day where the mind is totally clear, brain at rest, no sad thought, just blank, total peace. And for others, I wish peace, rest, and a few moments of quiet, too. Best wishes to all of you.

I would love to have a caregiver once a week for 12 hours to care for my mother. It would be nice to be appreciated!
I’m thankful that God’s knows my heart. He will get me through this. Merry Christmas!

Just reread my own post.............I said that way too many times. LOL

New Year's resolution: Proofread comments before posting them. :)

First I would like to wish everyone amongst our community of caregivers a very HAPPY & SAFE holiday season. Though as the years progressed. And as I have gotten older. I personally don't put much stock in Christmas. But with that aside my wish or what I would like to have for just one day. And it doesn't have to be Christmas. But what I would love to have is very simple. LOVE and just one day were I can just savor the morning. Wake up and have a succulent breakfast. Watch the news and/or my favorite shows. And then get dressed and just do whatever I want in a state of sheer and utter peace. No raging mother screaming and cursing up a storm. No having to worry or wonder over the slightest, smallest details. No feeling guilty for indulging in the simple wonders and pleasures of life. No having to explain myself or my reasons. Just one day of LOVE, PRAYER, THANKS, SUPPLICATION & REST. If I could just have that for one day with no interruptions or outside influence. I would be happy and so eternally grateful. And truth be told I sincerely wish the same for every single caregiver in the world.

Pronker, since there is no Aldi's near you, I won't tempt you and tell you the various varieties of chocolates to which I now have access!

I want less Chronic Pain ❤️❤️❤️

Well I did get something I wanted.. DD got us a gift cert to a BNB in Gettysburg that we love.. enough for 2 nights!! And she will stay with Mom and watch the pets for us so we can relax! Plus its only 30 minutes away so if there is a problem we could get home fast. She gets it!!

Good for you Pam! You deserve a break and time to recharge your battery! 😊

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