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I'm fine. I can do this. You treat me like a child. I'm not stupid! I'm not going to fall. She has and swore up and down that she didn't. That giant boom as you hit the kitchen floor was my first clue. "Don't try to turn me into an invalid." I will do what I want! You need to take my blood pressure now. (It's an automatic cuff she is perfectly capable of doing herself). She actually will give me instructions on how to do it e v e r y time.
And the ever popular: I am so cold. But then: Oh I turned the heat down because it's sunny out today. Yes mom it's 60 degrees in here now...

what is it to have to repeat yourself? that's no big deal. I can't hear. If you had a hearing problem I wouldn't even mention it.

Then when you're voice gives out from strain and you can't talk she accuses you of being passive aggressive and says--"it's going to happen to you one day"

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