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When parents do not have to pay their way, rent, utilities, insurance, property tax etc, they may feel entitled to spend their entire pension in other ways. Then they aer shocked when they face the reality check, if they do have to pay their way.

What to do? Tell her you have reviewed your budget and can no longer afford to rent the mobile home for free, nor pay her utilities. Find out the going rent in your area and tell her that moving forward she will have to pay that amount. Utilities too.

Do this prior to retiring, so you can create a bit of a cushion for your own use.

As far as the CC debt goes. CC are unsecured and the debt will die with her, if she has no assets.
Helpful Answer (8)
janlee May 2019
Great advice. Mom should be a renter and contribute to household. If and when mom’s credit cards go to collection she might need to get with a financial advisor and claim bankruptcy. I would call your local department of aging for advice on this. Or let her. But to the source of her shopping therapy talk to her about her life. Does she get out and have a social life or anything to fulfill her?
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