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I specifically made a point of making 3 paragraphs but it all just turned into one. Sorry, I never really noticed that before either.
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I'm certainly one that posts some doozies. But I do break them into paragraphs.

Also, not all of the members here are technologically savvy, and may not realize that their post isn't broken up or punctuated properly, so sometimes we have to give the benefit of the doubt.

We come here to vent, because as others have mentioned, most of us don't have anywhere else to do it. This is the one place it is acceptable to complain, whine and vent about the caregiving gig we've been handed or thrust into, without being judged for complaining about it (usually, anyway).

The way I see it: if you don't like a long post, don't read it. There's lots of reading material on here - you can avoid them if you don't like how long they are.
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It's called venting when it's long. If you are "annoyed"-- really, you must be "annoyed" much of your time. Try compassion. You could take a lesson yourself by speaking less, & saying more. (Too many words?) Take a course in reading comprehension. Might help.
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They say it's a sign of old age when you start complaining about the short-comings of "today's youth". However - I've noticed a trend in posts from the 20somethings and under. They almost never put any punctuation in their posts. I think it might have something to do with texting so fast and maybe not wanting to shift to the punctuation page. Although you can get a . (period) by simply hitting the space bar twice after the end of a sentence. I know my punctuation is not grammatically correct most of the time but I try. I also use " - " a lot to seperate thoughts. It certainly would make posts easier to read with some attempts at punctuation. So there's my old lady gripe for the week!
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Oh, I see now where those p e r i o d s. h a v e. b e e n. c o m i n g f r o m,
all by themselves! Technology.
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Not everyone gets annoyed as they age, but many do. If it's not long posts, I would venture to say that others get highly irritated at my short posts, all in sequence, sometimes taking up an entire page. But then, if they are that old so as to be that irritable and annoyed, they would also be of a generation to know it would not be polite to single anyone out as annoyen. If anyone is annoyed, rest assured, there is still a lot of life in you yet!
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Send - I have relatives that post on FB from their cell phones, and it took their younger relatives to show them how to disable the. periods. that. show. up. after. every. word. (Like that.) Now THAT is annoying. Try reading an entire post like that. If lack of punctuation drives someone batty, a post filled with periods after every single word would send them right over the edge.
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The two posts which started the twist to this thread have disappeared. One as I recall commented that some of the posters seemed to know each other; I don't recall the other one. But they're gone.
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My apologies - I posted on the wrong thread! So sorry, everyone. Just ignore my last post.
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Rainmom, I know what you mean about texting that has no punctuation, just run on sentences. My sig other and my boss do that. They know what they are trying to say, but when I read it it comes out differently, thus I wind up having to call them to ask what did their text mean.

It's to a point where forget the texting, call me instead. I know for myself, when I answer a text it is usually one or two words [yes, no, need bread].
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GardenArtist, I know what post you are referring to. Give me a few minutes then check your board.
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Garden Artist, its okay! Yesterday I was posting my gardening as therapy stuff on my favorite things thread!

We all do it, but you are never annoying! imop
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Sendme - I would never point my gnarled up, liver-spotted, old lady finger at you!
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And, I have pretty much been annoyed my whole life!
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Gosh Rainmom, gnarled,liver spotted old lady finger. Only one I have a couple of hands full.
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Sorry for my long posts! I am in my seventies and yes not very organized .
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No one should apologize here, we are here to vent, write as much as you want. If we are too busy to read, we wont, but please rosmarin, keep writing all you want!
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I'm the poster that was expressing my annoyance about long posts. I apologize for hurting anyone with that remark. I was having a bad day and vented. Thank you to all who responded and put me back on track. Linda...I really appreciate this site. I learn a lot and no longer feel alone. Any one have cognitive issues? I'm recently diagnosed with Mild Cognitive Impairment. It's frustrating now, can't imagine this getting any worse but I also know it will. I have a wonderful supportive husband. Thank you Jesus for your presence in my life. And also all those here who have already helped me understand.
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Linda, I worked all my life with kids with disabilities and now I find myself using many of the strategies I suggested for them.
If reading text is draining and cognitively stressful, you can get a digital text reader for free to download on your computer. It will highlight each word and read it out loud. You can set the speed of the reading so if it takes you longer to process words you can slow it down a little.
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Long posts ok........sometimes...........if not crazy.........

And separated........



Long threads.....

Whole other issue........
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Durn it Windy, now I am confused about what we can and cannot say on this thread! Lol. Thanks for your post on this long thread to attempt to clarify the rules.
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LindaSusan, You are okay! Doubt anyone has noticed any lack of cognition in you, and I understand you may be worried. The more you focus on what is wrong, or on the abilities you may lack, the more self conscious you will become, and it will seem worse by you. Imop. Just join in, feel accepted, keep posting. There are people on here who will keep an eye out for you, and the more we get to know you, the better you may feel! I am hoping!

As for the old-lady fingers, is that a recipe from the UK or something? lol.
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Linda, I have adult-onset ADD. I think it came from reading too many student papers and lab reports. Now someone will ask me if I enjoy reading books or if I want a Kindle. I just look at them. I don't think I could sit still or concentrate long enough to read a book. It is so different than I used to be. I could study hour after hour when I was in college, without even needing a break.
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Well I'm sorry. I genuinely turned here for help because I am at wit's end. Sorry I annoyed you. I'll leave.
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chunky - no need to leave.
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Chunky I agree with Golden please stay. People speak from the heart about what they are feeling at the time. Some people are not too careful about offending others when they are hurting so badly themselves.
Remember the people who write long posts have often spent a great deal of their personal time typing them in.
Many people don't have the education to write perfect prose or the computer skills to edit. Add to that this site frequently eats the post that one has spent a long time composing so hit post quickly not daring to take the time to proof.
That's my excuse anyway.
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Jessie my hubby also has ADD and it makes life very chaotic for the sufferer and those around. His psychologist also a sufferer says that post it notes are a great help. As soon as the thought enters your head write it down and post it. The only problem is finding where you posted the note.
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One Halloween my supervisor brought in the morning treats for our meeting. She made sugar cookie dough into all kinds of gnarled fingers and put sliced almonds on them for nails and colored them red with food color. They were grotesque but everyone ate them.
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At least she didn't put green mucus lumps on the nails. I don't think anyone would have eaten them then. :-D

Linda, this is just playing now. It always happens with posts. If they go on long enough they either turn into flames or go conversational.
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Chunky Monkey, I did not even see your post. What thread was it on, I would like to read and answer
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