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What would I do without you guys?! ❤️
I called Dr on the way to ER. She said come in whenever we get out, if Mom leaves there.  She did cause she was fine.... woohoo!

Spent an HR and a half at Dr office after ER. That is one awesome Dr. We went over everything.

She's been in contact with the surgeon and neurologist. I think that's great. She assured me we will get to the bottom of Mom's memory issues, once we get these surgeries behind us and Mom does some rehab for legs.

She ordered a transfer wheelchair. Well, after going to two medical  Supply pharmacies, I found they don't give them out through insurance because insurance pays less then supplier pays for them. Oh well.

I'm beat, will be back tomorrow. Oh yeah, I use my phone to come to this site and " check out" when I'm stressed or impatient throughout the day. That's what I was doing earlier. I planned to check back in and update after the house calmed down and Mom went to bed.

I wouldn't leave you guys hanging ❤️ Where can we go to get info, care and concern like this? And it's thank you so much everyone.
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Hi, no stroke or TIA activity. Thank God.
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Well, no one can get away with anything anymore!
It is because we care, ya know?

I was thinking the same G.A.
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Pepsee, I see you're back and have posted on another thread.

What's your mother's status?
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I agree, your Mother needs to be evaluated to rule out stroke or TIA. My Mother was stubborn also. I would tell her to call me( baby monitor@bedside)& I would come & assist her to beside commode,no matter what time it was, but Nooo... Twice, she got up, PUT DOWN the commode lid, crapped & fell. It took me hours to clean the mess@ 2 AM! After the 2nd time, I asked her PCP to order a hospital bed, so rails up @ night. Some people might feel that is cruel & yes she was angry with me, but like I always said to my Mom, " I would rather err on the side of caution, than have you injured". Another thing(while I'm on a roll here), she would insist on wearing backless slippers. The PT explained to her reasons not to wear them. I threw them out(yeah, she had a fit).Unbeknownst to me, she asked my Aunt to buy her another pair & BOOM! She fell, fractured her hip.
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Midkid, I think when strokes happen we might not think that it's really occurring, and sometimes we're so taken aback that rational thought isn't possible. When I had mine, it took awhile for me to come to terms with the fact that I was having one, even though I recognized the symptoms. I had to chastise myself, as I should have gone immediately but the thought of leaving the house at 1 or so in the morning and driving on winter roads and through a wooded area was more unsettling, so I waited until morning.

Fortunately, no one chastised me!

When my father had a stroke at church, no one even recognized that his slurred speech and loss of balance might be a stroke. It wasn't until several hours later when I called and heard his changed speech that I thought it might be a stroke.

And there were 2 doctors in that church!

Same thing when he had a heart attack; he stated he was having chest pains after lifting a box he shouldn't have, yet the guy with him never even thought that anything was amiss.

I'm hoping for the best for Pepsee's Mom.
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I hope all is OK. I read that and thought OMGosh--stroke!!

Well, you'll know soon enough, no need to chastise you--we've all been there and my reasoning at 2 am is poor to say the least....

Oh, the description of the walking!! I swear you've been watching my mother. She thinks walking with the walker makes her look old, but I tell you, watching her weave and lurch around the house makes me wonder what she does think she looks like.

And yes, she falls frequently-always says the same thing "Well, I didn't FALL, I just sort of slid to the floor". In my book that is a FALL.

Good luck--hope all is ok in the end today.
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Stroke! That's my first thought!
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I worried about falls too. Everytime she fell in the AL they transported her to the hospital. She was there once a month for 4 months. My daughter is an RN in rehab/nursing facility. She told me...she is going to fall. Not that you do whatever you can to prevent it, but it will happen.
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I helped get my Mom dressed in the morning but there were times she got up and dressed herself. Your Mom may have changed in the middle of the night. I had a monitor in Moms room so I could hear her when she was up and around.

Now for the walker. Your Mom can no longer reason. First thing to go. She probably forgets not long after you tell her "use your walker". They have no idea that they r failing. And there is no conditioning. When she "forgets" to use it just give it to her and say "Mom, here's your walker". When she was at the AL, Mom would park it, literally. The aides would find it in a corner somewhere. Once she was in a NH she was in a wheelchair because she was a fall risk. As someone always posts on this site...their brain is broken.
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Just got her dressed, we,re on our way to ER. Thank you G A
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I was also thinking stroke. Let us know how she ( and you) are doing, P!
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I agree with GA, "STROKE!" Your Mom needs to be seen NOW! Not at 11 AM. Take your Mom to the doctor NOW!

Like GA, I will give suggestions about your Mom's falls after you get back from the doctor visit. YOUR FIRST PRIORITY is taking your Mom to see the DOCTOR!
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".....but as she was talking her lips were...weird. She even asked if she was talking funny."

First thought: STROKE. I'd take her to the ER now even if she isn't still speaking strangely. It's better to know if she had a stroke than not. And if she herself sensed something was amiss in her to get it checked out.

Good luck, and let us know.

As to the fall issues, well, come back and let us know after you've gone to the ER. I don't want to delay you from getting treatment.
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