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Yes and no like everything else in life. I would say overall yes, I don't get hardly any help from my siblings, and I have been at this for 3 years, she had a stroke and even though she can do things for herself, my brother recently had one to and has had to move in with us, so I am also taking care of him, at 46 he had a stroke, neither one of them drive, so I do all the grocery shopping, getting meds, and overall maintain everything else. I know it will be ok, I have to tell myself that every day.
Helpful Answer (3)

On a good day (like today) I feel pretty happy. I'm blessed to be able to take care of my mom who has enough money for herself and her care. I'm blessed to have a network of friends who support me. I'm blessed to have good health. When I count my blessings, I feel very happy and very grateful for all that I have in life.
Helpful Answer (5)

^^^^ Big Eye Roll^^^^ and a lmao to boot! You were asked your opinion about how YOU feel, not your opinions on people you don't even know's emotions. Give me a break. I'm thinking cptn!
Helpful Answer (3)

I've seen a few masochistic ones around here who relish and thrive in hellish caregiving. Going through that rollercoaster 24/7 seems to give them a sense of purpose -- if not atonement. Their sacrifices are well publicized in this forum, as if seeking a gold medal for their re-enactment the Passion that skips the nailing to the Cross on the way to Heaven.

The truly happy few have taken the time to set up a solid support network so they can have a productive, enjoyable life. Those are exceptions to the rule.

The rest of us, I venture to say, are professional jugglers masquerading to be happy and displaying a teflon kind of attitude to make it seem it's all under control. Half the time, it isn't.
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Don't get me wrong........I am frustrated, often angry, sleep deprived, stressed, and cry a LOT. But in the big picture.........I'm happy when Mama's happy. :) You also asked this question on a good day. ;)
Helpful Answer (8)

I would not use the word "happy" to describe my frame of mind about caregiving. I was never happy that the need ever arose. Who can be happy that her husband has dementia? Who is happy about her mother's dementia?

I was glad I was able to take the dementia journey with my husband. I'm glad I can give my sister respite by caring for my mother one weekend a month. And there are moments that I am happy when she seems to be enjoying herself.

But overall? I agree with keppelish. Happy caregiver is an oxymoron.

(I would do the caregiving again in a heartbeat. Not everything in life has to make me happy.)
Helpful Answer (11)

i feel happy. I have become quite good at caregiving. I know i make a difference in this world.. My Dad is happier and healthier than in a nursing home. My Dad worked two jobs from 6am in the morning to 9pm at night then came home and did laundry. . He raised 9 children. He was there for me every day of my life. I am glad I can repay him. Having a purpose and seeing the big picture is crucial to thrive through the 24/7 grind. Like Bonnie chak said, nothing worthwhile comes easy.
Helpful Answer (6)

I would like to also add that today I'm happy, but like everything in my life I'm not always thrilled about the situation..
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I'm not unhappy! I've been at this for 12 yrs.I have to say that I am frustrated daily by my Mom's dementia..I have to remind myself often it's the disease and not her that's argumentive, forgetful, whining, etc., etc...

Family is important to me and I'm lucky to have this time with my Mom..
Helpful Answer (9)

Yes. I feel blessed that I am in a position to take care of my Mother, and give her the best quality of life she could possibly have, in her condition. I have had it rough in the past, including 2 abusive marriages and the death of my son. Living with, taking care of, being best friend to her and having her as my best friend, has given my life meaning and has helped me to understand God's plan for me. Is it easy???? NO!!!! But nothing worthwhile ever is.
Helpful Answer (16)

No. Happy caregiver is an oxymoron.
Helpful Answer (14)

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