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J, Interesting reading as always! I choose to read and store away with everyone's comments. Your words have merit and reflect how many of us feel. I agree, if you don't like what you see, then don't read it! As always, everyone should be able to voice their opinions. If they are inflammatory, you had better be able to take the flack, if not, get out of the kitchen!
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Hi Jsomebody~
I also am a Christian, but read your post anyway. Can I say something? It may not help, but maybe you won't feel so alone. I have two ill parents as well - one suffering from liver cancer, and the other needing a liver transplant (gee, where'd all these great liver genes come from anyway?). I am the main caretaker at times when they can't do things that need to be done. And I am also married to a baptist preacher. I find that people who tell me they'll pray for me (and my parents) are genuine about it, but they don't know what else to say or do to help. I get discouraged ALOT- with family and with our church because I too feel that alot of times people say these things to you to be nice and go along on their way - so don't think that God believing folk have it easy - you know God said it would rain on the just and the unjust alike. That is the world we live in. It stinks. Truly. I totally agree and don't understand either, but I know God is with me. It may not be His will to change my situation, but I know I am not alone. And it's hard to remember that when I am down in the dumps. (which honestly - is quite often) I have two kids under the age of ten, and my parents have a kennel that I have to take care of (which I do because I feel guilty feeling like they have to get rid of their animals if I don't help). I really do know where you are coming from. I am thankful for this board, because I think it is a place where we can keep each other encouraged. No one can say they know how you feel unless they've been there, and everyone here is struggling with the same type of thing. May God Bless each caregiver here for all they do (that is my prayer), and those they care for. Hang in there.
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Thank you punk and deefer ans white, I like thinking and debate but understand others have no wish to fiddle with what works for them. It isn't my place to take GOD away from anyone. These are my views. As extreme to them AS some of their views are to me. Pluralistic society. annoying but preferable to a dictatorship.
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Great comment White1989, that is what this board is for! Other than the caregiver themselves, no one else knows what we are going thru or how we feel. Let's not use this site for religous reasons, lets discuss how burnt out we are,how the state goverment has not come up with a means to help family members care for our eldery after they have worked all their life, how they can fund abortion,drug addiction, and persons with multiple children! Lets try to rally to our states about finding reasonable assisted living homes that dont take all our parents assets and more,but can give a section 8 house to a crackhead or nonworking person!! why does the states penalize our eldery from clean,safe homes because theeir income may be $100 over the limit? Are the wealthy the only persons deserving of good quality of life. Lets discuss this
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Where is the blurb on the bottom that says these are the views of the bloggers and in no way reflect the views of management or the station? I keep on looking for the disclaimer.
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Everyone always has their views or opinions, that will never change no matter how another person feels, I never look for disclaimers because they are not important to me, so dont look for the disclaimer no one cares what we say, that is why all we have is each other on this site and have to respect each others choices and comments, if we cant we stop reading them, I know I do. Jsomebody has his opinion regarding God and still comforted me when told him I believe in God but I cry most of the days caring for my mom. His belief does not make me angry or afraid. I need support from whoever is willing to listen. My own sisters are not even helping me!!!
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Now that's what I'm talking about! Yeah everyone, see we can get along. We are here to comfort and help each other, not judge!!!
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You know, honestly, it's sad. Your biggest issue seems to be bitterness. No one is trying to "convert" you or judge you for your choice in religion (as it appears you are doing). Your first post sounded very sad, stressed and like people who claim to "pray for" you are all phony, and where's God's help? You posed that subject - not that anyone else is shoving it down your throat. You seemed genuinely in need of encouragement and extremely stressed. I was not debating anything with you about God (because frankly - we all have that free choice). I was simply trying to encourage you with the grueling task before you that seems to never end - because I am there too. (Like all of us) We are all discouraged, or we wouldn't be here looking for encouragement in some form or another. I read your post and wanted to help, but after your nasty response, I will probably NEVER answer another post of anyone.
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White, Where was the nasty response? Am I missing something? How can you help,encourage someone, if you give up so easily? You need to hang in there and work this out. Don't go away without trying!
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White, I don't think is the right choice to stop posting, only because you don't like a post of a person. We all have bad moments; I can be very heavy sometimes, but I have never been abandoned from the group! We give each other encouragement, and as I always say, the one that is up drags the ones that are down (at that moment... because the situation constantly changes)
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Well, this was the first post I'd answered, out of sincere concern. I am discouraged as well. I did not see that there were all of these responses to the initial post (operator error :) or computer problem - not sure), so I was not aware there was this "religious" issue until after the responding post. My take on the response may be very misunderstood, but to me, it seemed as though "J" is tired of Christians (no matter what their intent). It seemed judgmental to me, and the part that seemed nasty to me was the way that she likes to think and debate and that these things are tiresome or silly (or whatever the exact phrase was) . I did not intend to debate anything - bad day or not. I am actually sorry I answered. Hope everyone does have a good day, and I truly do hope everyone has a blessed weekend (believing or not) and hope you can provide care to those who need you knowing in your heart that you are doing right. :)
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Im confused too, did I say something wrong? If so sorry. I am going thru too much right now to to hurt anyone, that is and never was my intention.
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This is a bit of a GOD bashing post, don't anyone worry it is my problem and MY views alone it does not in any way reflect the Aging Care web site or it's founders. The site is full of all kinds of people, with all different views on religion and politics etc, I am sorry you got hooked into to this one which I have swung into a grousing religious debate truly. Don't worry about me, things are OK if annoying and God really isn't going to help me in the way some people have offered, that was my original intention, if you read a few other posts you will see some religious proselytizing as well, but not much, there are many good caring worn out people on this site and many who have deep loving connections to Their families and God, I just happened, not to be one of them, my situation is a disgusting mess and I am a bitter person, but I am also not really fond of organized religion. I am sorry if I hurt your feelings, I am sorry, it is strange to come into the middle of an issue and not know what is going on... do not give up on the site, click off this blog in particular and seek out the more tolerant sorts who may be closer to you in feeling of religious issues or God. It really is just me. It is not you.
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You opened Aeolus windbag, Jsome!
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I know and I ain't closing it, I am trying to redirect the believers from here so they don't get their day ruined. No one wants there deepest held beliefs fiddled with let alone run over and paved. I have not changed nor has the post. But even the opener said this is not gonna be a nice religion friendly post!
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And that would be Queen Aeolus not King he heh...
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Well, the ancient greeks were not sexist at all! Think of all the powerful goddesses. Sometimes I think that the civilization goes backwards; they were much more open minded than us! From so many points of view!
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Not too far backwards...I know how stressful the modern age is but i wouldn't want to live with out penicillin or the Civil Rights movement. We founded our societies on them but they do need to be adapted. I guess every age is modern to those living it as well as apt to have a longing for what seemed easier less stressful than now..The Good Old day' that is about 1986 but come on> Do you really wanna wear florescent colours again?!
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Probably more like Pandora's box...but there was hope left at least. I have hope. Just not much else I guess. No common sense, bad manners, inclined to complain, selfrightious hypocrite and on a web site where everyone is tried and upset and confussed and up to their armpoits in poo...

BBBBAAAHHH But is any one else listening to that damn Hawaiian album! GAQH I may not wait for him to die before I total it!!!'
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I did not wear florescent colors even when everybody wore them. They gave me a headache. Instead, there is a look that I still wear. it was called post-atomic and it was very common when I was 20 (end of years '70s). You had to take your clothes and make holes in them, tear them... I still like it. The must: cut your jeans on the knees!
I am not a nostalgic, but there are things of the past which fascinate me. I would have liked to live in the liberty's era. My grandparents lived during that period.
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I like The Gilded Age myself but you would need to be rich, the difference between rich in Victorian era sand poor is incredible.

Hey we did ripped jeans usually by then it was acid washed as well though. how bout shoulder pads and bout together?...
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I hated shoulder pads. I hate whatever is a weight/constriction on my body. When I worked in an office and was forced to wear jackets, i felt like scratching... What about high heels? Could never wear them. I am so glad that now I can dress as I wish
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No high heels either my Achilles can't take it. I hate feeling bunged up too, When I get home I take off everything I can so I can move around. when in basement alone naked if it is warm enough. I have been know to shower outside even...

I notice at 35 the desire to wear what pleased ME became far more important than what the world said looked good.
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Yep, at 35 you start not to care about what other people think!
It's 6 in the morning here and I am going to take a nap! Have a nice evening! Stop listen to hawaiian music (I liked Loggins and Messina "Full sail", though) (music of the 80's, I think. Hawaiian rhythm sang by two American boys)
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I have NO choice it is his music and ya can't do ear plugs, oh well, have a nice rest and a good day. talk to you later!
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Me I am sick of soap operas 24/7. Sometimes cable tv sucks. You are right no earplugs here either just a baby monitor with very very loud soap operas. (She refuses to wear ear amplifiers for the tv.) It is a little hard to hear someone fall out of bed or escape out the door with earplugs. Its my bedtime too so hopefully I will get a good night sleep with only 2 or 3 oxygen bedchecks.
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Whoa punker you do need rest. I usually well sometime sleep through the night you have to listen and he does cough a lot. Also will not use ear plugs. Pass on soap operas. Game show now maybe that would be OK, sort stimulating and you can yell at the TV.
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I know it's early! The darn cats started a stampede through the house and woke me up!
Glad to see you joined us last night, J. Keep putting your feelings out there. We are listening. It's not for us to judge you! I'm with you on naked. The less clothes the better! Although now that I have lost 16 lbs and have toned up, I find myself wearing tighter close when I go out. If you're looking good at 59, you flaunt it! Spandex is for the gym! Hawaiian music all the time would make me crazy!
Rossella, Interesting that you would like the tattered look, but then, Italians do have the greatest sense of style and can pull off anything!
Punk, know what you mean about the baby monitor. Always waiting for the other shoe to drop. Sleep? What's that? If it ain't Mom, it's the darn cats!
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Rossella, I get my tattered look naturally here on the farm,I thought everyone one copying me. A good bob-wired fence works everytime. J-I went to bed listening to OZZY -woke up with GOD BLESS AMERICA -in my head.I dream in music.Didn't even get the simple oppurtunity to go to church takin care of my dad-surely couldn't get anyone to work on Sunday.I realize listening to you talk that I am free to go to church now on all Sundays-Thanks for the motivation-I guess good comes out of the most unexpected sources and when you least expect-I hope your peace-of-mind comes soon. Church I grew up in could use some grousing,but this one is different with a woman preacher,a little girl can grew up to be anything she wants to be -pretty cool to me.This site is for complaining and venting and getting out your anger and frustration-caregiving will diffently give one alot to complain about,some of us have more to complain about than others.I think your doing great,you have encourage more people than even you have realized,Negitivity is like poison and you need to get it out, so keep on keeping on,one thing about caregivers-they are not sissy"s.Most of us have already been to hell and back.Thanks....
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I really really miss my cat. I lost him last year but he was about 17 so he had a good long life. My dad used to watch Judge Judy all the time. I miss him but not that. It is a little hard to roam around the house nude with a brother there but when i lived alone i did that alot at night. During the day I love the sun so the blinds were usually open. Then it is not good to roam around nude in a family apartment complex.
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