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Still searching and calling but will post some updates after my telephone dialing arm rests up.
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Check your church bulletin for cleaning services or people. Also other local churches. You might just have to call a local church's office to enquire. It depends on the church and how they handle this type of service. Ask if they know the person and how comfortable they would feel having them in THEIR home. Always interview and get a job estimate before hiring. Check any references. This is a way to try to get a lower cost individual or two rather than a more expensive company, and possibly a more trustworthy person.
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Garden Artist there is a new referal site called Thumbtack. We have it here in michigan not sure what other states. You can post a want and pepole submit bids, you can view their profiles and check referals right on site. I have gotten two great jobs from that site may be worth a look.
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Go with your town's Council on Aging. But be very careful. My mom's cleaning girl cheated my mom on hours not worked, almost caused a fire in her dryer, left wrinkled clothes in her dryer all week long, clogged up her vacuum cleaner and more.
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A very long time ago, my housekeeper would take home donations to give to her church (I gave them to her). Later she was telling me a story about how many broken down cars with clothing donations piled in them that she never could get to the church.
Just sayin, keep the relationship professional by not giving them anything except money, a bonus, or gift selected for them. No throw-aways/donations.
Best not to have staff taking anything out of your homes.
Overall, though, this was so minor, and she was the best housekeeper I ever had.
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Thanks for the latest posts; your suggestions and advice are all very much appreciated.

I did decide last week after talking with some experts that we won't hire someone directly because of the potential liability issues. It will only be through an agency that handles deductions, has worker's comp and other required employee coverages. It's just too much financial exposure to take a chance hiring someone and be responsible for any injuries that might be sustained.

I'll post again when we've found an agency we like, and generally what the financial terms are, just to help anyone else who might be in a similar situation.

Thanks again to all of you for your suggestions.
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Send: Good just never know. Because my mom was such a social person, she didn't care that she was being cheated!
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GardenArtist, hope you found help and that it is affordable.
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We were just quoted $75.00 per man per HOUSEWORKS

a local handyman charges $30/hour

our agency caregivers do light housekeeping
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Hey Garden just thought if still looking, try Thumbtack we met a couple of nice people we cleaned for. You place an ad on the site and people bid on your job. May find just the right person. If still looking.
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I just want to mention that I've borrowed my daughter's cleaning person from time to time and just started having her come in regularly, every other week for 4 hours at $20.00 per hour. It has made all the difference in the world to me not to have to think about cleaning the bathrooms and kitchen.

I think that my daughter found this lovely person through someone in her apartment building who was employing her, so had a good reference there.
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Here is the first page in our caregivers notebook

These items need to be done routinely, self directed ask if you have questions if possible do during first part of shift

clean bathrooms, wash bath & kitchen floor daily
Neaten up all rooms, general pick up, put things away daily
vacuum, living room, dining room daily
Sort and fold clean laundry
Dust surfaces edges (around rugs etc)
Water house plants if needed
Check to see if linens need changing. Or if there is Ironing
Assist Dave Organize and clean closets
- Spend time and Play games etc with ...
- provide respite time for


They don't do heavy cleaning
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