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I gave him a deadline of 3 weeks. At first he was upset. He said he hoped we could just live together, so I was very quick to explain that was not an option. We ended up getting into a fight, but I told him all my concerns. I essentially told him that his financial and work decisions were unwise, especially the loans, and how did he ever expect to fit a marriage into his ridiculous situation. He actually agreed with everything I said. He agreed he had not made good decisions and had gotten his personal and work relationships too intertwined. He also now plans on moving to his house which is 2.5 hours away, to settle in there and look for jobs. I'm surprised he took responsibility and sees that living in his own home until he can find an apartment and job makes the most sense.
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He "took responsibility" because he realized he wasn't going to be able to use or manipulate you.

This is a man who has not demonstrated common sense or responsibility for himself for years, now suddenly he "agreed with everything."

He just realized the game was over.

I wouldn't expect to see much of him from now on. He'll be looking for another patsy.
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I would be leery of any promises he makes ---words are useless in this case. It's action that will make the difference. If you think he will change, I am sorry to say, many women believe in men like this---he is an anvil around your neck. I see no real future with him but it's your life and your decision.
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Let him talk all he wants but wait and see if he actually makes the changes.
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Well, I broke up with him yesterday. Feels great. I'm free!!! Although he did move back to his home, he had been driving 2.5 hours every weekend to see me and taking us out to eat. He had a security system and Internet installed at his house. He's spending money on lawyers to get his stuff back. He has been putting all this on his credit card, with no savings( not that I can judge, I don't have savings either)...and he never even looked for jobs or put a resume together...I realized he wants the easy way out, doesnt really want to work, I got disgusted with him and had to get out. I've never felt better!!
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Hate it for you and for him, but I think you made the right call.
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You truly dodged a bullet here. Now, you can move forward with your life. Wishing you all the best!
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If a man is 45 years old with no savings, something doesn't sound right.... what has he been doing for the past 25 years where he wasn't able to save? He doesn't sound very educated to me, maybe on paper, but how much is that paper worth?

Maverick, you did the right thing.... and don't fall back into that soap opera as he might beg for you to return to him.
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Good for you. Look back and see how what you originally wrote sounds now. It's all alot clearer now.
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