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Does your mother have a geriatric psychiatrist on her health care team?

My mom has one that comes into her MC. It’s a great help.
Helpful Answer (6)
Reply to cxmoody

Is she currently in ALF?
My brother was so much better when I did all bills, handled all the money, appointments and etc and he was in care at the ALF. They said that this was common. He actually improved and had fewer hallucinations from his early Lewy's dementia. Again, they said many improve because anxiety was so improved. I think that you should discuss this with a doctor. And if your Mom is competent in her own decisions, then no diagnosis of anxiety or OCD will take her rights from her, so no, you cannot admit her against her will if she's competent, but she can enter herself if she understands this may help her a lot.

APS doesn't manage anxiety. Doctors do. APS manages seniors incompetent to act for themselves who are a danger to themselves or to others, or seniors as risk from others.
Helpful Answer (4)
Reply to AlvaDeer
Karsten Oct 9, 2023
I do do all the bills, and unlike my uncles, aunts, and her co residents at her indy senior living facility, who are just happy to let their kids do it, my mom wants me to do all this for her but then her OCD causes her to ask about every little step,

I only brought up APS as I wonder if her through the roof anxiety (words of medical professionals) could cause her harm

I have to bring her to a new doctor, her old one relocated next week for general complaints from my mom I am going to ask for a referral to a psychiatrist, hopefully geriatric one but I understand those are hard to find even if this, a relatively large metro area
Karsten, welcome back.

What meds has your mom's psychiatrist prescribed to treat her agitation and anxiety?

Have you discussed getting her admitted to a psychiatric facility with her psychiatrist?

She's in a Senior Living place, yes?

Have you considered asking them to call 911 when she gets out of control when she can't reach you?
Helpful Answer (2)
Reply to BarbBrooklyn

OCD is very common with folks with dementia, and there are medications that often help with that, so I would first talk to her doctor about putting her on something to see if that helps.
And because she does have dementia, she really shouldn't be living alone anymore. It's time for you and your brothers to look into the appropriate facility for mom to be placed in, before it's you that ends up being hospitalized or dead from all the stress.
Helpful Answer (6)
Reply to funkygrandma59

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