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I so greatly appreciate your time in answering my question. You have given me a lot to think about.

Today we had to go back to the primary care doctor for a follow up as she is out of medication and I still hear "crackles" when she breathes. Instead of giving more medication they gave her a shot of Rocephin antibiotic 1 gram. I never heard of it but it was thick and hurt Mom said. As far as the inhaler went, the female doctor said to her, "Could you at least try to use it once or twice a day?" Mom replied "Sure no problem" when we walked out Mom said "I am NOT using that inhaler and I do not care what they say!" I knew when she promised the doctor that she would use it, that she was lying to her. At dinner time when she was trying to eat she was smothering...short of breath. I said to her, well if you had used the inhaler it would have helped with that. Again she confirmed that she was NOT USING THE INHALER EVEN IF SHE DIED! I shrugged my shoulders and just went on eating. I really cannot force her to use this thing, if anyone saw me try to force it on her they could have me up for abuse and I have become so very, very tired of trying to make her do things and her fighting me every inch of the way.

Her Gerontologist called and was very short and rude to me tonight. About 4 years ago we tried Mom on Namenda. I left on vacation and my sister had her taken off of it because she said it made Mom worse or more agitated. In September mom was hospitalized for gall bladder surgery and had sundowning so they began to try medications of her xanax, ativan, Haladol, Seroquel and nothing worked. When we got home I found this Gerontologist and we took Mom due to her behavioral problems. He wanted to use Seroquel or Namenda until he found out they had not worked. He next chose Remeron and Celexa.... it was a miracle and worked until the headaches set in. He removed her from the Celexa and by accident she dropped her Remeron on the floor last night and did not take NO HEADACHE. I sent him an email telling him.

Tonight he is rude telling me that he is running out of medications to try on her. I said you have tried 2? There are not any more? He said because she cannot take Seroquel or Namenda that rules out certain classes of medication. Now he wants to give her Depakote sprinkles and said the down side is she will be tired. I took Depakote and Depacane for seizures and I hated them. They do not allow you to go down into a deep restful sleep. Every single night I had the same dream...I was in a camp, like a military camp with tents and every night I was going from place to place looking for someone or something, but it was horrible and every single night!! THIS IS THE ONLY CHOICE HE IS GIVING US.

He made me feel like he was ticked off that the medication had not worked on Mom longer and we were going to be a hard case and he just did not want to mess with us. I have to call him back tomorrow with my answer. All I can think of, is I wish I knew another doctor! My stress level is climbing.

gladimhere: yes I so wish I had help from my sister. She is ticked off that I have POA so she does nothing in protest. Plus because I took POA it cut her off from spending Moms money for her personal gain. Honestly there have always been problems between us, she has never gotten over the fact that I was born...true!

I have a history of severe panic and anxiety attacks and it has taken me about 20 years to get over them but right now with everything I am faced with, I feel like I am going to have one at any second. I just cannot deal with Mom and me have panic attacks, I can't!!!!!!!! I am trying to hold it together and I just don't know what to do anymore.
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Going back to the inhailer issue.. I am in pulmonary medicine, and someone in your mothers situation should not have been given an MDI. Ask for a nebulizer, home care will pay for the device. She will wear a loose fitting mask and the medicine is aerosolized. While she may fight this also, at least she will get SOME medicine. If she fights the mask, you can simply have the "mist" blow past her nose and mouth. Call it a beauty treatment, say it's for wrinkles.. whatever works! This is how we give it small children. It does take a bit longer, but it may be easier for both of you!
Helpful Answer (7)

Wow, you don't shy away from the thorny issues, do you?!

Goodness this is a difficult one. Faced with the inhaler situation, I think I'd call my local district nurse and ask for advice. Partly for the advice itself; partly to cover my own backside, I admit, because then at least the problem would be on record as being reported; maybe slightly in the hope that 'someone' would come and do it for me..?

Would I ever resort to brute force, though… Hm. If I could do it without hurting or injuring her..? And if it was really necessary? (I'm not sure about the inhaler. If she refused the antibiotics it'd be different; but the inhaler was to relieve symptoms, not to treat the infection. If she'd rather feel like crap..?) And an acute situation, not something that would go on indefinitely? Quite possibly I would, yes, if I could do it quickly and deftly; but probably not without discussing it with a health or medical professional. It is, technically, assault after all.

For less critical things: well, I've stopped asking my mother if she wants a bath - I just run it and tell her it's ready. If I ask, there's always some reason she doesn't want to "just now" - so it's either ask or get her bathed, can't have both. If she starts refusing to get in… um. I'll cross that bridge when I come to it.

These are fine lines we have to tread. What's normal for most people may not be normal for your parent. What's normal for your parent may not be how he or she wants things today. You have to stop and think what you're trying to do, how much it matters, and then act on your best judgement at that particular moment. What more can anyone ask of us?
Helpful Answer (5)

What nobody else has mentioned is that there is another sibling in the house that does little to help. HC, don't you wish she would in some way, any way, whatever little bit it would help. I have been there, though sibs do not live in the house, they are within 10 miles of here. One take mom to church most Sundays. One never does anything, she is not able to deal with mom. If she were in the house I would probably... Well, as it is she is added stress for me, I would not be able to handle it if she were living here. Probably, again....
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First, it sounds like Mom is a job for more than one person. This does not sound like something you can do alone on any level. You need help and you need support and you need a doctor who is willing to try anything to help her. You need to listen to all the other posters who are trying to tell you this is not your fault. It is the disease. A caregiver can only do so much. Try researching on how to deal with difficult behaviors, there might be a few tips that can help sporadically at least. But this sounds like an intense, severe situation that's not going to let up without some pharmaceutical intervention. When my mom's doctors don't give me satisfactory answers or treatment, I change doctors. There are a lot of them out there who are excellent I know what they're doing and there are a lot who don't. And if you have to put her in a facility do not feel guilty about that, you have a very clearly done everything you could. You can't work yourself to death trying to be a superhero and I think if your mom or healthy, she wouldn't want you to do that.
Helpful Answer (4)

My mother has dementia, and I will absolutely let them give her antipsychoitics if she become combative. The facts are the situation will not get better, I think coming to that conclusion helped me to come to grips with what has to be done for my parents safety, and those who care for them. It's a trial and error sort of thing with these med's. You have to try different ones sometimes until the right one is found. What is the alternative? Having your loved one in a constant state of conbativeness. This situation is so hard, and the answers are not easy either because what we want is for nothing to be wrong in the first place, but the truth is there is no cure, so they have to treat the symptoms. This is not your fault in any way. You are not able to stop what's happening, but you can help and that is all. I'm not trying to sound harsh, and I hope I am not coming off that way. Someone had this conversation with me. You very may need to allow her to go to a nursing facility. A person can only take so much.
Helpful Answer (3)

when mom wouldnt take her meds cause i was trying to poison her i got the good cop out there ( hospiss nurse ) and just became the agitator in a little cat and mouse. ( shoulder shrug ) " well if you dont take your meds theyre gonna haul you off in the rubber truck again " , and i left the room briefly. she took the meds for nurse. easy on the strongarm and ultimatums id suggest and alas i too understand what it means to do your best.
Helpful Answer (8)

It is very sad. I hear you abut the meds they tried not working. There may be one that will, or there may not be. It may be worth trying something else IMO the male nurse had no business speaking to you. Might also be worth talking again to the doctor that warned you.

You have your own health issues and you must look after you. ((((((((((((hugs))))))))
Helpful Answer (2)

HC, it IS sad. Dementia is about the saddest condition I can think of -- it is definitely in the top ten. If you didn't sometimes feel sad about it I would conclude you were in denial or not seeing things clearly. Acknowledge and accept your sadness. Just don't confuse it with failure.

I don't know how it is elsewhere in the world, but in the US I think we have great confidence in our ability to fix whatever problems come up. And we think we should. So when we encounter a problem that truly cannot be fixed with the knowledge, technology, and resources available to us today, we do tend to think we've failed. That there must be SOMETHING we could/should be doing to make the problem go away. There isn't. And it is not our fault.
Helpful Answer (6)

jeannegibbs: The inhaler was medication to open up her passageways so she could breath as she will gasp for breath at times. I am not sure if blowing up a balloon will work but I am going to run it past the doctor and see what they say.

I know you say I am not failing but it sure feels like it! I was warned that this would happen by one of her doctors, but I thought he was wrong. He didn't want me to bring her back home from the hospital, but put her into a home....I didn't listen. I am just so sad.
Helpful Answer (3)

HC, in the letter that explained my husband's autopsy results, his doctor told me that my husband had one of the most severe cases of Lewy Body Dementia that they had seen. Yet his symptoms were pretty well controlled by the drugs he took. He was very fortunate that the drugs worked for him. Why did they work so well for him and they don't always work for everyone? The doctor admitted that "we don't know." Hmmm... If drugs are working for your mother, that is Not Your Fault. No one knows for sure why they don't work for her, but it is absolutely certain that this is not a failure on your part.

If her doctor thinks some other drug is worth trying, I think I would go with that, but I can see why you are not optimistic.

Otherwise I think you have a couple of options. One is to place her in a care center. Visit her often. Love her. Advocate for her. Just don't carry the entire responsibility for her care alone.

The other option is to keep her with you. Continue to do the best you can. Accept that you won't always be able to do what you are theoretically "supposed" to do for her. She is not a theoretical patient ... she is your mother and she has significant impairments in her brain.

Either option, take comfort in doing your best.
Helpful Answer (6)

gladimhere and emjo: Mom was put on Seroquel and Namenda and neither worked for her, they actually made her much worse. We have had doctors tell us that she is an odd case because meds that normally work for people act just the reverse on her.

She was hospitalized in Sept 2013 for gall bladder surgery and they tried many meds on her for sundowning and she was hallucinating all over the place, climbing out of her bed over the rails, chewing off the restraints, it was horrendous! I was up for 36 hours straight with her and zero sleep. I finally told a nurse I had seizures and had to go home to sleep and take my medications. She said fine I will put on restraints and sit by her door to keep an eye on her. The next morning I had my butt chewed out by a male nurse who told me THAT I COULD NEVER LEAVE HER ALONE AGAIN, IF I HAD TO GO HOME THEN I WOULD HAVE TO HIRE SOMEONE TO COME AND SIT WITH HER!

She had a bruise on her arm and no one would tell me what happened. I even wrote a letter to the hospital and they sent it to risk management and told me they would look into the matter and get back to me. Ha Ha the letter was a laugh, no explanation, they would handle whatever happened in house and I would be told nothing!

I just do not know where to go from here. I cannot handle her when she is like this and I am a pretty stand up person who can take a whole lot!
Helpful Answer (1)

You are not a failure. This is not your fault. What you are dealing with is the nature of the disease. The problem is a physical one within Mom's brain. Some ways of dealing with her are probably more effective than others, and some tactics may help her be calm better. But face it. You do not have the power to change the tangles or plaques or protein deposits or atrophy occurring in her brain. Prescribing drugs to help relieve symptoms is not an exact science and usually there needs to be some trial and adjustments. If a doctor with dementia experience and in whom you generally have confidence suggests an anti-psychotic, I say go with that. If the first one doesn't help, let the doctor make another suggestion. If Mom doesn't have a doctor with dementia experience and whom you have confidence in, then the first order of business is to get one.

There is no prize for getting through this extremely challenging journey without using drugs or without using certain kinds of drugs. There is no penalty for not getting the loved one to do everything she is "supposed" to do.

Make your decisions in love, with your mother's best interest at heart, and you have done as much as you can. No one can do caregiving perfectly -- we can't even define what that would be!

On the specific issue of the inhaler. I wonder if there is anything else she might not object to that might have at least partial benefits. What if you asked her to help you blow up some balloons? Ask the doctor or nurse to suggest some other breathing exercises that might seem more pleasant to her.

Good luck to you, HC. This is an extremely stressful situation, and you are doing your best.
Helpful Answer (5)

I agree with glad. My mother has been put on an antipsychotic as her life became unmanageable due to paranoia and Borderline Personality Disorder. Sometimes there are no ideal solutions, so you have to weigh in the balance what is most important. In her case, it seemed to be the only reasonable answer. Discuss it with her doctor again and explain what has happened. A facility is an option. My mother is in an ALF and may be moved somewhere more controlled. There is no way I could ever cope with her in my home.

I don't think for a minute that you have failed. You are dealing with a very difficult situation, (((((((((((((hugs))))))))))) Let us know what happens.
Helpful Answer (4)

Many caregivers hesitate to start anti-psychotic meds. My mom has been taking seroquel for two years. It is prescribed off label for many people with dementia. If the drug helps them be more comfortable. It also helps the caregiver because behavior become more manageable. Mom started with only 12.5 mg a day, late afternoon, for sundowning. Now she is up to 75mg a day. The doctor told us that dementia patients are taking up to 400 mg a day. Evening's are much easier sin starting it. Doctor thinks it might help, I agree, if it doesn't work try another one.
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