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I can certainly relate. I have a great therapist who let's me get things off my chest and tries to help me come up with solutions to problems I having with family, ect. I rarely get to go anywhere and at one point couldn't even use the restroom with any privacy. Having your dog looking at you is one thing, but your mom looking at you is another! I have my own physical health problems along with anxiety and depression. I have a caregiver who comes in 8 hours M-F so I can go to my medical appointments. I have been out of work for a few months due to my health. When I was working, my anxiety and stress were through the roof because even though I did my job well, I always put my mom first. My boss didn't like that I wouldn't or couldn't come in early, stay late, work weekends. So my anxiety and stress increased and it effected my health. My brother who is retired and his wife moved right down the street from us, "So he could help with mom!" Yeah right! That every other weekend never happened. Guess that was just so I would help them get a house. When I ask for a free weekend, they can't because she has to work and he has to watch the dogs. Watching the dogs and my mom is too much for him. Its more like he can't stay sober. My other brother and his wife aren't an option because they stole from my mother. I try to find things to do with mom outside the house while she's still able, but it's getting harder to find. She talks through a movie which is disruptive for others, there aren't a whole lot of plays, she doesn't want to play board games. I have Rheumatoid arthritis, chronic fatigue, insomnia, anxiety, depression. I have already had two joint replacements and can't hardly walk in the mornings. I am very calm with my mom and love her dearly. By the end of the day, I want to beat my head against the wall.
I have a tendency to bottle my feelings up and am trying hard to work on that. Not toward my mom since she can't help how she is, but with my brother and mom's caregiver.
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anonymous - I, too have RA and my Mother living with me. Keeping your emotions bottled up doesn't help the stress/RA symptoms. Glad you have a good therapist, and come here to vent - we understand! I'm heading to my 33rd joint replacement next month. Looking forward to better mobility so I can get my mother out and about this Spring. I have to tell you, your comment about bathroom privacy had me laughing. Here it's the cats looking, and my mother doesn't bother shutting the door. One day my grown son stopped by - didn't faze her one bit! Take care!
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**third joint replacement. My phone stutters with numbers -bah!
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**THIRD joint replacement. My phone stutters with numbers - bah!
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GGsGirl...You have to laugh to keep from crying some days, right? When I saw 33rd joint replacement I about lost my breath. You are a robot! All kidding aside...Best of luck with your surgery.
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Anonymous - Thank you! (BTW - I nearly choked on my coffee when I read my post and saw that error!)
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There's hope..when we can still find humor
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