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Since my first post my has really declined. In fact he has an appointment Monday to have Carotid Artery surgery on both arteries as they are 70 and 80 percent blocked. He has started having multiple mini-strokes and the Surgeon said something had to be done or he would have a major stroke. Consequently, he is not driving and probably won't again. His guns are going to mysteriously disappear while he is in the hospital. This may cool my Dad's love life, but I have investigated the lady and she seems ok, but her Brother is a concern.
My Brother has obtained POA and most of Dad's assets are in a Family Trust and not easy to access so I don't worry about the bulk of his estate. I hope and pray my Dad gets better but we will probably be more involved in managing things for him.
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Since my first post my Dad's health has really declined. In fact he has an appointment Monday to have Carotid Artery surgery on both arteries as they are 70 and 80 percent blocked. He has started having multiple mini-strokes and the Surgeon said something had to be done or he would have a major stroke. Consequently, he is not driving and probably won't again. His guns are going to mysteriously disappear while he is in the hospital. This may cool my Dad's love life, but I have investigated the lady and she seems ok, but her Brother is a concern.
My Brother has obtained POA and most of Dad's assets are in a Family Trust and not easy to access so I don't worry about the bulk of his estate. I hope and pray my Dad gets better but we will probably be more involved in managing things for him.
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Your family has my prayers for a better outcome than can reasonably be expected. You all have done a lot of things right... Hugs.
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Glad you investigated the lady, see that was not hard and took care of his assets. I would not worry about the son, if he is out of prison he more than likely on parole and does not need or want the aggro, not for this. I hope your dad is up and about and yes, enjoying his love life again. It is important for him to do what he can while he still can.
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Dad also made the decision on his own that the Cialis wasn't good for him so he stopped taking it. But it is going to mysteriously disappear as well. Thanks again for all the helpful comments. I was in denial that was Dad was no longer mentally competent in some areas and was giving him the benefit of the doubt. But for his own safety I'm developing a backbone!!
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((((((pammaw)))))) sorry the hear that your dad is declining, but glad that the various problems are being addressed and resolved. I understand you being in denial. When the incompetence is "spotty", it can be hard to accept that there are areas of incompetence where the elder needs your intervention/support, and also, I think harder for them to accept help. I am facing that with my mother, and stepping in carefully, to "take over" some areas as there has been some atypical behaviour. It is not an easy time.
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my dad is 88, and driving. He shouldn't be, and it is very hard to get his license taken from him. I was with him one night, and I was driving, and he said look at that poor woman walking! It was a street sign! He lied to me, and told me he had  an ear and eye check at VA, but I found out he had not. He is on a long distance trip right now, from central louisisanna to destin Fla., then New Orleans, then back here. I think they make it way too hard to take an elderly persons' license away!
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Sounds similar to my father when he was in his 80's. My dad's personality changed into that of a dirty old man. He started having bad judgement and was taken advantage of (monetarily and through theft) by considerably younger so-called friends. I suspect he had hypocampal-sparing dementia. (Look it up.) If you can get a doctor to access him and write a formal report indicating why your dad shouldn't drive, that would help in getting his driver's license revoked. Then take away his car keys. He will probably spit flames, but it has to be done.
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