
Something is really strange going on with my 83 year old mother. Last night she told me my dad got in the bed to go to sleep and then she was getting ready to go to bed herself but then she changed her mind when she saw my dad laying in the bed with "his friend". I asked for more info and she said, "This friend of his looks just like your dad, dresses just like your dad, and even drives your dad's car! I told them I'm not getting in the bed with anyone but my husband!" My dad verified there was no one in the bed but him. Is this double vision or Alzheimer's? She claims nothing is wrong and will NOT go to the doctor. My dad's going crazy and doesn't know what to do.

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My husband aged 63 has Dementia and sees blurred or double vision all the time
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If it were your mother's vision, purely a physiological problem, she wouldn't see two of your dad but be fine with everything else, would she?

You say she claims nothing is wrong. Nothing wrong with there being a strange man in her bed, the living spit and image of your father? Nothing wrong with waking up beside a man she doesn't know? Where are these men later in the day? Where does she think they're coming from and going to?

I should ask her, in a spirit of genuine enquiry, what she wants to do about this situation, and take your cue from her reply.

Any other problems with her memory, thinking or behaviour that you've noticed?
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This may not help because you said that the ‘friend’ is supposed to look just like your father anyway, but one idea is to make up a photo frame with pictures of your father as a young man, middle aged, and now, side by side. One of the effects of dementia can be that people’s memories are of how people looked years ago – ‘you can’t be my daughter, she’s just a child’. This is a really tricky question, and I wonder if the Alzheimer’s Association would have better information, perhaps a psychiatrist on tap. My guess would be that it has to be brain related, not a vision thing, partly because it only affects your father. Nothing else is doubled.
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No, since she refused to sleep with a "stranger", she slept on the couch. Yes, she sees this "friend" of my dad's and it's been happening since January. At first I thought it was hallucinations from dementia, but I'm wondering if it's her vision. My dad has tried to manager her getting in the bed first but sometimes that goes haywire as well because she will wake up and say, "What are you doing in my bed? I'm not a whore and don't sleep with just anybody!" It's really bad. She says we are the crazy ones...However, she knows me just fine. She knows my husband and my son and other people. It's just my dad she's having the issue with.
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Did your mother stay up all night, or did she get into bed? What changed if she did the latter? Is she seeing the ‘friend’ in other places besides bed? Could your father see that mother gets into bed first? If this happens some more, I hope you can get some ideas about how to get her to the doctor.
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