
My 80 y/old mother has not been sleeping and drinking to fall asleep. She has once had 5 drinks & fell (bruised forehead & black eye). Dr. Told her not to drink. Told her I did not want to be responsible if she falls. Any suggestions?

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When I was young I believed old people had a special medicine in their cupboard. It was spelled G-I-N and although it looked like water, it smelled awful and tasted worse. Granma seemed to like it, though.
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You might try something as simple as switching out her lightbulbs with 'daylight' florescent bulbs. They have the full spectrum of light that we need to produce melatonin in our own bodies and have been said to be effective with folks who can't get to sleep at night. I just switched to these bulbs for my mom 4 days ago cause I read somewhere that being exposed to more daylight spectrum light might help her sleep all night. So far so good. No real change, but it is early. The light seems to be easier on her eyes than the other bulbs we had.
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You wrote that the doctor told her not to drink. To me that is the answer. Ask the doctor for something to help her to sleep.
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5 drinks is at binging level, even for a young person. I do not believe you will be able for cut her off at one, it is too easy to cave in. The worse part is the interaction with other meds. I would stop bringing alcohol into the house and instead offer chamomile tea.
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My mom has a glass of red sweet wine every night, her Dr said it's OK, good for her heart. They also allowed it while she was in rehab. But we stick to one...
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My grandma used to have a small glass of Manishevitz sweet wine in the evening to fall asleep. If your elder needs anything more than that, call the doc and talk to him/her about sleep or anti anxiety meds.
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Just be careful with the melatonin. My mom's on a blood thinner (Coumadin) so she can't take it, or I'd give it to her to try. Good luck and keep us posted!
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Is the not being able to get to sleep bit of this new? Has your mother always had trouble nodding off?

Five drinks and I'd fall over, to be honest: moderation in all things, surely. I don't see any reason why your mother shouldn't enjoy alcohol in sensible amounts, at sensible times. But drinking in order to get to sleep is a) suggestive that something else is wrong and b) doesn't work. You fall asleep in your armchair with your mouth hanging open then wake up two hours later with unattractive drool drying on your chin and a thumping headache.

Seriously, alcohol is notoriously lousy for good quality sleep and good sleep patterns. Separate the issues for her.
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blannie, thanks for the suggestions. I did go out today & buy some melatonin. I also bought some serenity cd's!
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Well there aren't too many (if any) medical conditions that are helped by alcohol. If she's on any kind of meds, I would bet that alcohol is not a good mix. I'd try to find something else that can help her sleep. Melatonin or a warm bath or music or meditation...a heating pad that shuts off...anything but booze. Or one and done. Good luck, I'm sure it's not easy if she wants it.
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While it may seem like a no brainer, my mother has so many health issues and can't sleep. If she feels it helps her, who am to judge. I can give her one and that's the limit. I need to get sleep too ;)
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Not clear why you would even ask this question. Sounds like a no-brained to me.
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No, please do not enable. I have been an enabler all my life, and it is an awful way to feel.
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I have trouble falling asleep and I know alcohol isn't the answer. I take a small antihistamine. Talk to the doctor about getting her something to help her sleep. Benadryl, perhaps. I use a generic that is very cheap.
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Yes, say here is ONE that is all you get. Then lock it up.
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