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Take him back to assisted living and put him there. He is manipulating you big time. I know what that feels like. My mother is the same way. Anytime I try to talk to her about her care or future care I get, "I just wish I would go to bed and not wake up." Well don't we all. Who wants to suffer.

That said, if you father is like my mother, he is narcissistic. And if you read all the literature and posts on here about narcissism, he will not change. Mom never has, never does any wrong, never takes responsibility.

You have to play hard ball with these types. There will be some who tell you he is old and you should just let it roll off your back. No. They thrive on being the center of attention and getting their way. They do not care what it does to you. Believe me, I know of what I speak.

As of now, I have nothing to do with my mother. Too many lies, too much of a one way street relationship. But just like you when she needs real help, I will get a phone call from my brother and they will expect me to take care of her. No.

Assisted living. And when the money runs out, a nursing home. You have got to save your sanity with these types. No one who has a narcissistic parent will tell you differently. Good luck to you stick to your guns.
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Sorry, I meant to say 'good luck' before I posted. You are important too. My dad was a 'crotchety, old, impossible to please person' before he died but than again, he was that person our entire life! lol, but, he was my dad and he very nicely handed those traits onto me.
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Get him out of your house, at least for a short time! Take him to an adult day care, tell your brothers they have to pay! or take him to the assisted living facility and tell him he is staying for 30 days because you need a vacation! so easy to say, right. Try it, for a short time. Tell your brothers that you need a vacation, send him to them for 2 weeks. Do what ever you need to do to get him out of the home for a short time every month or 2 weeks or whatever. Your father is suffering 'sameness' the same thing every day, nothing different to do, nothing to see, nobody different to talk with. You both need a change.

If the "crotchety, old, impossible to please person" is not who he was before, tell his doctor. He may very well have some dementia. Or it could be a wrong mix of medication.

Try to do things differently. Introduce him to a different store to shop in, or a different dinner, or take him for a drive, let him talk at you, maybe he just wants to tell you stories. Maybe he just wants to 'flap his jaws' for an hour and can't get the attention he wants.
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