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So sorry for your pain during your father's decline. Please know the posters on your thread, as well as many members who just read the thread and maybe picked a helpful answer, are all thinking of you and wishing you well during this difficult time.

While I understand you feel like you cannot speak with your siblings, I would encourage you to ask the hospital staff if there are volunteers or grief councilors available for you. I'm betting there are. Don't forget your uncle, he may need to talk as much as you do.
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SMP—-im so sorry you have had to go thru all this, especially with siblings that fight you at every turn. Just know this now, please spend as much time wth your dad as you can, even though he may be medicated, talk to him, sing to him, say everything you need to say to him because he can hear you. He knows how you have tried to do for him what he would have wanted. Remember your dad, the way he was, not how he is now....and when he slips from this life plane, you will know you gave your best to him and should have no regrets at all. He will be at peace with no more pain or heart goes out to you, please tell your dad how much you love him and let him go when he is ready. Prayers being said for you daily.....we care💖
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I’m so sorry your dad’s condition went from bad to worse. It’s frightening to see your parent hooked up to a vent and so vulnerable. You have tried your best, now just stay with him & enjoy your memories while giving him lots of love now. I know it’s hard; I wish you & your dad peace through even if it means letting him go.
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SMP, I know you are grieving the situation. You have done a very good thing to respect your father's wishes even in the face of opposition. You can hold your head high - you have served him well. The relatives with the court- let God sort 'em out. This is where *my* belief in God helps me cope, with injustices against me and those I love. Otherwise I would be unable to function with anger towards those bozos. If you are feeling anger it's certainly understandable and healthy to feel right now. Praying for you and your dad's peace.
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