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Christine, good point. However unfortunately, the fiancee has no legal standing as concerns her fiancee's care. She does have legal rights to get her belongings, we are hoping for her.
If her fiancee were to go to the hospital, she is again on the outside. Hoping there is his family to intervene on their behalf.
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And she Never even came back to thank all of the people who gave a few moments of their precious time to let us know how she is doing. That's just great!
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He made his choice when he believed a caregiver over the woman he has been with for 11years. If his problem is just physical than he is able tp pick up a phone and do things forr himself. I think there is more here than we will ever know.
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I agree, JoAnn29.
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I go back to 'fiance' for 11 years. There is no real commitment.
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What would be best in this particular case is if you live there, a wise move is to grab whatever's yours and just leave. Yes, just move on. The right people cannot come into your life if you're feeling that space with all of the wrong ones who are blocking blessings from coming into your life. Just remember the good from the relationship and any lessons you may have learned from everything. You don't have to dwell on the bad, but look forward to the good and look forward to the future. When you leave, just do it in a peaceful manner. You can slip quietly out without him knowing if all you have to take with you is small stuff such as clothes and other stuff you can carry. If you don't live there and have left some belongings, just take them with you when you leave and don't look back. There are clever ways to slip out if you really think about it. You don't have to put up with abuse from anyone, there are far better people in the world who would be glad to have you in their lives. They will come at the right time as God sends them. It's been said that some things are only meant to last for a season. Sometimes we tend to make those things last forever when they may not be meant to last forever. Some people are blessings, whereas others are lessons. Learn to discover the difference. Lastly, until God has made a man out of him, don't try to make a husband out of him or you'll be in for disaster. Don't settle for less than you deserve in a man. Set your standards very high and don't budge, even if it means you must die waiting for Mr. right. You deserve far better, don't except less, for in doing so, you only reflect how you truly feel about yourself. The kind of company you keep is a reflection of what kind of person you really are and how you feel about yourself. Be careful what kind of company you keep when you set foot into a new tomorrow. A new tomorrow means new beginnings, so don't cry over what you lost because there's more than you lost awaiting you. If you find it too hard to move on, God sees that and he will make it possible, but God made it possible by making changes in my for you to do what you could never otherwise do on your own. I had to move on and leave behind people that I dearly love. I could never do it on my own, But God made it possible by making changes in my heart and enabling me to just move on and leave them behind. Don't settle for a toxic relationship, because it will only rob you of blessings as long as you continue staying in that toxic relationship that's really poisoning you inside, though you may not see it or even know it. I can tell you from experience that you may not even know that something is living off of your life force, you may not know it, and you may not even feel it because sometimes it's just undetectable by you. At the right time others may see it and tell you or drop little clues to this, don't ignore them. You may actually be burying the fact that someone or something is living off of your life force. It may be that it's been going on for so long that you no longer feel it, or you may not even know how to identify it, which will also mean you won't even be able to spot it until it's completely gone. If you find yourself feeling better right away, you'll start realizing when you step back to see the big picture, and there may be details coming to you at different times. Hindsight is a very good teacher. Sometimes you don't realize things until they are behind you and everything starts making sense and coming together. This is a time when you have learned any necessary lessons from your situation, even if you don't know if you were supposed to be learning anything from it but you did anyway. You'll know when you've truly learned your lesson, because you'll go through the process that I went through after leaving a toxic relationship.

A final thing I think I should point out is that you mentioned that the person you're taking care of happens to be paid help. Have you ever thought that maybe this fiancé secretly likes this other woman? It seems to me like he may have gotten tired of you and wants to move on, and this may actually be a little clue he's giving you through what you're describing. Sometimes when someone is done with you, you'll know when you start seeing signs of them moving on and showing unusual attention to draw and someone new. For instance, your man may secretly have a crush on the new woman coming in and taking care of him. It may also be that maybe he likes something about her level of care to him better than he likes it with you. Perhaps you can try to pinpoint this after you've moved on and this is behind you. Things will all make sense later, just let things unfold in time as you're ready.
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The way that you get your belongs is to go to the local police and ask for an escort to get your belongs. If this fails, file a criminal suit in magistrates court - no need to spend money on a lawyer. It's called theft by conversion here in GA. They have converted your property to their use. I have used this more than one time with my kids when they were young and dumb and had crazy room mates.
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walk away hand everything back itemised and get a signed receipt for it and count your blessings xx
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I wonder if the man is having an affair with the care giver and wanted an excuse to end things.
It's true that if you reside someplace and there has not been any violence between you there should be a time for you to come back and get things situated and sorted out and packed up.
This sounds like a divorce situation. Was your name not on the lease? does he own the house? Why is the caregiver doing the talking for the boyfriend?
I don't get it.
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