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Yes, EIIG123 I have read "In Sheeps Clothing", along with "The Sociopath Next Door", "Psychopath Free", "Character Disturbance", and countless other psychology books on personality disorders. It has helped me a lot to understand that my sister is disordered and unchangeable. The only remedy is to try to protect myself from her lies. It takes a lot of restraint to not react, but that is what I have to do. She is looking for a reaction and I don't give it to her. If I make myself boring enough maybe she will eventually move on to a new and more interesting target.
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I totally agree. Another good one is 'Confessions of a Sociopath written by a self confessed character. If, like me, you have always been known as the empath and sensitive sibling, it is hard to shake off that trait in their eyes. When you behave indifferently towards them, they can't understand it and, in my case, throw their proverbial dummy out of the pram. You are right by not reacting, hard at times when provoked, but it gets easier with time. These personalities are like bacteria that feed off any reason you give them to spread their toxic germ. It still makes me sad though, we only have one life and ideally it should be in harmony with family.
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Happy to relay some experiences and advice. It's huge to have the POA, but does come with the assumption that you are your mother's keeper. I would suggest you be completely transparent with all finances. Everything. From current care and your expenses to what's down the road as to her Will. It is entirely possible your non caring self absorbed sibling is feeling left out. Probably due to not knowing about finances. Just a guess.
Good luck - this family stuff is horrible.
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My sister is just the same! I don't know what is up with it nowadays but I sure hope it stops, she has always thought of herself and when It comes to Other peoples needs she just pretends she didn't hear. Also she Is a food addict mainly eating other peoples food and stealing snacks to eat when no ones around. I try to ignore her but with my extreme anxiety level and my small autistic level I tend to speak to her, making her even more moody because "I stopped her from watching her YouTube vid even though I just wanted a quick chat" any ideas how to stop this???
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Yes there is at least one in every family. I had one and my best friend right now is dealing with 3 greedy, selfish, hateful and controlling siblings in her life.
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What do you do when it's 3 siblings against one? My mother is in a situation where all her older siblings accused of her of using our grandmother's money, when it's grandma spending it because she says it's her money to do whatever with but they don't believe that it is their mother but my mother spending the money. When she tries to tell my grandmother she does not need to spend or buy some of the things she does. My grandma gets mad and starts making a scene so my mother stopped saying anything.

And recently I and my Fiance moved into my grandmother's home to become financial stable but only with her permission. We pay all bills except property taxes and have been accused now of stealing from her and been told that " we are disrespectful of my grandfather" when he told each of them that his home would be open to anyone who needs time to figure things out.

However, the house isn't in the best shape for my grandmother to live there and she has moments of cognitive decline but hasn't been diagnosed with anything but my aunt and uncles seem to think she is completely incapable of making decisions but she isn't.

My mother dies her share in caring for my grandmother but only when my aunt allows it's usually because she is tried of taking care of my grandmother. My aunt and uncles yells at my mother constantly because they feel that it is her sole responsibility of caring for my grandmother.

It has gotten to the point of them breaking into the house and scaring me and my Fiance.

Someone please help me with this. I really have been pushed into a corner. My aunt and uncles are treating my mother horrible and starting to try to force out of my grandmother's home and literally into the street with no where to go.
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your sister has a severe personality disorder: Narcissism. These people are stingy, greedy, selfish, money hungry, envious, mean, calculating, pathological, ungiving, lying, manipulating, abusive, revolting creatures. The best thing you can do is what you are doing now: ignore her. Ignoring a narcissist is the worst possible punishment to them. It drives them crazy. Stay away and ignore the sh*t out of her.
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Guess I'm not alone got one sibling who inherited 500,000 from her husband's mother ( they were broke before that no pension , house 401 k etc) owes mom thousands hasn't paid her back a dime but has gone on a couple very expensive European vacations got some plastic surgery bought a house a car a motorcycle . Had to put mom in assisted living so mom could use the money! Tried to get keys to house from mom to go look for stuff but luckily my brother had the locks changed . She is just horrible we just look forward to the day we won't have to deal with her ever again
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To many sleepless Nights...

I to am having the same issues, My Mother has passed 15 Months ago and my brother has control of my mothers now Ex-Husband being Next of Kin.

I have been told on 3 occasions that a Will to my mothers estate exists 2 times from my mother and even once from my brother. However on passing my brother has claimed that a will does not exist claiming (Died Intestate). I don't know what to believe as my family are Herbitual fabricators of the truth so I'm now having to Reach Search on the National Will Database UK. My issue is this my brother is a money grabber and using (died intestate) the first £250,000 and half there-after goes to the husband and half of everything else, So on an Estate upto £300,000 I could only get £15,000 under intestate law so my answer to you is get a Validated Will from a Solicitor and gain power of attorney over your mothers affairs.

 Make everyone aware of where to find the will in the event of her passing to cover any inaccuracies, And above all get this varified if the person involved has a memory problem as a relative can claim void under Deminished Responsibility. 

Final thoughts are (Pay for the burial if the person is cremated) as just as a twist siblings will try to claim the ashes if they can't claim anything else. They are even nasty to the point where they will also claim a cut of the ashes, in the UK this is still classed as a person, Under law in the UK the ashes reside with the bill payer and Solicitors will not entertain disputes over remains. For me it's to late as the Husband paid, for you I hope you are now armed for the days ahead as siblings are nasty scratchy people and remind me of the Gollum creature in JRR Tolkens Novel The Lord Of The Rings.
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Its been 11 months since my father passed away. There was no fight over money. But in my mind my siblings are still uncaring and selfish as they were before my father passed away. I guess I just have to adjust my expectations and try to manage my own feelings. I have to know I cannot get blood from a stone. People are who they are and sometimes all we can do is try to find a way to deal with them. Or as others have suggested distance ourselves completely.
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I have one sibling left & no Mom or Dad. It’s too long of a story but I live with my brother until he threatens to kick me out again. First time was 4 months after hip replacement surgery. I pay rent & my food but I’m on a fixed low income so he gets all my money every month except for $300 for me to pay a bill I have. No car, no money to move so one day me and my 3 cats will be pushing a shopping car while they are in their harnesses. While I know some of his finances, not all, he does have $78,000. Now who’s got it worse?
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Oh I a 67 not a young chickadee anymore
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OMG!!!! I really thought I was the only one.... my sister...God bless her...I love her..but I absolutely do not like her at all!!!!! She is ungrateful, hateful...and such an eff'n liar with such an entitled attitude.  My sister is 8yrs my senior and all I can remember is how mean she was & is toward me and how ungrateful and disrespectful she was toward our mother. My mother was one of the best in the world, made all kinds of sacrifices for my 3 siblings and me without blinking an eye. Our mom supported her during her battle with drugs,  helped her with her children...hell my mom raised her oldest child and helped out tremendously with her other 2 kids. Now that my mother is passed on... all she does is speak ill of her. For those that didn't have the pleasure of knowing her... my sister has painted a horrible picture of my mother as a selfish unaffectionate person. She even blamed my mother for the reason we don't get along as well as her drug addiction. She accuses our mother of gossiping and brainwashing me against her... I'm like are you kidding me! The last time she tried this I went in on her... we had a bad argument and didn't speak for months... and actually I didn't miss her at all! She's even this way toward her own children. She was to selfish to help her oldest with his addiction now he's passed on... She takes no responsibility for her actions...its everyone else's fault...She's just a ef'n professional "Victim". Before our mom passed... she lost her eyesight, and both legs.... my sister dumped her kids off our my mom and disappeared for weeks. She left my mom stranded and stuck in her wheelchair at a friends house overnight because she was out gambling and instructed her daughter to lie for her to cover it up...however my niece refused to lie for her. She had told her children she wished she had an abortion.... I totally cannot stand her... the only reason I do not cut her out of my life completely is because of my great niece. The only way I deal with her is to pray and hold my tongue to avoid arguments...but its getting harder to not respond... This Thanksgiving she really showed her a** spreading lies on our Mom.... God give me strength!
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Talk to her she must have a reason to be greedy
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If she is being such a bi*** talk to her and ask why are you being SO greedy
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The core of the problem is pure greed. I gave up buying a condo in Manhattan 20 years ago to buy the house next door to the one I owned so I could move into it and move my parents from our town to be next door and closer to their doctors. Unknown to me, dad had been without any income from social security for years as he burned through my moms savings. I then spent the next seven years working out their social security, Medicare, wrap around insurance, and retirement lawsuits. In November 2007, all things were settled and my parents would have several thousand a month income with only utility, taxes, food, and insurance for the rest of their lives. One month after, dad got belligerent. When mom got an infection that next April, he left her lay on the couch until she went I to a comma before he walked next door in a panic asking us what to do although he was Calling us at work and visiting us almost daily to tell us of his resentments. After she died, he paid no utilities, taxes, insurance or anything for the next ten years. He made me pay it all on pain of losing the house. This summer, my older brother and sister started visiting. Dad is gone, we don't know where, we were mailed keys with no return address, all the accounts were closed, bonds redeemed, and the house was left with no central heating, working toilets, leaking sinks, all China and collectibles gone, and trash in the bedrooms do high you had to crawl over it to get to a window. Ditto for the patio and garage. Cons working a con who conned the trusting, idealistic, and naive. I can only imagine the Final Judgement. Materialistic, conniving, and self serving are the characteristics of this loving family values system. Family values my a***.
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Nunya17, you are right to tolerate her because of your niece. You are the only healthy adult in her life. Your sister sounds like an addict who plays the victim. Go to alanon to deal with the insanity. Our family insanity is entitlement and greed, forms of addictive narcissism and materialism. Same church different pew. They're vain, abusive, insane, and nasty. It is NOT your imagination nor have you done anything wrong. Junkies is as junkies are. Get help. Good luck.
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I watched this happen with cousins, their Mom was in severe decline, and several were not helping at her all, just loading up their trucks with her valuables to sell and squabbling over who would control her very limited funds. Because of their fighting
over the money, she ended up dying very quickly as the care she so badly needed was
never provided. After my aunt's funeral, I was treated to shouting, cursing and name
calling because one cousin thought I was possibly standing in her way to immediately
receive her inheritance (I guess she wanted it the day of the funeral!). The total to be
divided four ways was at most $20,000 all cousins owned their homes outright while their mother lived in a run down area. Also my aunt's "good friend", neighbor, and some time caretaker tried to steal from her as well while she was ill. I put a stop to it, and boy
did this woman shoot me daggers.

It's the human condition, some people develop their character, other's develop their
public mask instead. The ironic thing is that greedy, selfish even to the point of sociopathy types often look better to others than the folks that do all the actual work.
So damned frustrating to watch someone steal from their dying relatives, put on a teary
show at the funeral, and then turn into a monster immediately again after the last
guest leaves. How the heck do these guys live with themselves??
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During money issues with my sisters, I remind myself that I am the rich one.....I have this precious time with my parents!
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