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Con-men hone in on lonely elder people, they only want money; like sharks circling their prey for a meal.
My recently widowed dad was taken by one of the same- while I documented and reported to ALL authorities, he lost his house and everything he worked for his entire life to an ex- felon prostitute. I spent much time trying to make him aware to no avail! After draining him of all his funds she dumped him off, with a shopping bag of his belongings, in a motel in another state. Horrible!
Helpful Answer (11)
inntruth Oct 2019
I am so sorry! That's awful!
If you're up for it you could pursue guardianship, and attorneys on this forum could address that further, but I'm guessing you'd need to give proof that she's mentally incapacitated and a danger to herself. Ugh, what a sad mess. Wishing you clarity and peace in your heart.
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Even with POA, you can’t control your mom or her finances as long as she’s considered mentally competent. You can’t override her decisions. Unfortunately there’s little you can do other than watch this train wreck from the side lines :(
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AlvaDeer Oct 2019
I agree. I think even with GUARDIANSHIP our OP would be helpless against Mom and this crew, and possibly in danger.
Stay away from your Mom!! Run and don't go back. She made her own mess. She doesn't need to bring you down too!! Go live your life and be happy. You don't need her in your life!! YOU deserve happiness!!
Helpful Answer (15)
Phoebe2019 Oct 2019
I think you’re right. My husband confronted this guy several months ago about preying on Mom. He became defensive and got in my husband’s face, but backed down just as fast. I’m not sure what all was said, as I was helping Mom in the house, but after that, Mom became really nasty.

Probably best that we don’t draw attention to us at this point.
If your mother has not been formally diagnosed with Alzheimer’s or dementia, unfortunately, there’s not.much you can do. and if no one has Power of Attorney for her, that’s even worse. That means she’s pretty much on her own. She can do what she wants and give her money to whomever she wants and you can’t do anything about it. It’s not fair or right, but if you have no legal power like a POA, there isn’t much you can do.
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Phoebe2019 Oct 2019
That’s what I was afraid of. I haven’t spoken to her since late April. She either won’t pick up the phone when I call or he is screening her calls. The deputy sheriff told the APS case worker to tell me not to go out to her house because it’s too dangerous. The man is volatile. My Mom is volatile too.

But, she’s been in three car accidents in the last two years too. It’s just crazy.
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