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Have they checked for UTI? #1 cause of confusion in elderly - they dont know they have one and family thinks its dimentia affect. If that is cleared- do they have her dimentia meds like Aracept? That worked wonders for moms SUNDOWNERS... which is normal for dimentia and alzheimers. Sleeping pills are bad for dimentia- any narcotic exasperates dimentia and alzheimers symptoms. Does she like to rock? I got my dad in a rocking chair and he wore the carpet out. Yarn- he also loved pulling the yarn out. You are dealing with child mind. Time for child activities that dont require thinking. The way you do with babies. Get your "child" qualities working.
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I have been my husbands care giver for over 10 years after retiring from a full time job and it doesn't get any better I have lost all of my family and so has he, after losing one hip I am now facing losing my other hip and I am so depressed and up set. and stay mad, I have three little rescues which at the time I got them I was able to care for all, now facing another surgery and needing someone to care for my rescues and also my husband, I feel like I might be going crazy.
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oh dear anniemae....I sure feel your are going thru so much!! hope you find some help!! my prayers are with you...hang in their...maybe something wonderful will come your way!
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omg, I thought I had it rough. You have a FULL PLATE!!! What I do to deal with anger is usually bite my tongue and go into another room or onto the patio for a few minutes. It doesn't totally resolve it, but it helps me in the moment to not explode and say something I will regret. ... I know it's extremely difficult.
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