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When I asked a doctor about dad's sleeping all the time he suggested anti-depresants, we tryed them and they made dad light headed, and he fell a lot, so we discontiued. I never heard of testosterone shoots. is that like taking steroids? And if they give woman femal hormonds, why not give men male hormonds when they get older. This lack of interest in any activite is so fustrating. Sleep and food seam to be all that interest my father.
Are their any Doctors out there that have a helpful answer? We all sound Fustrated, and care giving is fustrating enough.
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Over the past couple of years, my father has also suffered from this sleepiness, which usually comes over him after breakfast in the morning and again in the afternoon. Sometimes he fights it, other times he naps. After a battery of tests, it was determined that his testosterone level is REALLY low. His doctor started him on a testosterone cream, but that wasn't enough. It wasn't until he was given a high-level or double-dosage of a testosterone shot that he finally "felt like himself again" (his words). Well, the effect wore off and, reluctantly, the doctor gave him another one. Again, same result. Since then, my father has requested a third shot, which the doctor now states he won't do, stating that it is unsafe. What to do?? I hope other readers of this question and our collective responses have input on the subject. Advice would be very much appreciated. (It's particular critical in my father's case since he is my full-time caregiver of my mother who is quite ill with Parkinson's Disease and Dystonia.) My thanks to you, nbwed1, for raising this question and to all who are responding.
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well, guess what! we all have the same problem! My dad is exactly the same way! I bring out photo albums, books with pictures, newspaper and that is all good for a short period of time. He will go in the car with me but won't go into any stores or the library unless its the bank...he loves getting $ out of the bank but never spends it, but it gets him moving. Won't go to social things, won't play games, dance, cross word puzzles but does watch Lawrence Welk once a week. He just gets stiffer and stiffer by the day.

So how do we get them out of bed to think and moving!!! So glad this was brought up!
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That sounds like my mother she sleep all day and is awake all night!
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Wow this sounds just like my father-in-law. He lives with us for 4 yrs now and same thing everyday ,I've ask him if he would like some books to read,puzzles,something to exercise his mind and all he wants to do is watch TV and nap all day long.He has no hobbies at all,it's his life and I figure if that"s what he likes to do all day go for it I'm tired of trying to get him up and out of the house.I just know I could never do that.Good luck with your dad.
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