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If she has diagnosed dementia, you will likely need to see an elder law attorney or estate attorney. You may even have to go to court. Legal advice is likely to be necessary, anyway.

Take care,
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believe it or not, it is easier than you think. I am my father's P.O.A and have D.P.O.A and I was able to obtain these through the hospital by talking to a social worker there. they had all the papers ready the next day and my father signed them knowing he was unable to care for any legal or financial obligations any more. I am sure if you call her Dr. and ask if he can give you a referral to the social worker at your hospital, you will obtain these very easily as long as your mother is in agreement.
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This is tough because usually you are not suppose to have them sign if they are not thinking with a clear and stable mind. I would try downloading a form from legalzoom or and see how far you can go.
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My Mother has late stage Alzheimers and can no longer sign her name. I have seen a lawyer and am trying to get a Guardianship so I can legally take care of her affairs. It will cost about $1,500.00, but if there is no one to contest, it should go smoothly. The best way is to get Power of Attorney before they get they are so advanced.
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You might need guardianship instead if she really can't give POA . Just having a little memory loss or "mild cognitive impariment" would not rule out her giving you a POA, but if she realy can't do it legitimately, go for the guardianship. The expense for a good eldercare attorney will pay off later - you want one who knows medicare/medicaid in your state like the back of his/her hand - I found an excellent one jut around the conrner from me, by looking up and reading web sites and blogs where you could tell they knew their stuff or not.
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Granny, your husband can appoint you to be his POA as long as he is of clear mind. If yes, then call around to the different Elder Law Attorney offices in your area to see if they have an Attorney who can go to the hospital [or where ever your husband is staying] to see if a POA could be drawn up.
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My 93 year old father has a sister who is 86 years old who is in a coma. There is no power of attorney. My father has verbally relinquished her care to a handyman who is going to have the sister moved to a medical assistant living hospital. There are no legal documents that have been drawn up which shows this transfer. Does the handyman have any rights or is my father still responsible since he is her only living brother.
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L7777 that's one wild story! The medical folks should not be dealing with a non-family member without even a HIPAA release. Not sure what they will do with her at the facility (not sure exactly what type of facility you mean) if she is unconscious, but without a valid advance directive it may not be what anyone really wants for her.

Next question - what is in place for your dad??
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My has decided to remove himself because he does not want to do anything. He says that he is to old but he does drive even though he's 93. Anyway, he figures that giving the hospital's case worker the verbal approval to the non-family member absolves him of doing anything. The non-family member is supposed to get her into a place that handles medical conditions. She is unconscious, on a breathing machine and all possible avenues of helping have been exhausted. As I mentioned this person does not have any legal right or guardianship. Wouldn't the hospital be legally responsible if they released this comatose person to anyone let alone a facility? This situation is just unbelievable.
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My mom had 3 stokes and can't get around by her self any more or bath herself by herself, and she's incontinence, has eye sight problems so she can't see to sign anything,or work a motor chair I have to push her around in a wheelchair. How do I become her POA?
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