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I'm howling with laughter right now - thank you all! My mother has been using at least one double roll of tissue a day for over a year. I accuse her of using sheets of them at lunchtime for her sandwiches. She just says she likes to be clean! I just discovered her bedside stash of wadded up tissues and cleared that up last night but will be sure next time to leave a few for her security blanket; I had never thought of her maybe thinking they were stolen!
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My mothers white teacup poodle once came down the hall looking like she went bobbing for apples in Hersheys syrup but we had no syrup, I had forgotten to take the trash out.....eeeeewwwweeeee!!!
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Yes, I guess we'll just have to make humor of this. My Chihuahua , Lola, was snacking on some of moms used T.P. --how gross! I knew she loved to roll in it outside but now its a nice treat
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I am just rolling with laughter at the various answers, but glad to know a whole bunch of us have the same problem & I am not the only one. My husband did start throwing a few in the bathroom wastebasket that is actually for magazines, but the dogs gets them before they hit the bottom as dogs LOVE tissues old & new, when he opens his bedside drawer every night (actually about 40 times a day) the dogs (2) are right behind him on the bed hanging over the open drawer just waiting for the second he is not looking to wipe out his stash. I did read somewhere on here that it is OK to remove the tissue buildup in the drawer but leave a few so he/she does not feel they have been robbed.
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If you come up with an answer please let the rest of us here know! It must be some type of fixation with paper goods. My Dad uses the toilet paper like its going out of style and plops it all in the toilet and flushes. I don't know how many times my Mom has had to get the plumber's helper and a straightened out wire clothes hanger to unplug the toilet. He has to have paper towels to wipe and blow his nose. He doesn't want Kleenex for some reason, though lately he's started tearing those up in strips and throwing them in the trash can next to his chair. He did that some time ago and quit, but now he's back at it. (I think it might have something to do with a recent med change experiment that backfired!) Mom buys Kleenex in bulk when its on sale somewhere, maybe 10 boxes at a time. A few days ago she decided to hide all the boxes she's stocked up on, but lo and behold Dad suddenly had a brand new box -- he found the stash, don't ask me how, probably peeking around the corner and watching her while she hid them. I don't know about folding the TP, but Dad does fold or scrunch up the paper towels he uses for his nose until they're almost too small to blow on! He has also become obsessed with the moist towelettes for washing his hands. ONCE he was given one to wash his fingers with before dinner because he thought his hands were dirty (he pees .. sorry .. right before dinner .. just his routine .. and didn't remember washing his hands afterward). Ever since then he has to have a moist towelette, baby wipe, whatever you want to call them, to rub over his fingers before eating. Because his hands get dirty in the half minute between washing his hands in the bathroom and getting to the dinner table! And he won't sit down and eat until he gets one. Then while he's eating he continually picks it up and asks what it is and if he should leave it there! Dad stuffs folded up paper towels into books, spiral bound notebooks, other boxes, the top drawer of his bureau, etc. and then can never find one when he wants one, and then wants another one. But, I guess it could be worse...
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At least they're a zillion CLEAN bits. Doncha love/feel weird vacuuming out the inside of the washing machine .... and the floor ... and the dryer? egads.

Sorry .. I feel like this hijacked your question NiceNurse. But, hope you got a little giggle out of it.
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Rolling on the Floor Laughing ROTFL
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I wish I had a solution for you. Unfortunately I have the same problem as LadeeC...I'd give anything for a "happy medium"! I get the tissue blizzards in the washing machine too, but ya know what's worse? (This may be more fitting for the Grossed Out thread too...) Back before my MIL started wearing Depends she sometimes used Poise pads...the big, extra absorbent ones...and sometimes she'd "forget" to remove them before tossing her panties into the washer. OMG talk about a mess! Those things shred into a zillion wet clumpy bits that stick to everything!! She lost one into the toilet once too, and because she wasn't sure what to do about it she just left it there for us to sort out "later". FYI, the "extra absorbent" feature is as advertised. By the time she got around to telling us what happened (" the way....") it had grown to the size of a baby seal.
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This almost belongs in the "Grossed out? Need to vent? .. " thread, but ..

Almost wish we had that problem. Ours is the reverse. No more than 4 squares. EVER. Guess what's all over her hand before she's done? And, I'm here to tell ya that she uses those four squares as many times as she can fold them over.
Ugh!! Oh .. I forgot to mention .. she loves biting her nails. Soooooooo gross.

We finally got her to use wet wipes and we managed to drill it into her that it HAS to be thrown in the trash. At least it doesn't plug up the toilet, that way. And supervise. Really. And ignore her 'shut ups' .. you're doing what's best for her and her home. Sometimes YOU gotta be the mom.
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This is a great question. My Mom goes through anything disposable, tissues, underpants, paper towels and wipes like wildfire. Thankfully she hasn't stopped up the toilet yet, she seems to throw almost everything in the trash can but I'm so tired of the heave, ho of emptying the trash all the time. I know the people at the dump must think we are awfully messy people since we show up there almost every other day. Oh yeah, and she stuffs the tissues in her pockets too. What a mess it makes in the laundry. I invariably forget to check the pockets. My bad.

At least she hasn't forgotten how to wipe yet! Do you have room for a trash can next to the toilet. Maybe you could get her to put the tissue in it instead. Disgusting for sure but better than stopping up the toilet??
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Hope you get a good answer as I have the same problem, not with TP but I cannot keep tissues in stock my husband hoards them, even the used ones every morning his nightstand is full & If I forget to check a pocket I have an OMG laundry mess
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