
I've really been struggling mentally and emotionally lately with my aunt who lives several states away. She is difficult! In so many ways and she's finding new ways all the time. I know this is all too familiar for most everyone here. I'm not alone, and that helps. For support, advice, ideas, and maybe a little DIY therapy, I've been reading over other people's questions and posts and all the answers to them.

Then suddenly, I had this urge to print out a bunch of these and mail them to her. With handwritten notes saying, "This is you!" or "You do this same thing!" or "Sound familiar crazy lady?"

The ones about the hoarding. The eating nothing but junk and complaining about having no energy. The falling for every scam or donation request and then denying it. The denying that she needs even one bit 9f help and certainly can handle all aspects of her life herself. The accusations that I am "all in her business" and I'm "bossy and controlling and have to have everything my way." Pot, kettle, black?

Of course I would never. I've been very careful over the years to preserve her pride and her dignity. Probably have protected her from consequences too much at times.

But I have to admit, that little momentary fantasy, the imagining her reaction, made me laugh! And that felt so great! Maybe it can help someone else have a smile or chuckle too. 🤪

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I'm feeling today like a crazy old lady. Just cannot find motivation to finish the declutter project I started 😫

One bite at a time as they say.

I sometimes wonder if I'll be dragged out of my home one distant day by well meaning relatives or protection services... oh well, if it comes to that, be for the best.

Years ago a hoardered up house in my area burnt down (luckily the neighbouring houses & were saved).
You would think the resident would be so distraught..? No! Said just had no idea how to clean up & at least it was all gone now. Was moved 'into care' somewhere.

I hope the Aunt gets the help she needs eventually.
Helpful Answer (2)
Reply to Beatty
NeedHelpWithMom Oct 23, 2023
Do what you can, when you can and eventually it will get done.

Beatty, I think people keep things for so many reasons, it’s sentimental, it was a gift, we think we will use the item later on, no time to organize, etc. We usually end up saying to ourselves, ‘Why did I keep this?’

If we haven’t used something in forever, and it doesn’t have sentimental value, just get rid of it.

I had lots of costumes. I donated all of them to my daughter’s previous drama teacher. She said that she would use them for theater camp that she has every summer.

The students perform in a play at the end of camp. My daughters didn’t want them. They live in small apartments. I don’t want to be a storage unit for all kinds of stuff!

I can see how a ton of clutter can present all sorts of challenges for people, let alone a health and fire hazard. I am glad that she found relief in going through this tragedy.
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I love your sense of humor! Your post made me smile 😊.
Helpful Answer (3)
Reply to NeedHelpWithMom

“Sound familiar crazy lady?"

Ha! Yes, it’s funny. Gotta laugh, right? 😉
Helpful Answer (3)
Reply to SnoopyLove

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