
Thank you very much for the suggestions you guys have given me concerning my mom; Very challenging situation I'm in. So in speaking through a family member who my mom has confided in as far as her personal affairs,I was finally able to speak to that family member and according to her,way back in 2014( if some of you remember that my mom was being scammed and I was traumatized to seeing how I could handle this,with multiple trips I made to her place with no resolution), she would describe this neighbor of my mom to a tea,the neighbor that always led a helping hand to my mom and helping her handle financial matters,use my moms home depot credit cards without her permission,appoint herself as her poa at the time and who knows what else this leech person was doing behind closed doors with her being my mom's poa. This neighbor,when my mom who supposedly was extorted by another entity and supposedly needed the cash by selling one of her condos(and I ask myself "wasnt my mom renting that other condo and making money from it thus generating income?") executed the sell of that condo(have the records) and being ,as a convenience,a notary public as well,processed the sale of the condo,not seeing if there was a title company involved in the transaction( didn't see a record of this). (Mind you,my mom didn't go to college or was savy in any legal issues and also I was working in another state to know what transpired) After the sale was done and then my mom deposited or that neighbor deposited the check for the sale of the condo to her bank account,Then came the transactions(got a hold of the records and saw them).After one day after the check deposit,withdrawls in increments of $4,000.00 each time, As days passed on,more withdrawls from my mom's account,$3500.00 cash withdrawls,4000.00 more the next day,$5000.00 sometimes and as time went by those transactions were ongoing till the balance was to almost zero!.Anothe aunt of mine sent me an email stating that they received a letter from my mom to let them know that she might not be living much longer and that she is being extorted but NEVER TO LET MY SON KNOW about this! Also another neighbor who I celled to see if she saw any irregular behavior in my mom,she asked me if I knew that she sold a property.So with all this I flew to Texas to see what was going on(in 2014).I contacted the DA's office and they said that because my mom will not talk(she's elderly) as to who did this to her,I couldnt do anything.(asked my mom about this and wouldnt tell me anything)So any way,now this family member she lives in another country (and doesnt want her name on any legal issue)is telling me that the one who was doing this to my mom was this neighbor,and she described her almost perfeclty as this leech neighbor ,who was eager to be my moms poa..and is real savy with the law,supposedly did this to her along with some other person ,according to this family member who my mom confided in with in telling them this. Now,I have the bank records of these transactions,along with records of the home depot transsactions,but of course,unless there was video evidence of this neighbor taking my moms HD credit cards taking it to the cleaners.I have the letter wich my mom sent this family member and other bank records in which she did not fill out the withdrawl forms to take cash out.It was someone or maybe the teller and of course theres a question as to if her signature was forged . I contacted the bank regarding this as possible fraud. Then my mom called the bank to tell them that not to worry that her account was ok.The bank eventually closed my mom's account amid tha fact that they were getting 2 different conflicting statements. And this neighbor still lives near my mom.This family member has shed some needed light on to this issue.No wonder that my mom gets scared when I talk bad about this neighbor sometimes.Given that I've given some details regarding this issue, do I have any legal recourse?

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Thanks to Stacy I was able to see your first post on Oct 2015. That is over 5 years. I think its time to let go. Even if the person could be procecuted, Mom will never see her money. I now see where a lawyer would just be throwing good money after bad.

My SILs Mom was the same age when she was scammed out of $50k by telemarketers. It was so bad she was calling them. TG my SIL was able to take over. It was a rough road getting Mom to stop using her credit card so SIL could pay it down. There was a lot of calling places that sold Mom trips explaining she was not able to take them. Some refunded the money others didn't. My SIL sold her Moms home placing her in independent living. Eventually, taking her phone away. Took some of the proceeds from sale of the house, and paid off her Moms debts. The woman passed debt free.
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Sendhelp, I think your solution is great!!! I hope you do not feel bad because I always value your opinion 👍.
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Stacy0122 Dec 2020
Cute, you believed me.
There were police, security cameras and SW involved, an accusation about a shopkeeper, etc, etc. I agree the OP needs mental evaluation.
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veryconcerned Jan 2021
Sorry that things aren't in order as far as my addressing the issue of things that passed a few years ago.I just got a hold of this family member.We spoke about this that occurred 6 years ago and was wondering if there was any legal recourse still as long as there is proof.No i'm not needing an evaluation of that sort.Just inquiring about what happened to my mom.I could just imagine what she went through.Sadly she couldn't confide in her son to know so I would of enacted upon telling me.For those of you that think that Im being cute ,this is isn't a game.I'm just trying to piece together evidence and thought I would ask you all if it would stand a chance to build a case. I'm the only sibling that is trying to piece things together and no other family member is available or lives way too far away to help in all this.My apologies in coming yo you in the first place.Thought you would listen.
I agree about the statue of limitations. Your going on 7 years here. Not sure if you can prosecute unless you can prove Mom was incompetent to assign a POA and that she didn't willingly give the person the money. And if this person knows what they are doing, they have covered their tracks. Its their word against Moms.

As said, you need a lawyer.
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Stacy0122 Dec 2020
Please read this thread from back in the day:

Several people have been accused.
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This has been going on since 2014, wasn't it an "organized crime syndicate" at that point and you were going to move her then?

I think you need to stop making accusations with no proof, you are past the statute of limitations.

Your mom is ill and needs placement. Focus on that not your theories.
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I doubt seriously that the Mom is living in fear of her life. Could be, but unlikely. This person doesn't even live with her. She could at any point call you, police, lawyers. And it seems you never mention in ANY of this that your Mom is no longer competent. What a person does with real property and with bank accounts and with assigning a POA is up to them. At now almost 7 years on there are likely even statutes of limitation involved. But all that aside, a Lawyer's office is the place to take all this. It's way too much for those on a Forum to comb out and I suspect your answers will be as all-over-the-place as the situation is. Wishing you good luck. See a Lawyer.
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worriedinCali Dec 2020
Read the OPs other posts. She needs a mental health evaluation Not an attorney. She’s gone from a organized crime syndicate to pure hearsay from a relative overseas that doesn’t want to get involved
Your Mom could be living in fear of her life.
Get her out of there. imo.
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Sendhelp Dec 2020
Oh, my bad for offering a solution.
Shot down again.

Was unaware you all knew things about the OP that I didn't.
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Probably not, especially if your mother won't talk.

Can you call the DA and APS again with the evidence you have?
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