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It's hard for many to understand the type of loneliness your mom is going through. Being in a home myself I see it all around me. As you age and your life changes you have just the memories left. They are all you have. But you aren't able to experience that love and joy again. You feel lonely. Many of the old patients here that have been labeled "dementia" patients really aren't. They just don't have anyone to share memories with and to talk to. They get neglected, they are all alone and it hurts. They give up. No one seems to care as far as they are concerned. The few minutes some of them get with a friend or a family member just aren't enough. And being in a strange home - you feel caged. You lost your right to get up in the middle of the night for a cup of tea and a piece of toast. You cannot get the foods you like. This hell hole I am in does not even provide a tv for the patients in there rooms. You have no rights. If an aide is in your room it's barely for a minute or two and they have to move on to the next person. Strange surroundings - everything you worked for and cherished is gone. Yes it's lonely. And it can even change a person to where they give up and you think they have dementia - but they don't. There is a "dementia" patient here (for instance) who just roams the halls all day and all night. I started to greet him by name. Each day we say a few words to each other and to see the change on his face feels so good. And in speaking with him - he really does not belong here. Maybe more of an assisted living center in a large victorian home with just a few residents would be more "homey" for him.
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"Lonely" means I miss what was. You cannot bring back people who are gone that our parents miss, you cannot bring back the things they did when they were 30, 40, 50, 60, etc.... They can't do the same things, if they could, they'd be doing it, and that is really what is going on, they miss what their life was. As others have said, it can't be fixed. Not for them and not for us when our times come either. For caregivers as we watch the aged years, we learn a lot don't we, it gives great insight to what we ourselves will feel down the road. Appreciate what you have now, enjoy your life what you can, and cherish those memories.

I've had the same thing with my dad, I have a small dog who loves him, he spoils rotten, I have a nice TV with over 400 channels to make sure he can watch all the games which he loves, and his favorite shows. He gets his healthy food and his favorite foods, we visit all the time, he'll even run me off because he doesn't like conversation that much, a couple of friends who are left visit when they can, we have trips out depending on the weather, etc... and I still hear the "lonely or bored" thing now and then, and what comes out every time is he wants to work in the yard, because that's what he used to do, he wants to go hunting because that's what he used to do, etc.... It's really what they miss that's going on in the mind, and you can't blame them. As far as being on different levels of the home, I have the same thing, I have a three story home on a hillside, can't do a ramp to the main floor, so my parent has his own open living quarters on the garage level of my home so he can easily get to my car when we run errands, have doc appointments, etc... we're lucky in that respect, he has a large TV area, a kitchenette, a bathroom and bedroom area. There are stairs obviously and the upstairs doorway is open to the kitchen so while I work in the kitchen, etc... he can hear me anywhere I am on the main floor, he can hear me doing laundry, cooking dinner, etc... and I think that gives him comfort. I did have to move my bedroom to the top floor, my old bedroom was over his tv area and he watches his shows into 1 am, very very loudly and I couldn't sleep. Anyway, some of us have stairs, we manage, in my case my dad doesn't mind it, he likes to have privacy and quiet some times.
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What others have already said, as above.

I have nothing to add except you and your sister aren't obliged to try try try to make her 'less lonely' because it isn't YOU she's lonely for, but the past.

And I knew a social worker years ago who used to check up on her elderly clients who lived in the city. All of them lived in little rooms or motel rooms (called SROs) each one alone, without a friend or relative in the world. This social worker was literally the only human who visited them once a week, for years. So your mom is pretty well off. (and get some help, before sister dies from stress - get visitors from the church, get a paid sitter, if mom is able to go out, have the sitter take her to a senior center. Once she starts going, she will likely start loving it.)
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Zdarov! -also music from the 40's. watch the movie "Alive Inside". It is amazing what people are able to come alive to with the music of their memories!! - come out of their comotose state to an actual state of cognizance, walking, and less feeling sorry for themselves.
I am also a caregiver (retired financial analyst). I have been blessed with people that are willing to share their realizations of lack of cignizance. I appreciate anything to help with my (lack of) caregiving skills.
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Does she go to church? Would she go? Maybe some missionaries or clergy could come visit. Church groups, especially service groups, are a great source of companionship and some even come get you in the Church bus. The YMCA has great senior exercise groups, vigorous workouts in the pool, dance classes, etc. Maybe she would be interested in fostering a cat temporarily for the local animal shelter. Ask her how it is that she feels lonely, what would make it better. Maybe even a few trips to a psychologist counselor to help her with this would be really helpful.
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If your Mom likes animals, I think the suggestion to get a cat is brilliant. I have had pets all my life; recently lost my cat and I feel so LONELY now... I live alone, I never wanted "people" company, but I love having an animal in my life. This makes so much sense to me... as long as it doesn't add to your sister's stress, of course.
Helpful Answer (8)

Well I don't blame her for not wanting to go to the Senior Center. What is happening at the Senior Center? Bingo? Watching TV all day? Stuffed animals and other children's games that insult seniors? "Exercising" that consists of lifting your leg up and down? Talking to seniors as if they are kindergarten kids? I wouldn't show up if it was like that. What about real classes? She might be more interested in going if it was intellectually stimulating and didn't insult her. Many universities and colleges offer FREE classes to anyone over 50, or some senior age, or very low cost. They won't give you degree credit but you learn just as much. The junior colleges are great that way, many have special programs that are RESPECTFUL for seniors and treat them as capable human beings. Loneliness isn't imagined. Intellectual stimulation will challenge a person who might otherwise feel bored with things like TV, which does not involve real interaction, or insulted by activities traditionally considered for seniors. Since when do seniors dislike technology? Why are seniors considered tech-challenged or unable to learn? When I see what is happening at SOME senior centers, I walk away and think of my dad. He was a math genius and had two advanced engineering degrees. He would roll over in his grave laughing if anyone handed him a stuffed animal.

Try art classes, book clubs, your local library, maybe the Y, all these have excellent offerings. Maybe Meetup, too. Look in your local newspaper and maybe your mom might want to read it, too. Get her new glasses if she needs them. Some churches and synagogues offer folk dance groups. My mom loved to do that, right into her mid 80's.
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If you can afford it, hire a "companion." Someone that can offer good conversation, go to lunch and a movies...ive been a companion to the elderly, and that just might be the solution for her.
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I agree with most of the wonderful comments above after going through this with 2 elderly divorced parents You and your sister can not fix her loneliness and do not need to feel guilty. Only she can by moving into an assisted living facility or spending the day at the Senior Center giving her some activities and socialization and you a necessary break. Be pleasantly firm with her while setting some boundaries. Guilt trips between mothers and her children are common ways to control behavior so avoid allowing that to occur as much as possible.
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Second all of the advice above and send a boatload of empathy!
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If you're mother is expressing that she's lonely, I'm sure she is. This doesn't mean that you and your sister have to be the only means of companionship. I found that when my mother was living independently, she stopped socializing when her health was not the same as her peers. Since her health requires her to be in Skilled Nursing Facility, she is more engaged in everything; eating, activities, and talking with the residents. I would suggest moving her to an Assisted Living Facility so that her social needs can be met and this will be less stressful for your sister. If that's not affordable, then I would bring in (hire) a caregiver to come in an hour a day, for starters. Once the right match is made, I believe she will look forward to having her very own caregiver to talk with. They can go for walks together and maybe bake together as well. All the best.
Helpful Answer (2)

Great answers. For the passed 4 years my mom had an aid. She had outlived her friends so her aid was her source of companionship, but this wasnt enough for a woman who was always enjoyed social activities. This year, I realized that at 90, even with dementia, she needed to be with others like herself so we put her in a nearby assisted living and my mom is finally enjoying the last years of her life.
If this is not an option, contact the local senior center as suggested and enroll her in senior daycare.
While with an aid who did everything for her, she enjoys that little bit of independence of doing for herself and enjoys companionship from others who share the same interests.
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You need to get someone else in to help your Sister..and you.
Statistics show that many caregivers die before the person they are caring for does.
You do not say if your Mother is ill or what her conditions is.
If possible Adult Day Care would greatly help all of you.
If there is a Senior Service in your area or a Senior Center that has gatherings bring her there. Games, lunch, cards, outings will all help to get her a little less lonely.
Has she been seen by her doctor for possible Depression?
If she can not get out another caregiver that could come in 2 or 3 times a week would also help. The could do a bit of housework or just spend time. If all she needs is company if there are any Teens in your neighborhood that "baby sit" this might be something that they might want to do once in a while. If no direct care is necessary and it would be going for a walk, reading it might be fun for your Mom.
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Cwillie...I agree with you. I deal with this all the time with Mom. Loneliness is an interesting topic. When Mom lived with us our little dog became her dog. I had her records, my brother bought all kinds of CD's from her era. Like my mom, I believe they are lonely for their "familiar" which can't be found any longer. I recall one time my mom being lucid enough to tell me what she wanted. She wanted to sit around the kitchen table again with her dad, mom, her brothers and her sister. When she lived with us, I'd spent crazy amounts of time with her having coffee, talking, playing cards, singing, etc., but she'd still say how lonely she was. I'd make myself sick over it, losing sleep while she slept like a rock😉.
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The comment about radio stations rang a bell here. We mostly listen to Pandora stations for Big Band music or the Rat Pack. My 88 y/o dad perks up and talk about listening to the songs at points in his life with my late mom.
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I don't know if this will help to add, but it may make me feel better :) My mother moved states to be near me, in her early 70s, then proceeded to pressure me to see her all the time, came over unannounced, etc... she 'hates people,' so won't do any social stuff, just consistently says that she is lonely because I don't spend enough time with her. And when really angry, screams that I have ruined her life. I had to do a lot of work to realize I can't fix this for her, no matter how sure she is that I can, so I know you can work on this too. I understand about them saying they're lonely yet rejecting any outside activities. Just keep her realizing she's making that choice, and if she were truly lonely she'd choose differently.
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Cindy and Pam,
Have you considered an adult day care center if there is one in your area? This is a nice way for seniors to meet and engage in supervised activities with each other during the day, but they get to come home to their families and sleep in their own bed at night. There are social models or medical models, if your mom has medical issues that require treatment, such as diabetes. In the latter case, nursing oversight is available as well. She might try it a couple of days a week at first to see if she likes it.
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With these other good answers in mind, I think #1 you must fully recognize that you can't fix everything for her. Her peers are gone, she's no longer needed in the workforce or as a homemaker, etc. I'd prepare some appropriate phrases; ideas: "And what are you going to do about it? No? So, it's sort of the state of things, we can't change what you feel. But it's important you know that you needn't say anything to make sure that we keep checking on you and being with you." Maybe there's a part of her brain that thinks she has to state a plea in order to control her environment, like a child does. I second the query whether she could have a pet (cat comes to mind)! Is there odd juju to her being 'below stairs' - how often does she come up? Might she mean afraid sometimes when she says lonely? Lastly, is there *any* kind of duty she could be assigned that will make her feel useful? Redirect her words - get creative - and work on not feeling guilty or put off! She's lucky to have you girls.
Helpful Answer (4)

Hi Cindy& Pam. I know it is very tough for You and Your dear Sister but Your Mom probably is lonely. Try music from the 1940 s when Your Mom was in Her late teens and early 20 s. Music is very soothing and calming, or try leaving the radio on for those chat shows. I live alone now and I find I'm listening to the radio all of the time, and it's great company. You could also get a little house trained pet for Your Mom and after a time Your Mom will become very attached to it.
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I would make sure that she's had an evaluation for depression.
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My grandmother was fiercely independent and as social as she could be, she belonged to local seniors and women's groups, had many pen and telephone friends, was the linchpin of the family. But she was lonely. It was the kind of loneliness all the socializing in the world couldn't mend, when all was said and done in the end she ate her solitary supper and went to bed alone.
Your mom might thrive in a different environment where there were opportunities for company and activities right outside her door, or she might be like my grandmother and feel a need that can never be met again in this life. You and your sister can only do so much for her, you can't be her everything. Sis may just have to harden her heart a little bit and try not take these statements to heart, she deserves to have her own needs met as well.
Encourage your sis to take more time for herself, be there to listen, and leave the door open for a dialogue about changing mom's living arrangements.
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