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I stumbled on a page containing very helpful in dealing with narcissists

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1RareFind thank you very very much the resources link, that is super.
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I would never dream of being a leech to my grandmother or mother; it's totally inappropriate behavior and it is no way to act
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minnesota25, I'm glad I could help. Sadly my link was removed and my post edited. I've seen many other posts on this site with links and they never get it removed but mine did, why does mine get removed and others don't is a mystery to me because I've seen so many likes on this site I can't even count. If you want to know more about narcissists, you may want to try searching YouTube, they have a search box and you can even copy and paste the word from here into the search box if you're not sure how to spell it. What I found is how very similar each story seems to be, and I would highly recommend researching YouTube because different people have had their own unique experiences. I'm considering making a video of my own about my own unique experience since I knew someone who since died a narcissist, He never changed and had his own clever way of manipulating people and breaking down their boundaries. I wrote a journal to him since he died because I could never say what I had to say to his face when he was living. There's no arguing or reasoning with a narcissist from what I've even discovered for myself and I'm pretty defensive when I'm attacked in any way. That didn't stop me from defending myself against personal attacks and I would never say things his way and I think that's why he may have seen me as a threat. Anytime you don't agree with a narcissist, they tend to see you as a threat to their agenda. What I discovered is there greatest fear is being abandoned, and you may have to try that with the narcissist in your life
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1RareFind: I agree and had wondered the same thing and had posted a bit the granddaughter spending granny's $$ on drugs? Something is going on when her hand is constantly out (with no end in sight) for granny's money. Granddaughter gets car fixed, groceries-should be the end of hand out for granny's money, but it's not.
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Yes, something really needs to be done to stop the handouts from grandma to granddaughter. It's time someone tell granddaughter it's time to get a job if she has no income, someone really needs to step up to the plate and intervene. If grandma doesn't realize what's coming as a consequence of enabling this kind of behavior, someone really needs to become her guardian and take over her financial affairs. The granddaughter needs to get her own income and somehow start bringing in her own money and using it for what really counts such as important mandatory expenses. She needs to learn budgeting skills so that she doesn't need grandma's handouts because it's breaking grandma's bank account to the point she's about to be homeless. I don't think she would be homeless for long if someone were to put her into a facility, society is wonderful about keeping seniors off the street from what I've noticed (around here anyway). Our town in particular is all for the seniors from what I was told by a friend. No one messes with a senior around here without the town turning against them. The town will quickly stand up for the senior. I hope your town is also like that. If so, you really need to start spreading the word so that others can also become aware of the problem. If your town is anything like ours, but tell me will quickly jump to help the senior in some way or another, citizens in some areas are just like that
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1RareFind: Yep, granddaughter is going to have to stand on her own 2 feet. If she is using, that is going to be against her obtaining a job. Please God let her be able to obtain employment.
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