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"Mom has complained of other attacks and wasn't believed but this time it was on video so they have to believer her".
From the first lines of the post, after the title question.
Not Babalou, obviously - sorry for butting in, but I too am curious if this will ever be answered by Ginger.
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"....but this time it's on video so they have to believe her". That's from her first post.

I'm simply asking her to explain that statement. I don't think it's too much to ask since it forms the basis for her complaint about the facility.
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I'm so tired of these folks who take up our time!
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Yep, me too. And they can't write, so you have to parse and pick apart every phrase to pick up any meaning. Yet some posters are too upset to write clearly at the outset, so what to do?? Beats me.
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And Then, they take offense to your questioning them! We need the basic info to answer appropriately! That's all, just need the clarifications!
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Add my name to the complaint list about those posters as well. They expect answers to questions that are barely decipherable, ignore attempts to provide assistance by skipping over questions, then become irate when challenged.

At that point, the "ignore" button mentally flashes through my mind.

I wonder how many drive-by posters realize that the time spent on this forum is voluntary, and while I'm sure we all gain some benefit from knowing that we're providing assistance to others, it can be time consuming, especially with some of the long convoluted complex situations which require several reads to comprehend.
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Oh, and PULLEEAZE - spare all the drama and histrionics of interpersonal relationships. Just the facts, please, please!
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You know, my very first post here was one about my MiL and the family drama around her starving herself to death after heart surgery. You guys set me straight and told me to get past the family drama to the real issue, which was that MiL had dementia that was unacknowledged by all involved. I try to do the same for others...get to the real issue.
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I have only been here about 3 1/2 months so I'm no expert - however, lately there seems to be a lot of post with some sort of extraordinary claim in the initial question and post but then the author pretty much wants to bypass it to rail at great length against a brother or sister who is evil - the author is always an innocent victim. I'm not sure what they are looking for, perhaps validation. But that never really occurs as the people who comment try to stay focused on the initial claim and the elderly loved one involved. I realize their are evil siblings but I'd rather not be lured into a thread by a deceptive topic. And of course their are the posts that are fabricated either for fun or for attention. Makes me frustrated and sad because this site and its participants are so helpful and sincere - truely trying to make things better for others.
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I get annoyed with some posters who either aren't real, aren't bothered enough to read anything that doesn't validate their position or won't come back and explain issues that are needed before anyone can comment.

Woe betide anyone who should challenge them; Well I have this comment for them

Im here, I am real, I will offer to help if I can but you have to listen and hear, I am not a professional but I am compassionate, I do have other things to do and, luckily in the UK, we have gun restrictions or I think I might just shoot meself!
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OhJude - no shooting yourself! I own quite a few guns but I've decided it's way too messy - goes against my OCD tendencies regarding a spotless floor! Which in itself is a joke due to two little dogs and a hubby and son who don't share my joy in that rare 30 seconds when everything is clean! Plus - think of the poor person who'd have to clean that mess up - eww! And of course there's the
possibility of surviving the shot and becoming a vegetative smuck who'd have to depend on some poor over worked, over tired caregiver like us! Better to just keep putting one foot in front of the other, don't you think?
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Or not answer questions to people who don't listen perhaps? grins xx
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Ginger answered my questions (way up at the top of this thread) via a private message.

"Thanks for your efforts in understanding me
There is no camera in my mothers room. She was attacked by her caregiver in a common area. The common areas are being video taped.

The Director of the facility said I did [abused my mother]. The restrictions are I can see my mom with 24 hr notice, Monday, Wednesday and Friday between 12:30 pm and 2:00 pm and only in common areas.. I want my Mother moved to another place."

It is too bad the answer wasn't made directly on the forum. Maybe Ginger56 just doesn't understand forum protocol. I'll give the benefit of the doubt.

Ginger, what was Mom doing in a common area in the middle of the night? (It does happen. It is not impossible. But it is a bit unusual, so an explanation would help.)

What does the video show? What did the caregiver do? Is he/she trying to get your mom back to her room? Did she take mom's hand? Push her down? Punch her in the head? What was the nature of the abuse that the video shows?

How did you happen to see this video? I suspect there is a backstory there!

What kind of abuse does the director accuse you of? What kind of evidence is used for this accusation?

Since there is an authorized POA, and since the director of this facility is not inclined to listen sympathetically to you, I think it would take a major effort to get your mom moved to a different place. Do you have a place in mind?

For now, your best bet is to take advantage of visiting Mom during your allowed times, and have absolutely exemplary behavior during those times.

I am very, very opposed to anything remotely resembling abuse by staff in a nursing home. I would like to hear more about that tape.
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I don't know, still seems to be focusing on other things and minimizing the video tape. Personally, if there was videoed evidence of my mother being abused I would be raising a sh*t storm of epic proportions not continuing on visiting business as usual. And I would not be carrying on at great lengths here about my evil sibling and practically blowing off the attack. It is impossible for me to believe this post - at least not the attack part of it. If you are at all familar with momlovers posts you can't help but see a number of amazingly similar circumstances.
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And - participation on momlovers thread has fallen off dramatically - coincidently at about the same time this post first appeared.
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Rainmom, it makes my dignity vulnerable, but I try to give the benefit of the doubt. Maybe Ginger56 is a troll or a catfish. On the chance that she might be a befuddled caregiver, I'm willing to suspend my skepticism and try to help. I told myself I would not continue here unless Ginger56 explained about the video. Then I saw her (his?) attempt at that as a PM to me.

If Ginger56 wishes to answer my additional questions on this thread, I'll continue here. Else, I'm gone from this thread.

(It really doesn't bother me to be taken in as a fool.)
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You have a good heart, jeannegibbs.
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