The only problem would be if he insists his dreams are reality. Otherwise, let him enjoy dreams of people. places, events from his youth.
Helpful Answer (1)
Reply to Taarna

Bothmomanddad: This behavior pattern IS typical with someone suffering from dementia like your father.
Helpful Answer (1)
Reply to Llamalover47

It might be time to get your father an evaluation. My 87 year old father was diagnosed with dementia last year. He is having dreams that he thinks are actual events. He has been having delusions and hallucinations also. He no longer shows interest in things like football games that he would constantly watch on television. His behavior is volatile, and he often is obsessed by things. So, perhaps it's time fir your father to be evaluated. Good luck to both of you and all of your loved ones.
Helpful Answer (3)
Reply to Metus489

Disinhibition in sleep and acting out dreams is, yes, more common in the elderly and in those with some underlying dementia, than in the public at large. But for some people it is a fact throughout their lives.

This behavior isn't indicative of dementia in and of itself.
Nor does it have any sort of indications that there are actual visitations of family members who have died. It may indicate a mind more troubled and working things out in dream, or a mind that is more reflective on the past and is working that out.

The dream world is, to me, one of the most fascinating parts of being human.

I will tell you that this more active dream life can result in some physical lashing out and even falling out of bed. It did for my brother.
Helpful Answer (5)
Reply to AlvaDeer
Evamar Mar 26, 2024
Such an accurate observation AlvaDeer,
My husband with Parkinson’s, no dementia talks,
argues in his sleep. Sometimes very loud and in language I don’t understand.
Falling out of bed happened to him as well.
If I recall correctly all this started long before he was diagnosed with PD, perhaps 12-14 years ago.
He is extremely gentle man who does not argue IRL, rather by presenting facts he will discuss something rationally.
I suspect like Alva said it is reflection of troubled mind or unresolved issues.
He also begins to see people by bedside, which troubles me somewhat.
See 1 more reply
I guess the answer would depend on whether or not you believe this life, the mortal coil as it were is all there is.

I had lots of elderly care clients and hospice ones who would dream of their dead loved ones and even think they saw them. I was with a few of my clients in the minutes before or after their passings could feel the presence of others in the room. No, you can't see or hear anything but you can feel it. So, I'd open a window to let those spirits take the person to God and their reward.

Your father's mother and brother could be stopping by because they love him and when it's his time he will go with them.
Helpful Answer (6)
Reply to BurntCaregiver

No .
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Reply to KNance72

Are you sure he's asleep? I mean, do you go into his room and look at him? Are his eyes closed? Or are you just hearing him and assuming? I would go in and watch him, if you haven't already done this.

It's pretty common for people with dementia to have mixed up sleep times and patterns, that's why I'm asking if you are sure he's asleep.
Helpful Answer (4)
Reply to Geaton777

Does he take a sleeping aid? We took my mother off prescription sleep aid because she would swear the neighbors were having a party. Then later started the nighttime movement walking around. If so, please watch out for these signs. It took a short time after weaning her off and no more problems T night. Good luck!
Helpful Answer (3)
Reply to Tflowers

When a 90 year old suffers from dementia, oftentimes he'll see and speak to deceased loved ones prior to death. This does not mean he's dying anytime soon, necessarily, but likely preparing for end of life transition in general. My mother, for instance, who suffered from dementia, was constantly dreaming of her mother (and speaking of her in general) at least a year before she passed away at 95.
Helpful Answer (7)
Reply to lealonnie1

Tell us about other changes you are seeing during the day, if you will.
Are there any?
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Reply to AlvaDeer

I would think he is more likely to talk in his sleep if he is over tired, might just be he isn't getting enough sleep
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Reply to Anxietynacy

Do you think that he is dreaming?

My mom would have dreams and talk in her sleep. She had Parkinson’s disease and dementia.

Certain medications can trigger dreams.

My mother started trying to walk out of the front door in the middle of the night and her doctor prescribed Seroquel and Ativan and she slept peacefully.

Some people talk in their sleep on a regular basis. My father did, mom started talking in her sleep. My husband says that I have always talked in my sleep. My youngest daughter talks in her sleep.

I was a sleep walker for years. I don’t think I do it anymore or at least my husband hasn’t mentioned it lately. My parents placed extra locks on the door when I was a kid so I wouldn’t go outside at night.
Helpful Answer (4)
Reply to NeedHelpWithMom

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