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Try and look at it from your children’s point of view.
If you are overwhelmed then it’s time to place your husband in a care facility. We have had to do this recently with my elderly mother and it’s the best thing we ever did. There is so much more peace for my dad and myself now. We can visit and know she is in good hands with qualified caregivers.
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LNReason Jun 2021
If money wasn't an issue and I had income, I would definitely check it out. Some of us just don't have the financial ability. I know, we've been working with a social worker. They can help him, but then I don't have life or health insurance, I am responsible for all bills which I get so little a month I couldn't even begin to financially survive. Bless everyone who is able to have choices. Bless you and stay safe.
Sounds like my family.

It would be nice if mom informed them there is no more freeloading.
If they want money, they will get their butts down here and work for it.

Of course that will not happen.
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Maryjann Jun 2021
I don't see that she says that they are freeloading. She says that they are busy and that they probably are afraid of seeing their own future reflected in their dad. I think perhaps you may be projecting your own situation.
Imho, ideally all adult children of the ailing parent would simply step up to the plate and provide care. However, that's easier said than done- even the most stellar son or daughter oftentimes will not provide the care required - as in your case, DRoseSB to give you a respite and a hand. It could quite likely be time for facility living for your husband before you burn out, else you will be good to no one should you fall ill.
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My DH has dementia and he has 2 sons and 2 grandsons who live close by. We can't get them to help even if we offered to pay them. Darlene, I feel for you and I don't have the answers - but I'm trying not to lash out at them. Now my DH doesn't even realize he has 2 sons and 2 grandsons. Just yesterday I contacted one grandson who said years ago "If you need your grass cut, let me know. I'm starting my own business." So, I texted and said we needed the back cut and he could use Papa's tractor with mower and I could pay him $75. He texted back and asked if we had picked up all the sticks, pine cones etc. I told him we had done half. He then replied he really couldn't help us, he didn't have time, he was busy.

I don't dare tell his Papa. Life is very different. I have someone who can cut the front but not the back. I figure we live in the country and if it's not cut in the back....then we lose out on the beauty.....but it is what it is.

I don't have the heart right now to see your responses. Hopefully, you get some help.
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Send them a copy of the letter you just wrote. Send it ASAP.
Make a list of the things you really want/need each week. Be specific as possible.
Time for a family meeting!!!
Let them know that the finances do not allow a level of assisted living.
Of course they are scared. At this point your entire family is scared of the future ==you too. Time for them to deal with it, and also get a glimpse of what a medical condition AND caregiving options may be for THEM in later years.
Oh, you poor dear. You are experiencing disappointment from both your husband and your kids. You are a saint!
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You and others who do not have funds are in a tough spot - I know, been there, done that. Here is the first step in the solution. Y0U NEED TO BRAINSTORM OUT OF THE BOX. What I mean by that is this. You specifically define the problem, what it is, what is involved, how it is affecting you and your life, and what exactly are you able to handle - gather all the facts from every viewpoint. Then seek out an eldercare attorney - many will give you a free hour consultation and you can learn a lot in that time allotted without payment. Second, contact the local/county Office on Aging and speak with them. Also talk to the social workers in the hospitals who deal with this daily. Contact the Ombudsmn in the county you live in - they are there to help seniors. To get numbers, ask the help of your local library. You can also contact senators and assemblymen in your state. All of these organizations are there for the elderly and the more you search for answers, the more doors will open up (I guarantee that as I have done it many times where I needed information). You need to spend time researching and calling. I assure you there is help - you just have to find it and it does take time but it can be done. Somehow this person has to be placed - tough but it can be done. No one, no matter who or why or when has the right to destroy someone else because of their behavior, physical or mental problems. You need to get very hard and tough but it is your survival. Start now and don't back down. You will be able to solve this. I have experienced this many times in my lifetime but with dedication and perseverance, I managed to find the answers that were hidden to me until I really looked hard and did not give up. You can do it too.
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