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Since Mom won't GO to seek medical advice, bring the medical advice to her.

Have you called her Doctor?
What did they advise?
Or a helpline?
Have you tried 911?

Explained, older lady, dellusional, hallucinating, past history UTI. Suspected UTI & needs medical investigation/treatment.

For people too mentally unwell to realise they are unwell & require urgent care, Baker Act can be used.
Helpful Answer (7)
Reply to Beatty
Marlo1234 Jan 25, 2024
Thank You. I just looked up Baker Act and I didn't know about and thank so much for the info. My mother's Dr. retired, and she has an appointment with new pcp in April but refuses to go any sooner. So, looks like most likely am going to have to make a 911 call and ask them if we can use Baker Act to get her evaluated.
just read your bio. Totally agree with Igloo and JoAnn.

Video her with your phone if you can so you can show her what she was saying and doing. She will most likely call the cops again. Notice that she’s very sure of her beliefs. Don’t waste time arguing.

If she returns to a competent state you should have her sign power of attorney paperwork so you can take care of things should this recur.
Helpful Answer (4)
Reply to 97yroldmom
Marlo1234 Jan 25, 2024
Thank you so much for the reply and I'm try get some recording on my phone and I think I'm going have to muster up the courage to call 911. I just don't see any way around it. Thank You
Ok so based on what you wrote she has had a UTI and more than one. Was seen at Urgi Care twice last month, right?
So it’s probably lingering as making matters worse. But the bigger issue is that she will not allow you to take her to the hospital or see a doc or go to the ER so that she can be evaluated and get on whatever meds she needs to get her stabilized and really get that UTI cleared up. My guess is more than a UTI now, maybe C Deff. If so try to get her hospitalized for treatment as she’s not likely ever going to be compliant for care at home so all this will be rinse & repeat. Plus it will give you time to get some rest so you can think clearly as you’ll need to make some hard decisions in the near future.

JoAnn is spot on that the easiest is to get her Baker Act to get her on the hold that it provides. Use all of what you’ve posted here for the bullet points you need to described her behavior to get the Baker done, she is a danger to herself and you and kinda the neighborhood too. Right now her paranoias are all fixated on the neighborhs but if she changes it over to you it’s going to get super scary. You want to get her help before this ever happens.

Let us know how it goes. Please try to get some real sleep too.
Helpful Answer (4)
Reply to igloo572
Marlo1234 Jan 25, 2024
Thank you so much for the reply I was feeling a bit lost and not sure what to do but I've got some good info and most likely I think I'm call 911. I never thought I even be in this position. Life is beautiful and terrible and so hard. I appreciate the response. thank you
We were fortunate, when my MIL ran outside her home screaming that there were strangers inside her home who wouldn't leave, the neighbors called the police and the police took her to the ER and she was transferred to a geriatric psych unit for evaluation. The full medical and psych evaluation revealed her vascular dementia along with her schizophrenia.

Medical evaluation in hand, my husband applied for guardianship over both of his parents (father was already in a nursing home with dementia).

We had been unable to do anything to make his mother safe until we had the evaluation in hand as she refused to cooperate. Good luck
Helpful Answer (7)
Reply to OncehatedDIL
Marlo1234 Jan 25, 2024
Thank you
If this is sudden onset of delusion it could be from a UTI. Get her to the Doctor even if it means tricking her or sending her to the ER.
Helpful Answer (6)
Reply to MammaDrama
Marlo1234 Jan 25, 2024
Thank you. I was hoping for another way but there isn't one. Much thanks.
You have to find some way to get her to a doctor. Tell her to keep her Medicare they require her to see her Dr 1x a year.

The police have warned you. Next time they come because she called ask them to Baker act her. That your afraid she hurt herself or do something like burning down the house. She will be evaluated for 72 hrs. If they think she is psychotic tell them she cannot return home until she is properly medicated. You cannot care for her as long as she is like this.
Helpful Answer (8)
Reply to JoAnn29
Marlo1234 Jan 25, 2024
yep. And I've told her if she calls the police again, I'm like you know they are going make you go to the hospital she said that because they are all Woke. I have felt I'm going to have to call 911 but this make me feel better about the decision. Thank you
Is this dementia or something else? The police told they thought she was sun downing but she also sun downing all day too. She doesn't sleep much in the day or night. It's nuts.
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Reply to Marlo1234

It's actually her house I moved in with her when my dad passed away because she was a mess and didn't want to be alone. She always been stubborn, but this is whole new level. Since she owns the house, I don't think I can throw her out. It's so complicated.
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Reply to Marlo1234

Get her out of your home whatever way you can! She has psychiatric issues and could blow up or burn down your house!
Helpful Answer (6)
Reply to Fawnby

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