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My sick brother did the same thing to my folks on several occasions. It drove my poor mother crazy as she was dealing with the onset of Parkinson's in dad and he was unable to really do much.

Finally, my other 2 brothers stepped up to him, read him the riot act and since he (OB) was already in some trouble with the law, he chose to leave and shortly thereafter, mother and dad moved out.

Pretty much robbed my parents blind though--the things that can go on when you are not there can be appalling. OB had mom and dad take out a home equity loan and we didn't know until they went to sell that instead of having a comfortable $300K, they had less than $50K. That and the theft and pawning of everything of any value left them reliant on SS.

He was toxic to the max and they were scared to death of him. Help your parents out--sounds like they act like mine did--just scared and sick.
Helpful Answer (9)
NeedHelpWithMom Jan 2020

You said it, honey! My oldest brother started stealing from us at my parents home too. They have to support their drug habit somehow. Anything of value had to be placed under our pillows when we slept, otherwise it would be stolen by him. It was so confusing to me as a kid.

My brother would camp out with them from time to time after the rest of us kids moved out. Broke my heart, felt sad that my brother couldn’t beat his demons and I was always afraid for my parents.

I suppose the worst was when he committed armed robbery and he was arrested at my parents home. Was on the evening news and everything.

That broke my parents hearts. He did 7 years in jail for that crime. My parents visited him. I never did. I just couldn’t but it effected me in ways that I did not expect. Hard to explain. I struggled to eat because I knew that he would be eating slop. I have always had the problem of not being able to eat when I get terribly upset. I know some people turn to food but I have always done the opposite. I can’t eat.

When my brother got out of jail he continued his same lifestyle. Hell, he did drugs in jail. Don’t think prisoners don’t have access to drugs. They do.

Anyway, many times he tried to crash at my house. No way! I didn’t even leave a tiny crack for that to happen. I grew up with him as an addict so I knew the pain. There was absolutely no way in hell that I would expose my kids to that. Eventually, I had to completely cut him out of my life.

He’s been dead since 2013. I did made peace with him at the end of his life at the hospice facility. I was the one to make his cremation and burial arrangements.

Growing up in such dysfunction leaves scars, doesn’t it, Mid? Plus, it’s really hard to sort out our emotions as kids and I had no clue how to articulate those emotions as a kid.

God knows, throughout the years I tried to help my brother and in general was the ‘peacemaker’ in my family, desperately trying to heal the hurt.

After a bazillion attempts and feeling enormous pain, I finally surrendered and realized I did not have any super powers. So, that’s where it stands.

I guess that leaves me sort of like an orphan without the family that I grew up with, which is unfortunate but, hey I don’t miss the agony from mom or my brothers!

Thank God for this forum and a good therapist! You and I are works in progress, Mid but there is healing for us. Stay strong and I will do my best as well. Hugs!

Take care, Mid. I always feel a strong connection to anything that you post. Keep sharing your wisdom, Mid. We love you! 💗
Your parents need to evict him and get an order of protection and have him escorted off the premises.

Then they can press charges for trespassing if he comes back.
Helpful Answer (16)

How terrible! Sorry your family is going through this. Could security cameras (if it were possible to install them without brother knowing about it) help, to document the behaviors? If you know there are illegal drugs in the house with vulnerable elders there, is it possible to call the police at that moment about them?

I hope you can find some answers to, at the very least, get this destructive person out of your mom's house. I'm sorry he's mentally ill but I'm even more concerned about the vulnerable elderly people he's endangering and scaring.
Helpful Answer (7)

What a horrible situation for your parents. I am so sorry. I understand your misery. My oldest brother (now deceased) was an addict too.

This is so tough. I don’t understand why the police can’t help. What complaint did your parents make to the police concerning your brother?

It’s your parent’s home so he is trespassing unless he was invited. Can you share a bit more info please?

You may have to start an eviction process. It doesn’t sound like he is willing to leave on his own so he will have to be forced out.

Do you live in your parent’s home too? Who cares for your parents? Do you look after them?

When does your brother leave home? Buy new locks. When he leaves install the new locks and he will not be able to enter the home. If he tries to break in he is breaking the law and will be arrested.
Helpful Answer (1)
worriedinCali Jan 2020
The police can’t help because the parents have to formally evict him. Without a court order, the police can’t force him to leave.
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Your mom needs to evict him.
She will need to give him notice and follow the rules of her county. If this doesn’t work (he comes back after being removed) then try filing a peace bond. The eviction should work. I know this is very hard for your mom. Your brother needs help. This is a tough situation.
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