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Daughter of a hoarder here who's done the final clean up. Advice: the money in tissues, in books, in greeting cards, or in brand new stuff with tags and still in the bag is *not* lost now, when you are throwing it away. The loss occurred when your *loved one* hid the items. You cannot grieve the unknown amounts lost. Your time is worth more than it would take to sort every book or magazine. You do what you can to recover things of significant value. A dollar here and there do add up, but there is a limit to what *can* be recovered. The error is with the one who hid the value.

We had pickers come in who gave us a price for the contents after I'd taken what I wanted. I'm sure they found things I wish I'd found. But it's not worth my effort. Those are simply things.

Advice for the OP: throw bags and things out the windows so you don't have to go by your hoarder. Take carloads to dumpsters and don't dispose at the house. Everything will come back in if it's brought by the queen in her chair or thrown away where she will find it.
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MAYDAY Feb 2020
That sounds like me... My family tried that, and I followed the junk pile, and brought in what I think is precious or worthwhile... Needless to say, they had a fit. I am learning.. I only need a few things... I kept the good cooking things... IRON SKILLETS... NO aluminum things.. They got rid of all my good stainless.. why? They didn't know the value of it.. So, I don't cook so much. Anyone watch NHK tv station? They had a show about iron teapots from many moons ago, and still good shape... Iron is natural, and lasts a very long time...May not look so fancy, but they work great. clean it with lemons and salt, and warm water.. Make sure it dries, and cure it with some olive oil if need be..
Who needs a complete set of dishes? Need a dish? You can find a fancy one at the Goodwill or other second hand shops nearby. Things break.. My family thought I had too many dishes, etc.. Strangely, I was dropping a dish or glass or something every week... Stress? maybe.. It was weird.. I think I had too much stress.. I need to drop more dishes..
Just popping back in here. If you are clearing out a kitchen and live near a university, the students living in residence may want the pots, pans, dishes etc. I outfitted two students with kitchen supplies and utensils this past September. Most of what I used came from a house that seniors were moving out of.

So if you are looking for a place to take kitchen gear, perhaps call your local college or university.
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If is active in your area, that's another way to get rid of stuff.

I didn't use it for the childhood home, but for some strange reason ( what could that possibly be ) wanted to super downsize my things...on nextdoor I'd post a partial list of what I was putting out, leave it outside and voila! 95% gone. It's like magic! I love that people find uses for things I don't use any more also.

And no storage units, definitely!!! Do not do that to yourself!

Let us know how you progress. Hugs!
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